The Father You Should Be

Chapter 11

“Y-you have him?” Holly asked, sitting up allot straighter.

“Yes, ma’am. Now please we have to got to Huntington Beach Hospital, to see him.” The officer said as calmly as he could to her. Holly stood up quickly, a little too quickly and fell over. “Ma’am, are you alright?” the officer asked, seeing a small cut above her eye, courtesy of the table.

“I j-jus…Seb… I’m o-kay.” She said slowly, standing up. Jacoby threw his arm around her waist, knowing she hadn’t eaten in the past few days and knew she was quite weak. “I have to see Seb,” she slurred, taking a step foreword but only ending falling again.

“Ma’am, we’re going to have to get you checked out first then you can see your son.” The other officer said, getting the on the other side of her so they could bring her down to the car. “Charlie Check, this is Blue 68 we leaving for HBH now. We have a person with a concussion, we just want her to get checked out.”

“I’m afraid we don’t have room in the patrol car for you two, but if you follow us to Huntington Beach Hospital. I’ll let the guys know that you’re on your way as well.” The other cop spoke as a radio transition was coming in.

Within seconds Brian and Michelle had left, following the patrol car at top speed to the hospital. Michelle was silently crying to herself, she didn’t like the way the two officers looked when the first radio had come in. But she was trying her hardest not think anything bad happened.

Holly was brought straight over to a doctor to be checked out, she was crying hysterically and was having a hard time waiting to see her son. Jacoby had somewhat relaxed her as they had to give her a sedative, leaving her boyfriend to say with her.

Michelle and Brian where being led to see Sebastian in emergency, Michelle couldn’t do it, so she held back and let Brian walk on without her. He didn’t even notice that she was gone. A door was opened and a cop led him into it, as a nurse was sitting in the corner.

For a second Brian was confused, he didn’t understand why he was being led into a room full of machines. That’s when he noticed his son, hooked up to over twenty machines. “Fuck,” Brian’s heart broke, seeing bruises, casts and bandages covering the tiny boys body. “Oh Jesus,” in all his life he never saw anything as horrific as Sebastian lying there so lifeless and broken.

Tears sprung to his eyes, feeling a sudden overwhelming of sadness and heartbreak. He couldn’t understand how another human being could do such a thing to a child. A helpless little child, who couldn’t defend himself. His child. He couldn’t move closer to the bed, he was terrified of what he was looking at. “Michelle?” he called, removing his eyes from Sebastian to search for his wife.

His eyes where yet again drawn back to Sebastian. He hadn’t seen the child in four months. To say he looked skinny was an understatement. The blue casts on his arm and foot nearly matched the colour of the bruises on his chest, arms and head. There where several cuts to the upper arms and chest. Brian had never seen anything like this before. Sebastian was as pale as the sheets he lay on. His father had always remembered that his son had inherited that golden tan, but that was no longer there.

“Mr. Haner, your wife is waiting outside the room for you.” The nurse said softly, seeing the look of shock and disgust on his face. “She says she won’t come in here, she rang your parents. But she needs you outside.” Brian just nodded, leaving the room but keeping his eye on the child that lay in the bed.

“Bri, I-I can’t go in there yet. Is he okay?” Michelle sniffled. All he could do was shake his head and hold her close. “But he’s still alive, right?” he nodded against her. He was in complete shock; it disgusted him to see someone do that to a child. “Will you come and see him with me?” She asked after a good ten minutes.

“Yeah,” he voice sounding a lot weaker than he had hoped. He walked in with Michelle leading; he knew she wouldn’t be able to cope with seeing her stepson looking so bad. He was there to catch her when she fell. And he did catch her, as she began frantically crying. “Sh, it’s okay. I’m here, it’s gonna be okay Shell.” He tried to tell her, but he started crying himself.

Half an hour later Brian’s father and stepmother arrived; Brian had to leave the room. He couldn’t stand to see his son looking as bad as he did. He sat down the end of the hallway, trying to get his emotions together. He walked over to a phone on the wall and rang Val. She answered with a giggling hello. “They found Seb, we’re at Huntington Beach Hospital.” Was all he said before hanging up, he didn’t want sympathy or an argument.

Jacoby walked by him some time later, heading for the young child’s room or to get Michelle, who was still in the room. “Dude,” Brian caught a fist full of his sleeve. Jacoby was about to hit him, but then saw the look on his face. “You’re gonna wanna prepare yourself for heartache.” Was all he said.