There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Revenge is a Great Thing (Part 1)

Sound check was... awkward to say the least. Bill would only sing Everything We Had.And he kept singing it to me. Looking straight at me. Oh, it was payback time. And I knew just how to do it. I was feeling particularly devious lately wasn't I? You bet.

You look pretty low
Very handsome awkward

"Oh, I'm pretty sure half our fans don't even know Rewind." Hayley laughed. "So, yeah, you can borrow it. I might even join you... Is this just spur of the moment adoration for our demo, or what?"

I smiled devilshly. "Actually, I'm getting my revenge for soundcheck, and for the private kickoff." I replied. "I want everyone to know that I had no hand in Bill and I breaking up. Everyone thinks he's too perfect. It's my own fault I cried myself to sleep every night for a month. No more."

"I think I might join." she said, and we laughed. "I think we might even fit in a little keytar. In fact, I'll go talk to Vicky-T about it right now." she said, and I noticed Ryan walking over.

"Hola, Ryan." I said, and he smiled at me, shaking his head. "So, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if wanted to join me in finding a Starbucks, so that maybe we could sort of have a proper introduction without Brendon nearby."

I laughed a little as I nodded. "That sounds nice. I get the impression that Brendon's a bit of the 'annoying hyper brother you tend to hate, but actually can't live without' type."

Ryan shook his head as we started walking. "I can't believe it. You've already got him figured out, and you hardly know him." I smiled at him before digging for another topic of conversation.

"Fallback conversation topic coming in. Music." I said, and he smiled at me.

"The good stuff." he overaccentuated, and I laughed. "Seriously. Don't get me started on music, unless you want to be late for the show."

"I'm a rock girl. Basically anything rock related, with sparse amounts of hip-hop, pop, and everything but country." I said. "Country's not music. It's whiny hillbillies with guitars." I said simply, and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"While I may not agree, that was a pretty nice metaphor." he said, and I gasped. He said metaphor in a normal conversation! I hugged him quickly. "Um... While not unpleasantly, I am surprised. May I question your seemingly random hug?"

"You used the word metaphor in everyday conversation. That's too amazing for me to not give you a hug. It's like the first time I met Greta from The Hush Sound, she said 'inertia' while we were talking and I spontaneously hugged her." I replied, and he looked at me in an odd sort of... Awe, maybe?

He smiled and looked down, before gazing back up at me. "You fascinate me, Bella. You really do."

"Oh, it's only because you've only known me for several hours. Once you've known me for a few weeks the novelty wears off. Just ask Gabe." I replied with a smile.

We continued to walk in peaceful silence until we stumbled upon a Starbucks. "Yay coffee!" I said, and we walked in.

"Oh. My." he said, and as I looked where he was staring, I found out why. Bill was sitting at a table. With a girl. Only they weren't just sitting, no. Let's just say that Bill had become an extreme practioner of PDA.

"Maybe we should just go." Ryan said, frowning. "I mean, you probably don't want to watch that, do you? I mean, I probably won't even-"

"It's fine if it's me you're worried about. I'll have to get used to it anyway. He'll be all over those girls left and right." I replied, trying to supress the less rational side of me, which wanted mainly to run over there and tell that slut to stay off Bill at the moment.

"Actually... That's my ex, Genivieve with him..." he said with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.

It was then that I had a magnificent idea. "Perfect. Follow me. At least, if you'd like to do what I want to, and make them jealous as heck." I said with a smirk and he took my hand, obliging.

"Oh, Ryan. You really don't have to pay. You're such a gentleman." I overexaggerated, and stood in front of him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Only for you." he replied seductively. He pulled me close by the waist, and I giggled, smacking his chest playfully. I swear, we were the best actors Hollywood will never know.
I noticed Bill and Genivieve glaring at us, and I turned it up a notch, kissing Ryan gently on the lips. He was shocked for a moment, but played along easily. You know, he was a good kisser.

Slowly, we pulled apart, and I saw our targets arguing, and then Genievieve running out. Bill got up to follow her, but not before throwing Ryan and I a good glare. As soon as he got out the door the two of us busted up laughing. "You were so amazing!" I told him.

"I was amazing? You came up with the idea! God, that may have been the most fun revenge I've ever particiapted in."

I laughed. "That was fun. In fact, I think we may have just joined the 'Exes From Hell' club."

He hadn't stopped laughing, and he gave me a pat on the back. "I think I owe you coffee for that one."

"Hey, it was my pleasure. You owe me nothing." I replied before stepping up to buy my coffee.

It took a cup of coffee
To prove that you dont love me

"That was so not a date!" I exclaimed. "We just got some coffee and made our exes jealous along the way. Which was a ton of fun." I added with a smile.

"Sounds like a date to me, chica." Gabe replied, still sitting in the chair, his legs crossed.

"You-!" I cut off, giving up and collapsing on the couch. "Who am I kidding? You're right. Totally and completely right. It was a date."

He patted me on the back with an 'I told you so.' look. "Exactly. Told you that you wouldn't be single for long, mamacita."

"Well, we're technically not going out or anything. I mean.... Okay, example time. This;" I kissed him hard on the lips, pulling away before he could respond. "Is not cheating." I said a little breathlessly. "I mean, we never said we were going out or anything, or even specified another date."

He stood there for a moment, almost speechless. But you're forgetting. He's Gabe Saporta. "Mientras yo ciertamente no me quejo, estoy no exactamente seguro que el ejemplo fue neccessary. Una explicacin habra sido adecuada."

I giggled a little as he was struck into Spanish. "Okay, so maybe the example wasn't neccessary. But I'm not going to lie and say I never wanted to do do that. I mean, when your mouth is shut, you're pretty attractive, Gabe."

"I know." he replied smugly. "Hey! Wait! Whhat do you mean when my mouth is shut?"

"Well, when you're singing, you're even more attractive, but talking? Not so much." I replied with a shrug, and he and he crossed his arms and turned away, sulky. "Fine, emo boy. I'll go get ready for the show."

"Aww. Come back, chica." he said, and I turned around laughing.

"Sorry Gabe, but I really do need to get ready. I mean, I'm not sure the fans would be feelin' the pajamas and glasses look." I joked.

"But mamacita! You're already muy caliente in your penguin pants." he said, trying to be seductive. I elbowed him in the stomach before starting to walk off.

"What was that for?"

"Being a hopeless manwhore."

I'll never give in.
Won't say that I'm falling in love
♠ ♠ ♠
Again with the highly likely bad Spanish from the online translator.