Away from the Sun


The strange black clouds disappeared from around me, and I looked out ahead of me to see the large black wheel of the ship. Luckily for me, my teleporting skills have gotten a lot better, or else I would have had to find a random Gummi ship, and try and find the world by myself.

A few Heartless looked over to me, but didn't pay much mind to me. I guess that it was a lot like a zombie: they don't pay mind to someone that is also undead.

I seemed to be heartless lately, so the Heartless seemed not to notice I was even there.

But I shrugged this off. I had business that I needed to get too...

I walked past the ships wheel and down the stairs to the center deck of the ship. I saw that Kairi had already been brought out and sat up against the flag pole. The slightly homicidal side of my being spoke in the back of my mind.

"She's right there... Just do it. Kill her. It'll be easy. And then Sora and Riku will forget about her... things will become so much easier. Com'on..... just one easy stab with the keyblade-"

"You made it!" Said a sudden voice, snapping me from my bloodthirsty thoughts, and forcing me to turn around. I looked into the eyes of a smiling Riku...

"Look at him... acting so keen and happy that youre here..."

"You could have killed her if he didn't show up..."

"Of course youre here. His bewilderment in your arrival just proves even more that he tricked you."

But I smiled, despite what my mind was saying to me.

"Y-yea... Guess I was just lucky when I chose to come here..." I said, lying.

Riku nodded, and came closer to me. "Maleficent made me leave so suddenly and without any notice... I tried to find you, but you weren't in your room..."

"I bet he didn't even look..."

"The Queen said just to leave without you... I objected, but she's a little hard to convince..." he said.

I just nodded slightly. My head was screaming insults at him, but my heart wouldn't let my lips utter the hurtful remarks. Instead I just turned around, and stared down at the 'heartless' Kairi.

Riku tilted his head, and walks more towards me, until he was right at my side. "Lilith... Are you ok?" He asked.

"Of course not."

"Yea..." I put on a smile, and looked at him. "Perfectly fine..."
"Okay.... if your sure..."

In side, I scoffed slightly. But on the outside, I kept on that smile. It hurt... but at least it sealed a lot of the pain inside.

There was some shuffling to my side. I, as well as some of the pirate Heartless noticed it, but no one act on the sound. I knew that Sora and the others were probably downstairs... so there was only one other person that would try and sneak past me...

I smirked faintly...

"So she's alive..." I said quietly to myself, but Riku had overheard me.

"What...?" He said. Fortunately he had not heard me entirely.

"Oh, nothing." I said, a strange type of joy in my voice. The show was just about to start... and I wanted a nice first row seat.

I turned to Riku. "Don't worry about me. Just do whatever you came here to do. It must be important to leave someone behind." I said, playing the guilt card.

I didn't stay in time to look at his face, since I quickly turned around. (In fact, I don't think I could have even bared to see his face... If it was unemotional at all, then I knew he probably didn't feel for me at all.... and if it was hurt, then I knew I could be wrong.... both of the faces would have broken my heart...). So I just walked away...

I found myself walking towards the strange spider-web looking rope ladders, which led up to the crows nest. I grabbed onto the ropes, and pulled myself up. I didn't make my way all the way up, but I stopped as one of the sail's masts. Slowly and carefully, I walked onto the large piece of wood, making sure not to fall to my death below.

The sails were down, so it hid me perfectly. I sat down on the mast, and watched below.

The show was about to start....

Sooner then I had expected, I saw the magical Trio and Emmy step out onto the center deck. And only soon thereafter, Hook, Smee, and a caged Tinkerbell joined them.

I was too high up to catch most of the conversation. Thankfully I had seen this cutscene enough to know what they were saying. Basically Hook telling Sora to give up the keyblade, a little bit of Hearless talk, something about Tinkerbell... All in all, I didn't care much. I just wanted to see how little Emmy fights with a broken wing...

But something went a little array. I saw as Emmy looked down, and she began to make a rather loud clicking sound with her tongue...

Of course... She was going to get her way out of this by mimicking that stupid crocodile.

Just as soon as she started the noise, Hook began to look around timidly. He yelled something at Smee, and tossed Tinkerbell to him, running inside his cabin to hide from the "crocodile."

Frankly, I had to laugh. Hook tries to look so strong, but he is just a little wuss

Emmy started to laugh, which earned her confused looked from everyone else. But as she did, large Heartless began to creep up on them. And soon, they attacked, sending everyone below me into a fighting frenzy.

At first, it was a little amusing to watch them all fight. But soon, I realized that they were getting to the end of the Heartless fight. Smee had hidden from the commotion, and Emmy had gone over there to retrieve Tinkerbell from him.

Sadly, I could not let this happen.

I jumped from my perch on the ships mast, and fell down to the center deck. Like I cat, I landed easily on my feet. I looked over to where Emmy was walking. Smee had panicked and threw Tinkerbell's cage into the air, and Emmy had caught it.

I quickly walked over to her, making sure not to be seen... I wanted her to feel she shock of be being behind her... And I knew the perfect way...

She was enjoying a quick feel of success as she held up Tinkerbell's cage, but I quickly made change of that as I grabbed her broken wing.

I could feel her body jerk back as pain filled her body, and she turned around to look at me. I only grinned at her, and pulled harder at her wing.

She pulled away, making my grip rip feathers from the wing. I only looked at the feathers in my hand...

A small flash back trespassed it's way into my mind...


I felt a nudge on my shoulder, and looked over to Emmy. In her hand she held a small white feather. I took it and stared at it strangely.

"...What's this for?" I asked, twirling it in my fingers.

"It''s so you don't forget about us-"

"What?!.. I would never-"

"I know..." she interrupted, "Not like that.... I just.. If we get split up.. by the Light and Darkness.. I just want you to always have a little part of me...." She said, smiling into the starry sky. I also smiled and looked at the feather.

"It ain't even my birthday..." I said, trying to lighten the intense mood. I saw her give a small chuckle, and I laughed myself. We might as well spend our last minutes together enjoying them. I laid my head down on the cold sand behind me, and I watched as Emmy did also.

"....It's going to happen.. no matter what" I said, closing my eyes.

"What?.. What's going to happen?" she asked.

"All this.. splitting up.. Light and Darkness.. you know that right?" I looked over to her.

"Yea.. I do.. but lets not ruin the night with that kind of talk.." she said. I nodded to her and looked back at the stars...

"I love you"she said.

I smiled and nodded. "I love you too"

"NaNight..." she said, yawning.



"Ember!" I said, making her look my way. A few strands of shadow crawled up my body, and Ember grabbed onto my hand.

"Listen to me!! I will always remember you, but next time we see each other, we will be enemies..."

She looked shocked at my statement, and tears rolled down her cheeks. "No! You have to remember.. You have to remember our friendship.. it's all we have..."

The shadows had reached my shoulders, and I could feel them pull me down. It took all my power to shake my head a talk. "Not.. any more.." I said, as the shadows covered my mouth, and I felt a cold rush of wind. I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed. All I saw.. was darkness.


The small reminisces of that day rolled around in my head, and I had to look away from the dammed feathers to make them stop.

I curled my fingers into them, making a fist and crunching them in between my fingers.

"I see you managed to get yourself here, Sirius" I said, growling as I said her name.

She only nodded to me, not showing any emotion at all. She was probably trying not to get me pissed off. But in turn, her little 'no emotion' bit just got me even more raged then before.

"What do you want now?" she asked, voice calm.

I scowled at her. "Oh come now, Sirius. Can't old friends play a simple game?" I said, smirking. I summoned my keyblade to my hands, and leaped at her, swinging it towards her way.

She dodged my attack easily, and swung her own keyblade at my shoulder. It made contact, making a nice slice into my skin.

Any other day, I probably would have winced and cried out. But on a day like today, the feeling only made me smile. Call it my homicidal side coming out, or call it my joy of fighting. Either way, the feel of sudden combat was thrilling, no matter if I got wounded in the process.

Our battle kept going, both of our skills evenly matched. I found my sudden strength a little amazing, to be honest. Here, Emmy was fighting Heartless all day. Me on the other hand, I maybe fight a small enemy here and there. Yet, our keyblades still clashed against each other, no one really making a square hit.

But I saw my opening. She had just pushed my sword aside, leaving an easy hit for myself. I took it, running forward and jabbing the point of my keyblade into her chest.

She stumbled backwards, her back hitting the edge of the ship. One more hit from my Keyblade into her side, and she tumbled over the side.

Though, unlucky for me, her good wing flapped and she grabbed onto the side railing.

I let out a small frustrated sigh, and walked to the railing. She tried to get a better grip, but I lifted my foot, and stepped harshly on her fingers.

She made a small gasp, and looked up to me, glaring. I only smirked back, and stepped down even harder when she tried to get her fingers loose.

But I grew tired of this... I kicked my foot forward, sending her hand from the ship. Now with nothing to hold her up, I watched as her body fell into the blue water below.

I watched only for a second, to see as some bubbles escaped into the air above the water. Figuring that was the end of her, I turned away from the ships side, and walked back to the center of the ships deck.

I sighed once there. Now with Emmy gone, this place grew rather boring...

And somewhere inside of me, I knew she would make her way back... Simple water wasn't enough to kill her.

A small shadow bunny-heartless came near me, and looked up to me. Just one of the passing Heartless, but it felt almost good to be noticed by one.

I bent down, and patted the Heartless's head, his eyes squinting with each pat. "Guess I should just wait... until she comes back, ne?" I asked the little Heartless, as if it would have answered me back.

I looked back to where Emmy had fallen off. "...Might as well keep myself entertained until she shows up again... Maybe pick on her little boyfriend..."

The Heartless made a small sound, and walked away, melting into a shadow onto the floor.

I slightly sighed as I watched him disappear. "Don't worry..." I said to it, even though it was obviously gone. "You can leave... I'm pretty much used to people ditching me now..." I said, my thoughts going back to Riku...