The Father You Should Be

Chapter 5

“Where are you going?” Brian asked leaning against the door. His wife had taken on the silent treatment since he came home and found his son in his house. “Michelle your gonna have to talk to me some time or another.” She continued ignoring him as she looked for jeans and a hoody. “We’re going out tonight.”

“I have plans.” She told him bluntly.

“Yeah I know, you’re going out to dinner with me.” He nodded his head, moving towards his side of the wardrobe. “So maybe we could go to Johnny’s afterwords and have a few drinks.”

“Brian, I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m going to a Lakers game in a couple of minutes. So if you don’t mind…” Her hand suggested that he move out of her way. “Thank you,” she muttered, sitting on the bed to zip up her heals. Brian just looked at her, dumbfounded. “Don’t do that, it makes you look constipated. ”

“Since when do you like basketball?” He knew that she couldn’t stand a simple conversation over baseball, let alone go to a match up in LA.

“I’m going with Holly and Jacoby -”

He scoffed, looking at her with a smirk. “What are you gonna do, be the third wheel?” he laughed.

“No,” she glared, getting up to go to the bathroom. “I was asked to go so they could handle the kids. Your kid and Jacoby’s two kids will be there, alright?” Brian’s expression soon turned to a pout. “You know, Holly is right you really do need to grow up. But, hey, at least Jacoby will be some sort of father to the kid.”

“That was fucking low, Michelle.” he spat, stomping down the stairs. He went to the kitchen and picked up a beer, thinking how it was possible that his own wife was turning on him.

“Here, Elle you take Seb.” Holly handed her half asleep son to Michelle. “That game wore them out big time.” She giggled lightly seeing both her boyfriend’s son’s forcing their eyes to stay open.

“It did, may get these two home before I get killed.” Jacoby smiled, placing his hand on Holly’s inner thigh. “I’m glad we did this tonight, even though Michelle was our third wheel.”

“I heard that Shaddix,” she smiled, walking out of the place with Holly’s keys.

“And what a lovely third wheel you are.” He got up and tried to get Makaile to walk, but he whined refusing to get out of the restaurant unless he was being carried. “Could you get Jag for me, babe?” he asked lifting his oldest up, as she lifted up his youngest. “Thanks. I think the kids had more fun then we did.”

“Yeah, they seemed to be having the time of their lives. But c’mon now Jay, letting you son disrupt a game by throwing food at the opposite team. What a terrible parent you are.” The couple laughed as they strapped the two children into their seats. Jacoby leaned against his car as Holly leaned on his chest. “I’m sorry about Seb, I don’t think he fully understands that you’re not his dad.”

“It’s fine, but I gotta admit Haner is some piece of work.” Jacoby wrapped his heavily tattooed arms around her frame. “But he has to care for Seb in some way-” Holly scoffed loudly. “I’m serious Hols, did you not see his face when Seb said ‘dada’. His face lit the entire room up.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

“Afraid not, then when you handed Seb to me, he looked hurt. Like big time hurt. He will come around eventually; you just gotta give him some time. It’s hard for us big bad rock stars to become dad’s.” he told her, sticking out his bottom lip. Holly instantly bit it.

“If I wanted to see a friend fucking someone, I’d look up Leana online!” Michelle whooped from the car. The couple broke away, saying their goodbyes. “Jesus it’s about time.” Holly barely suppressed a smile. “You love him!” Michelle exclaimed noticing the look on her face.

“No I don’t.” Holly tried to her and herself. Michelle made cooing noises to Holly, who hit her in the shoulder. “Now shut up and drive.”