Push and Pull

Chapter two: Always and Forever

Bella’s P.O.V

Its been exactly one week since I left the Cullen’s house. I haven’t seen any of them since that day. Not even Edward. None of them have been at school. Was I wrong? It wasn’t fair for Jasper to leave because of me. I don’t know what will happen, but if we don’t solve this I have to think of a future without Edward.
This is totally different than the last time we parted. He thought he was leaving for the right thing. I know this is the right thing. I mean who am I kidding? Me and a gorgeous God like vampire? Too good to be true if you ask me.
It will hurt, leaving him but it’s the right thing to do. But Damn it! This is so hard. I turned off the T.V. and got up from the couch. I walked up the stairs into my room and plopped on my bed. I grabbed my ipod and blasted the music in my ears. It didn’t work. “Crap” I shouted.
“Bella?” My dad called from downstairs. Oops. I didn’t make dinner. “Yeah dad I’m here.”
I ran downstairs to see him sitting on the couch. “Where’s Edward?” He questioned.
Ugh oh…… Quick Bella lie! “He has a cold dad. Really sick, won’t let me come over because he’s afraid I’ll catch it.” That was good enough for a lie.
“Oh. Okay then. I was going to go out tonight with Billy. Do you want me to cancel and stay home?” He offered kindly.
“No dad I’m fine. You go have fun” I’d rather be alone anyways.
“Okay Bells I’ll see you later then.” He replied then walked out the door. I waited to hear his car drive away before I ran back upstairs.
I looked at the clock. 8:30. I guess I can try to sleep.
I closed the lights and pulled the covers back on my bed. I didn’t even bother changing into my pajamas.
I laid down and covered myself, and closed my eyes.

The next thing I remember was feeling a cold arm wrapped around me. It felt too real to be a dream. Is he trying to make this harder?
He knew I was awake so he spoke first. “Bella, I can’t stay away from you. Jasper feels terrible, please let us back into your life.”
“Edward” I breathed out. “Is he still planning on leaving?” I asked, but received no answer. Bingo. Jasper’s still going.
“Edward, I love you. All of you but, Jasper doesn’t deserve to leave because of me. I don’t mind staying with you all and I know I can be in danger in an instant, but its different for Jasper. He stays away from me and whenever I’m with you guys, he’s always alone. Its not fair to him. If I’m out of your life, his life, then it will all be back to normal for you guys. Just think about it, you wont have to save my life everyday anymore. I’m a burden” I explain but he was still silent. “I’’m not going to lie and say I don’t want you anymore like you did, because I will always want you, forever, but Jasper is more important than me.” I added. I’m not closing him out of my life am I? At least, I think I’m not.
Edward had heard enough. “Your really serious.” He leaned closer to me and pressed his lips gently on my hair. “I love you Bella. Always and forever.” and with that he left.
I could feel the tears running down my cheek. I’m doing the right thing right?