The Father You Should Be

Chapter 6

Michelle and Holly bid their good-byes to each as Michelle got into her car. Holly smiled and went to the trunk to grab the changing bag. She then carefully lifted her son out of his seat and made her way up to the apartment. The minute she set foot into her home Sebastian woke up. “Hello sleeping beauty,” she cooed softly.

“Hi mama,” he mumbled quietly, rubbing his eyes. Lazily he pointed to the bottle sticking out of the changing bag. “Mama,” he tapped her shoulder, she followed his eye line.

“Here ya go,” she handed him the bottle. “We’ll get you changed for bed now, baby.” She walked into her son’s room and began changing him. “Did you have a nice day today, baby?” she asked, laying him in his ‘big boy’ bed.

Sebastian nodded whilst yawning, Holly smiled as he handed her his empty bottle. “Dada,” he began, Holly frowned. As much as she loved her boyfriend she didn’t want Sebastian growing up thinking Jacoby was his father. “Mama booies.” He smiled lazily.

“What?” she asked, Sebastian repeated his sentence, and this time he hit his mother’s breast. “Boobies?” she questioned, amused at her son’s new word. Sebastian let out a small, soft giggle and said ‘booies’ again. “And who though you that word young man?” she began tickling his sides.

“Dada booies!” he laughed.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but Jacoby doesn’t have any boobies. Only women or very fat men have them.” She told her young child, kissing his head gently. “I love you, Sebastian. Nighty night baby.” She pulled the blanket up to his chest.

“Lou mama, lou dad.” He yawned; Holly smiled, turning on the baby monitor before making her way to the door. Just as she way about to close the door she heard her son speak once more. “Lou booies.”

Holly locked up the house before going into the bathroom, accompanied with the house phone and the receiving end of the baby monitor. She turned the hot water on for the bath and stripped down to her skin.

Seeping in the bath, she could help but to replay Jacoby’s words in her head. She never noticed the look on Brian’s face when their son said ‘dada’ for the first time. She was too upset at the fact that Brian wasn’t accepting that he was a father to her child. But she had noticed the hurt expression on his face when Jacoby began to calm Sebastian.

Holly wanted Sebastian to know Brian. She wanted them to bond, to be close. She didn’t want her child to grow up thinking that his father hated him. She wanted Brian to have some positive feelings towards Sebastian, and by the way Jacoby was talking Brian might being to feel something.

She soon got out of the tub, answering the house phone as she wrapped the towel around her. “Hello?” she answered the phone

“Hey, you gonna let a brother in or does he have to freeze his nuts off?” she smiled, recognising Jacoby’s voice. “Please Hols? I brought chocolate and a dvd?” he teased, a second later the door was opened. “See I all ready know the way to your heart!”

“Keep telling yourself that sweetheart,” she grinned taking the Galaxy bar off him. “By the way you are not getting any of this! You teach my son any other words like boobies again and you will no longer be able to produce children.” She told him sternly, he grinned and shrugged. “Aw you brought Titanic!”

Holly got changed before the film was turned on. The couple watched it until they fell asleep, leaning against each other. Jacoby awoke needing to use the toilet; he carefully slid out from his girlfriends grasp. After using the facilities, he decided to check on Sebastian and found a nasty surprise.

Brian rolled over hearing the house phone go off, he grumbled at the person calling at four am. He picked up the phone but didn’t get to say hello, as the voice on the other line beat him to it.

“Michelle,” he heard Holly’s voice, shaking and scared. “Someone has Seb. Someone has him, can you please come over? Please, I’m scared. The cops are here. But someone has him. I don’t know what to do -”

“I’ll be right there, hang on.” Before Brain realised what he was doing he was waking up Michelle and driving them both to Holly’s home, at top speed.