There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

From Date to Disaster

It was a week before Ryan and I started dating exclusively. Gabe was surprised it took that long for him to be right... But he still got to say I told you so in the end. Ryan and I had decided that we needed to stop and smell the roses. Realize the reprecusions of what we were doing, and the ultimate consequences. But it couldn't keep us from giving it a shot. It was about three weeks before we went on a date, though. But it didn't mean we didn't act like a couple. For every after show signing, we were as close to each other as possible. We held hands in public, and shared quick kisses when no one was looking. For so long it was like floating. But then we had a night off, and Ryan decided it was time for a date.

I really wish it was only me and you
I'm jealous of everybody in the room

"So, we're on a date." Ryan said as we walked down the street. I scoffed a little before taking a sip of my hot chocolate, which I held steadily with both hands.

"Really? I had no earthly idea!" I said sarcastically. So far, we'd stopped in a coffeeshop, and walked a couple blocks. It definitely wasn't the typical date. I looked over to my right to see some trees, surrounding an old wooden swingset. "Oh my gosh! Ryan! A park!" I said, juming up and down, but being careful not to spill my coffee.

He smiled. "I know. That's why I brought you here. I figured you would-"

"Last one to the swing is a rotten egg!" I yelled, dropping my cocoa in a very convenient trashcan and leaving Ryan in the dust. Once I was on the swing, he was already standing behind me, waiting to push. Only he didn't. He got on his knees behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and rocked us slowly back and forth. I leaned my head back against his shoulder, smiling. "I'm really starting to think you are magical." I sighed happily. "Between finding that huge gym or whatever, and finding this place... You really know how to charm a girl.

"Only not really." he whispered in my ear, and I laughed. "I'm a total dork."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He pulled away from behind me and slowly walked around to face me, where he got back down on his knees. "Yes, you are a total dork." I told him with a kiss. "An amazing," I kissed him. "perfect," I kissed him again "adorable dork."
Then kissed me. It was slow, and gentle, but so passionate I nearly fell off the swing. "And that's why I love you." I said breathlessly as he pulled away. It was the first time I'd said it, and I measured his reaction carefully.

"I love you." he said kissing me swiftly. "But you love him too."

My expression slowly transformed as I became more and more confused. And then I froze completely. He couldn't mean... He wouldn't... "Him who?" I asked him wide-eyed.

"Bill. You still love him." he replied, his eyes dark and seemingly void of emotion.

"I-I can't lie to you Ryan. I do." I said. I watched him turn away, but quickly placed a hand on his cheek and turned him back to face me. "But I can also genuinely tell you that I would never cheat on you with him, or break up you to be with him."

He pulled away and stood quickly, running a hand through his hair. "But you would think about him constantly. What would happen if the two of you could be together." he said.

"Ryan, don't be like this." I said gently, sanding to face him and placing my hands lightly on his shoulders. "There's no need to be jealous."

He grunted and pushed me away. Off balance as usual, I toppled to the ground, hitting my head on the swingset, and for the first time, he didn't help me up. He just glared down at me, face almost darker than the cloudy sky above us. "I think I have a right to be jealous when I know I'll always be second best to Bilvy." he said, walking off.

"Ryan- Ryan! Please! Don't! Wait!" I called after him, unable to pick myself up off the ground. I began to feel dizzy, and my head ached unbearably. He wouldn't come back for me. I knew he wouldn't. So I laid there, on the damp mulch. Soon, the sky's freezing cold tears started to fall, joining me in my misery. What reason was there to get up? Sure, someone might miss me... But they'd get over it. Life would go on without me. The world would continue to turn. The two people I wanted to care... Well, I knew they wouldn't.

So I laid there, crying, slowly slipping into unconsciouness. Why care about life when it hates you so? I felt darkness tugging at my eyelids, and slowly slipped away, dreaming of a day long before I met Ryan Ross.

You're at the wrong place,
You're on the back page,You're in the getaway car.