The Father You Should Be

Chapter 3

“Sorry, I can’t help showing him off, he’s just so damn cute.” Michelle tried to explain, as she ate her lunch. “So, when are going on this date with Jacoby?” Holly rolled her eyes, knowing Michelle would want to know every hairy detail.

“For the last time it’s not a date.” She said, giving Sebastian his bottle. “It’s a lunch thing for saving my damn kid from ending up hospital.” Holly threw Michelle an evil glare for her keep calling the lunch a date. “It’s a lunch like this, and if you continue to say it’s a date. I’m going to tell people you have a lesbian crush on me.”

“Hey now,” she pointed her fork at the mother of her husband’s child. “I am the married one here. I may be married to a complete idiot but still with a M-A-N.” Holly threw her napkin at Michelle. “Fine, I’m not going to your wedding now.”

“Jeze, will you ever stop?” Holly groaned. Her cell rang; Michelle grabbed it before she did. “Michelle Haner, give me back my phone!” she demanded.

“Oh it’s Jacoby,” she grinned and answered. “Hello Holly Knight’s assistant, how may I help you?” she answered, as Holly tried to grab her cell back. “Oh no, well then how about next Tuesday night? Let’s say half eight at The Hobbit?” Michelle nodded, slapping Holly’s hand away from her. “No, he won’t be there. Yes. Alright see you then hot shot.” She hung up and handed the phone over. “You have a date next Tuesday!”

“Michelle!” Holly hissed, typing a message to apologize for her friend’s behaviour. “Even if I wanted to go out with him I don’t have the money for The Hobbit and I know for a fact they don’t let kids in there. I’m going to have to cancel.”

“No your not,” She scoffed. “I’ll mind Seb for the night- and before you even ask, yes Brian is on tour and should be home until Friday evening. So that’s sorted. Have anything nice in your wardrobe?” Holly didn’t even look up from her cell. “Right c’mon we’re going shopping.”

“I have no freaking money! And I’m not letting you buy me anything!”

“Honey, who said I was going to buy you anything?” Michelle questioned, pushing Sebastian in his buggy, over to the till. “Brian will be buying you it. It’s the least he could do.” She grinned.

~ ~ ~

“Okay, so Seb should be fine in his little vest, but if he does get cold, put that on him,” Holly told Michelle for the fifth time that night, as she dress her son in a light blue vest. “He should be fine until about eleven but I should be home by ten-”

“Nope, I told Jacoby to bring you out all night. You’re going to be back here around twelve- and no earlier. You have the key, right?” Holly nodded and kissed her son’s head. “God, he’ll jump on you!” she gasped, seeing her fully dress.

“Erm, no thanks.” Holly frowned, smoothing out her dress. She nearly died when Michelle told her the price, she had told Holly she deserved it after caring for Brian’s child without any handouts. “I can’t be having anymore one night stands because we all know what happens after them.”

“Oh please, Jacoby doesn’t drink and the guy isn’t Brian, so I don’t think you have to worry about anything.” Michelle smiled; Holly still couldn’t get over the fact that Michelle accepted her so easily after she slept with Brian and had his first child. “Now is it about eleven he wakes for a drink?”

“Yes, he might want his nappy changed as well.” She let Sebastian down on the shaggy rug, to crawl around. “God I am going to dread when he’s able to walk. It’ll be a nightmare.” The doorbell rang and Michelle grinned from ear to ear. “Don’t you dare say anything to him.”

Jacoby walked into see Holly holding her son. “Wow, you look great.” He said, “You look good to Holly.” He grinned, causing Holly to stick her tongue out at him. “You are a mother not a child, remember?” he took a step forward to them.

Holly hit him lightly on the chest. “Don’t test a woman’s patience.” She told him off. “Mama has to go but will you be good for Elle?” Holly asked her son who nodded. “Okay, I love you baby. I’ll be back really soon. Do you love mama?” she asked.

“Ou mama.” Sebastian told her before he was kissed another dozen times. “Bu-bye mama.” He waved the second he was placed in Michelle’s arms.