The Father You Should Be

Chapter 12

“Do you recognize either of these people?” Brian and Michelle where asked by a detective. They had come around within a couple of hours of arriving at the hospital, first asking Holly did she know either of people in the photo. “Do you know this man?” Both shook their heads. “Do you know this woman?”

“I… I know her from somewhere…” Brian told them, studying the woman’s face more. “I could be wrong but I could swear that I know her from somewhere… like school or something…” he trailed off looking to Michelle who merely shrugged. “Why? Are these the people that took Seb?”

“I’m afraid so.” The other detective spoke. “We believe that the motive for this kidnapping was for money and to cause you and Ms. Knight pain.” Brian scrunched up his face in confusion. “You graduated with this woman, her name is Hillary Hawkins, and she said taking your son was her gift for you on Valentine’s Day… Does that mean anything to you?”

Boom! I got your boyfriend! I got yo man. And she was so sad, and I laughed so hard.

“That fucking bitch. I dated her when I was like sixteen and hooked up with her friend.” Brian cursed, suddenly realizing why that girl was so familiar. “You mean she basically tortured my son because I embarrassed her in front of all her back then supposedly best friends?”

“That would seem to be the case, Mr. Haner.” The detective took both pictures that where being handed back to him. “The man in this picture was Ms. Knight’s boyfriend before ten months before your son was born. At the moment we can’t find his where a bouts, but we do have both yours and Ms. Knight’s family heavily protected.”

Brian closed his eyes shut and leaned back, thinking of how much an idiot he had been as a teenager. “Erm, detective, off the record…” Michelle began. “How can we get back at them?”

“Well… off the record,” the first one said, as the other one walked away. “If you where to beat the living crap out of them in an alley and no one saw you, I would do it. But I’m going to do my best to see that these to never see sun light again.” He reassured her.

~ ~ ~

“Ms. Knight and Mr. Haner?” The doctor asked, reading the sheet of paper in front of him. “May I speak to you both in my office.” He looked at the group of people trying to figure out whom he was asking for. Brian, Holly, Michelle and Jacoby all stood up, confusing the doctor. “I’m sorry but this matter can only be discussed with the biological parents.”

Both Michelle and Jacoby gave Brian a threatening look as they sat back down. Holly looked uneasy as she followed the two men down the hallway and into the little office. Holly stole a quick glance to the room that held Sebastian in side of it. The cop standing outside the room gave her an uncomfortable smile. Sebastian was being guarded while the other criminal was being caught.

All three took a seat in the office; the doctor glanced at the file before looking up to the parents. “We have already informed the police of the extent of the injuries on your child’s body. I now have to tell you the extent of his injuries because of a policy.” This was one of them moments where the doctor hated his career, but he knew this was for the best.

“Your son has over fifteen bruises to his chest, back and arms, this is thought to have come from someone hitting him.” Holly’s hand flew to her mouth, tears already flowing from her eyes. “A fracture to his right arm and left leg, caused by a heavy object. There are small second-degree burns to his backside, which will heal fine. There are several small lacerations on his chest and three main lacerations to arms caused by a sharp object.” Holly gasped loudly; Brian looked at her somewhat feeling her pain. He grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze to let her know he was there.

“Is that all?” Brian questioned, hoping that it was. The doctor shook his head. “Do you wanna wait a couple of minutes?” he leaned to Holly, talking to her in an almost silent voice. She nodded no, wanting to get the entire thing over and done with. “You can go on,” he said, turning back in his seat.

“Sebastian seems to have three chipped ribs on his right hand side, these seem to be a couple of months old, but they are healing just fine and should be causing him little or no pain. He also has a mild concussion from blunt force trauma to the back of his head.” the doctor stopped as he tried to phrase the next major injury to the parents. He rubbed his head, feeling sick at what he had to tell them. “Your son has been… he has been sexual abused which has cause some internal lacerations and a small amount bleeding. I-I’m terribly sorry.”

Holly let out a loud shrill, all that pain her baby had face because of money. Brian jumped up from his seat and tried his best to comfort her without crying himself. Brian was utterly disgusted; he wanted to kill the bastard that hurt his child. “Could you please get her boyfriend?” he begged the doctor as he tried to hug Holly.

“This is your fault!” she screamed, trying to swot him away. “If you fucking cared this would never have happened. This is all your fault!” she repeatedly hit his chest, “Your fault… all your fault.” She cried.

“I know, I know,” he told her, finally getting her into a hug. “It’s all my fault… I know…” he whispered. He began stroking her hair lightly, tears slipping from his own eyes. “If he’s anything like you he will be just fine.” He closed his eyes and tried to block out every injury he was told his son had.

Jacoby walked in and was amazed for a second to see the two parents hugging each other. But then he got really worried as he spotted Brian’s tears and heard Holly’s deep sniffling. Brian let go of Holly and let Jacoby comfort her. Before leaving the room Jacoby gave him a thank you look, which Brian hadn’t taken the slightest notice to.

He then proceeded into Sebastian’s room. He bent down over the child’s cot, and rubbed the pale cheek, carefully, with his finger. He flicked Sebastian’s brown hair out of his closed, and the child smiled weakly in his sleep. Brian suddenly felt a warm sensation in his heart, he smiled, a tear slipped from his eye as he spoke to his sleeping son.

“I love you, kiddo.”