The Father You Should Be

Chapter 10

“How about you go to sleep for lets say two hours? And I promise you I will wake you if I get a phone call of any kind.” Jacoby offered, Holly was sleep deprived and pale. He knew in his heart and soul that Holly wouldn’t be getting off anti-depressants any time soon. “Please don’t argue, you aren’t doing yourself any good. What if Seb turned up tomorrow and you looked like that.”

“He’s been gone for four months, I don’t care how I look when I see him. Just as long as I see him.” She muttered, as he led her into their bedroom. “What did I ever do to have him taken from me?” she whispered, as they lay down.

“Nothing, this isn’t your fault. It’s some sick bastard who finds pain fun.” He told her carefully, even with the anti-depressants he had to be careful about his wording. “Now please, just sleep for a little bit.” He kissed her forehead gently. Jacoby watched her fall into a deep sleep before moving from the bed.

Jacoby walked into Sebastian’s room and sat on the floor. He was pissed off, he thought if he hadn’t have been there that night her girlfriend’s child wouldn’t be gone. Neither of them had awoken for their sleep, even though a door opening would quickly awaken either of them.

He picked up the picture off the nightstand. It was taken two weeks before the young boy went missing. It was a picture of Sebastian and himself in the park, fooling around. Holly had taken it when they weren’t looking. He looked up to the ceiling and began muttering under his breath about the person taking Sebastian.

Michelle walked into the room and looked at Jacoby, who hadn’t noticed her. She couldn’t understand how a man who knew Sebastian for less than eleven months cared more than his real father ever did.

It hurt her to think Brian didn’t care about his flesh and blood. It scared her to think that Brian might not care for their future children. And it terrified her to know that an innocent child would be taken for a sick mind game.

“She’s sleeping,” Jacoby told her softly, opening his eyes. For the first time ever e saw how scared and vulnerable Michelle looked. She had been his and Holly’s rock when neither of them could cry to each other. He never stopped to think how she felt. “Come here.” He gestured to the floor. She did so, immediately crying into his shoulder.

“I wish he would care,” She whimpered into the older man’s arms. “I mean you’re a dad what makes you love and not love your kids?” Jacoby shrugged, he didn’t really feel like a dad when his first son was born, in fact he had been an alcoholic for the most part. But he always had a strong bond with his first-born. And his youngest. “But he made a little step by helping find him yesterday.”

“Yeah, he did.” He reassured her with a weak smile. His cell went off and he answered the private ID quickly. “Hello?” he asked a couple of times. But there was nothing to be heard from the other line. The person then hung up. “Probably one of the guys sat on their phone.” He shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it.

Michelle’s cell started ringing and the same thing happened. “That was weird, do you think that might a coincidence?” she asked, whipping away her tears. Next the two heard was Holly’s phone going off, the pair rushed to answer it.

“N-no one spoke, is everything okay? Have they found him yet?” Holly asked hopefully, the other two shook their heads. “Oh,” she said, letting that little light of happiness darken once more.

“Just go back to sleep, honey, I’ll wake you in a couple of h-” Jacoby was cut off by the house phone ringing. Holly jumped up from the bed to get the phone, followed by the other two. Holly pressed the loudspeaker button, saying hello.

There was a small sly chuckle before the person spoke. “Boom! I got your baby! I got yo man! And they are so sad and I laugh so hard!” the female voice laughed.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Holly screeched at the phone.

“I got yo man!” was all that the woman said before the end of the line went dead. Holly ran at the phone and threw it across the room. Jacoby and Holly looked at each still taking in what they had just heard.

“Fucking tramp! Give me back my baby!” she screamed to the broken phone, before falling to her knees. The pair rushed to her side, slowly helping the delicate women up. “Why? Why?” she asked, falling into Jacoby’s arms. “He’s just a baby…my baby.” She whispered.

Michelle kept replaying those words in her head. She heard them before, but from where she couldn’t tell. When the doorbell rang, a little over an hour later, she went to open it. Before her stood two cops, she knew that all their phone calls had been recorded since media where involved.

“Ms Knight?” The cop asked, looking at Holly. “We have traced the number and the house is being raided now. If your son is there I am instructed to bring you to him, okay?” Jacoby nodded for her.

Michelle’s cell phone went off again, this time it was Brian that was calling her. “I need to ask you something,” she said, hoping he would be a little happy. “Someone rang less than an hour ago, they think they might have found Seb. Could you come over here? Please, just in case they do find him?” He agreed, telling her he would call his parents and let them know.

Brian arrived within half an hour and still there was no word about the house being raided. He shot Holly a quick glance, in the over the past two and a half years he had know her this was the one and only time he saw her look like shit. Even when she was pregnant, he though she looked good.

“Though you said the cops where raiding the house?” he whispered to Michelle, who seemed to be in a trance. “Shell, are you okay?” he squeezed her knee slightly. She shook her head, then laying it on her shoulder. “He’ll be okay, they probably only want to do it right.”

“Blue 63 are you there?” a voice was heard on the cop’s radio.

“Yeah, can you code please?” he asked, noting the mental state Holly was in.

“We have a 10-15, we have the 10-65 and is in 10-45C. Go to HBH ASAP.” The officer responded quickly, the two cops looked at each other and then to Holly. Neither knew how to say in the distraught woman what they had just been told.

“Erm, Ms. Knight, we-”

“What happened? Is he okay? Please tell me you found him? Please? What did all them codes mean? Is he dead? Is he alive? What happened?” the cop opened his mouth to speak but was once again cut off. “What did them numbers mean?”

“They meant they have your son.”