The Father You Should Be

Chapter 7

“Holly?” Michelle called out, pushing past the cop in her way. “Holz, where are you?” She went to yank Brian’s hand to bring him with her but he stopped and began talking to the cop. She went on to find Holly crying in Jacoby’s arms. “Aw honey,” she began, tears springing to her own eyes. “What happened? How…”

“I-I don’t k-kn-know!” Holly cried, tying to breath. Sebastian was her life, the reason she woke up everyday, if anything where to take him from her permanently she would have her heart. “H-he was t-there when I checked on him. I h-had the baby monitor with me… I should have heard anything, something. B-but I didn’t.”

Michelle herself could tell how much this affected her friend. She engulfed Holly in a hug and cried with her. She wanted to tell Holly that everything would be okay, but she couldn’t bring herself to that. She took a quick glance at Jacoby seeing that he was hurt to. Michelle rubbed his hand lightly, both of them trying to stay strong for Holly.

Brian silently stood against the door frame as he watched Holly cry over their son being kidnapped. He wanted to feel terrible, he wanted to feel some sort of sorrow because deep in his heart he knew that Sebastian somewhat mattered to him. He glanced to Jacoby, feeling worse. Another man was upset that Sebastian was missing and Brian couldn’t give two damns.

Jacoby eyes met Brian and all they could do was stare at each other. Jacoby looked up, shaking his head at Brian. “I’ll be back in a sec, babe, I just wanna tell Kelly I’m not taking the kids tomorrow.” He said softly, making his way over to Brian, pushing his into another room. “Do you want the woman to have heart failure?” he asked roughly.

“What are you talking about? I came here because I wanted to see was she alright!” Brian replied back, equally as rough.

“No you came so you could have a fucking fight with her. And I swear to god Haner you say anything to her that upsets her even more, I will break your fucking neck.” The older man threatened. “Your,” he started. “No, sorry, her son has been kidnapped, taken from her. So leave her alone. I’ll make sure Michelle gets back alright.”

“She’s my wife. I’ll take care of her myself.” He growled, walking into Jacoby’s shoulder.

Jacoby looked over his shoulder to the younger man. “Pity you’d never do that for your kid.” He muttered under his breath, not expecting Brian to hear him. Brian’s temper flared and he swung his fist, the older man caught his hand. “Kid, I’ve been around a good few years before you, I know how and when punches are thrown.” He loosened his grip on Brian’s hand, they both pulled away. “Just leave her alone, she has enough shit to be dealing with, she doesn’t need to deal with her.”

“Deal with me?” Brian questioned, pointing at himself in surprise. “Why the fuck would she need to deal with me? I’m never fucking there for her to deal with!”

“Yeah that’s the problem. Just think about it, your mom wanted you to know your dad when they split, yeah?” he asked, seeing Brian’s face soften. “Holly never knew her mother. She wants her child to know both his parents, but you aint gonna let that happen are you?”

“Sir, look.” Both men turned their heads in the direction of the cop’s voice. They heard muttering and decided to follow them. “I think you should ask her, she would know more than anyone.” They noticed a sheet of paper being pasted to the Detective. All four walked into the room where the two women where located.

“Ma’am, we don’t want to alarm you but we did find a piece of paper with information. All we need is your co-operation to find out who this person is alright?” the detective asked in a calm tone. Holly nodded and let go of Michelle. “It says, Let’s see how much Brian cares for Baby Gates, now?. Ma’am could you tell us who these people are?”

“You,” she looked at Brian, teary eyed and scared. “He’s gone because of you!” she spoke a little louder. “All because of your fucking money and fame! I swear if I knew something like this would have happened I wouldn’t have gone near you!” she cried. “Get out, you bastard!” she screamed in pain.

“He’s my fucking son as well!” Brian yelled back, surprised at his words.

“You never cared! You’re just a name on a cert! You mean nothing! This is your fault he’s gone!” she exclaimed, as Michelle held her down in the seat.