There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

The First Dance

So, time passed. About... three weeks, actually. Over these weeks, one person became pretty important to me. He was the only one I knew wouldn't tease me about it, or try to rush me into anything, or mention Bill at all for that matter. This person was Ryan Ross. I didn't know him too well, but seeing as our exes went out once upon a time, and we kind of got over that together, I felt a nice little sort of... unspoken bond with the guy. So, we chilled together during soundcheck. We played Guitar Hero together. We even spent most of our free time together. There were rumors we were dating... And I'm pretty sure Ryan liked me. But I couldn't stand to let him be another distraction.

You're the first one
When things turn out bad

You know I'll never be lonely

"You wanna come with me for a sec?" Ryan asked, and I shrugged a little.

"Sure. I'll be kidnapped momentarily." I replied, and he took my hand, pulling me behind him. I hadn't been this happysince I'd been with Bill in a while.

He pulled me gently into a big room and turned on the lights. I gasped a little at the size of the place... It was like a gym. In fact, it looked a little like the setting of one of those big, awkward middle school dances. I smiled widely as I looked at Ryan. "How did you find thuis place?"

"I'm magical." he said, causing me to simply laugh and shake my head. "Actually, I stumbled on it when Panic came to this venue once. But I thought it was the perfect place for something." he said, looking down before making eye contact with me again. "You said you'd never danced with a guy?"

I looked down now, and nodded. "I was kind of 'the weird one' at my school, and Bill-"

"Ssh. That's about to change." he said, and for the first the I noticed a small boombox in the corner. I watched him step over to it, and as he pressed a button, the room was filled with the first keystrokes of The Hush Sounds' 'You Are the Moon.' He walked back over to me and held out a hand. "Would you like to dance?"

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Ross."

He slipped his arms gently around my waist, and my arms encircled his neck. We kept eye contact, and swayed along for a while. He pulled me closer, and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Bella." his breath tickled my ear. I pulled back to make eye contact with him. I heard him take a deep breath before he spoke. "I think you know, but I like you. A lot."

I sighed heavily. "Ryan... you mean more to me than you know. But... I couldn't stand for you to be another distraction."

He looked at me for a moment. "Tell me this feels like a distraction, and I'll leave you alone."
His lips gently met mine, then. It felt... perfect. Not like a distraction at all. 'Decoy' couldn't be further from my mind. The moment was suddenly ruined, however.

"What the hell?" I pulled back suddenly, inhaling sharply. I'd know that angry voice anywhere. "Bill, leave her alone. I believe you've hurt her quite enough." Ryan said, holding me close to him. Protectively.

"Sorry." he whispered, and I shook my head. "I'll handle him." I replied, walking slowly toward Bill.

"You wanna talk about this, we're gonna do it outside." I said sharply, causing him to give a curt nod. He threw dirty glance at Ryan as we walked out the door.

"How could you kiss him?"

"How could you break up with me after a year of nothing but great. How could you could say we weren't going anywhere? I thought you said you loved me! Some sort of shitty fake you are. I was right about you from the beginning. I had every reason to hate you. And you know what? He cares. Unlike you." I choked out.

"Bells, I care too. That was a mistake."

"Don't go soft on me now, bastard. It's Arabella to you. And obviously it wasn't, or you wouldn't have been sucking face with your ex again in less than a week."

"It didn't happen like that-"

"Save it for someone who gives a damn, Beckett."

I stormed back into the gym, slowly breaking, knowing he wouldn't follow. I fell to my knees not three feet from the entrance. The music had stopped. Ryan hastened over to where I'd collapsed and sat behind me, holding me close.

"You're alright now. Calm down, I won't let him hurt you again." he whispered in my ear. I shook harder, my tears cascading down.

"I'm so sorry." I choked out, and sang to me softly, as I cried myself to sleep in his arms.

Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
♠ ♠ ♠
Urrrrghhh. Sooo angsty. It makes my brain want to explode. It probably won't be any better once I'm updating it as I write, though. xD