The Father You Should Be

Chapter 8

Holly sat in the chair staring into space, with her cell clutched in one hand and the house phone in the other. She was waiting for that phone call. Every time someone rang or the doorbell went off, she would get her hopes up and think her baby boy was found.

The house phone rang and she answered it in a split second with a rushed hello. “Hey,” Holly’s hopes died down as she heard Michelle’s cooing, soft voice. “Me, Val and McKenna shopping, do you want to come with us?”

“No, I can’t. I need to be here if someone calls.”

Michelle sighed inwardly; she knew where this was heading. As upset as she was that Sebastian had been missing four months now, Michelle wanted Holly not to be locked up all the time. She understood her friend’s pain. For the first two months Michelle and Jacoby where constantly out looking for the child but he was nowhere to be found.

“Sweetheart, they have your cell number. Please just come with us. You haven’t left the house in a while.” Holly merely shook her head, although she knew her friend couldn’t see. “C’mon just for three hours. I know Jacoby is out with his kids right now.” Michelle wasn’t getting a single reply back. “Right, we’re coming over half an hour. No questions to be asked.”

“Bu-” she wanted to protest but she was cut off by the dial tone. Once again she went back to her what she had been doing since her child was first taken from her. All she could do was think of how she could have prevented her son been taken.

She had been grateful that she had people with her, but they weren’t enough. Jacoby cancelled a five-month promotional tour to be with her, Michelle hired someone part time in designing to be with her, her dad came to see her every weekend, Brian’s parents saw her three times a week. But none of those people could feel that place in her heart that was missing.

All she’d found out about her son’s disappearance was that it was cleverly done, not once piece of evidence apart from the note, and it was someone who knew that Sebastian was Brian’s child. But they obviously didn’t know Brian hated his son. While his family where looking for his son, Brian was on tour having the time off his life.

Both DiBenedetto sisters walked into their friend’s apartment along with Brian’s little sister. McKenna plopped down on the couch near Holly. She hadn’t been told the entire story; she was too young to understand.

“Hi Holly,” she smiled, watching Michelle grab a handful of clothes for Holly. “Are you still sad that Seb is gone on holidays with your mommy?” McKenna was told that Sebastian was on holidays with Holly’s mother. Holly nodded tears forming in her eyes. “It’s okay, he’ll be home soon. Can me and my mommy bring him to the park when he comes home?”

The two sisters froze in their spots, closely looking at the fragile woman. A few tears silently slipped from Holly’s eyes. “Yeah,” she breathed out, trying her best to stay strong for the ten year old. “You can play with him all you want.” She said before running down the hall, crying her heart out.

Val ran down the hall after her. She opened Sebastian’s door to see Holly clutching the pillow, crying her eyes out. Val sat down beside her, throwing her arms around the broken woman. “I just want Seb to come home.” Holly cried harder. “If I knew this would happen, I wouldn’t have gone near Brian. I just want him home.” She whimpered.

“It’s alright, Hol, I have a plan.” Val told her softly. She knew this would work, whoever had Seb just wanted the money from Brian, and by god was she going to offer his money where he liked it or not.