The Father You Should Be

Chapter 1

“Seb stop it,” Holly Knight told the wriggling fifteen-month-old baby in her hold. “You’ll see Gaga in a minute just have patience.” She sighed as her son just kept trying to escape from his mother’s hold. “Alright have it your way buster.” She put the child down on the carpet. The little child crawled down the corridor as his mother trailed behind him.

“Well hello kiddo,” Brian grinned and picked up the now squealing baby. “My god, you are getting big. Too big for my liking young man.”

“Mama,” Sebastian shouted in delight. “Gaga.” He told her, pointing at his grandfather. “Gaga, mama!”

“I know sweetie,” she smiled and gave Brian Sr. a quick hug accompanied by a kiss on the cheek. “You would think he never saw you.” She sighed, looking at her son who was pulling his grandfathers face out of shape.

“He knows that he has one of the coolest Grandpa’s ever.” Sr. told Holly as she laughed at the older man pulling faces. “He still hasn’t said anything to you yet?” Holly shook her head, knowing that he was taking about Brian Jr. “He needs a right kick up the back side.”

“I know.” She gave him a sad smile, seeing Sebastian playing peak-a-boo. “Michelle told me that he doesn’t want her seeing Seb anymore. She told him where to shove it, that was after she told me that he looks more and more like him.”

“I would love to keep telling you that he’ll get over it. But I think it’s gone by that stage now, I’m sorry to say.” Sr. sighed and led her into his office. “I remember one night I was showing my parents a picture of Sebastian and Brian just flipped. Then when we tried to show him the picture he just left the house, saying he didn’t need to deal with shit.”

“Like I’ve said I’m not going to force him to have Seb in his life.” She placed the changing bag on the ground. “Anyway, how are Kay and Suzy?” she asked trying to change the subject. She sat in the office for quite some time filling Brian Sr. in with all their news over the past week.

She was about to leave his offices when none other than the father of her little baby boy walked in. “Hi,” he muttered, as his father glared at him. “Dad, I need to talk to you.” He told Sr., trying to avoid looking at his son on the ground.

“When I’m finished with your son.” Brian Sr. told him

Sebastian crawled around the floor as the adults had an awkward moment. The young baby looked to Brian Jr. wanting attention. His father had his eyes closed; he didn’t notice his son until he felt a tugging on the end of his trousers. Brian moved away, causing Sebastian to fall over, hitting his head off the door in the process.

“You moron.” Holly hissed, rushing to her child’s side as he cried his little eyes out. “Sh, it’s okay Seb.” Her tone had now become calm and soft. “Do you want a hug from Gaga before we go?” she asked, nodding his little head she smiled and passed the child over.

She stood glaring at Brian for hurting her little baby. But as she opened her mouth Michelle came in behind him with a grin on her face. “Oh my little man is here!” she cooed in a baby voice, seeing her husband’s son. “Hand over papa.” She told Sr. with her arms outstretched waiting for the child to be placed in her arms.

“Fucks sake,” Brian growled, he left the office, slamming the door. He ran his hands threw his hair, he had a mere glance of his son and it broke his heart. He hated the fact that he had a son but not with Michelle. Sebastian Ryan Knight was nothing but a mistake to his father.

And in Brian’s mind that would be his thoughts on his first child forever.