Away from the Sun


I felt my chest move up and down quickly as my breathing quickened. It was her alright.. the tall, ugly, old.. ugly.. witch thing. She smiled down at me, that devil-like smirk giving me chills up my spine, and making me straighten my back. There was something about her stare that made my stomach twist. It was the similar feeling you get before going on stage, or the first day of school. Some type of nervousness, mixed with excitement...

But... why would I be excited to see Maleficent?.. I mean, she was basically the villain of the story! One of the Big Bosses! And boy, the most ugliest witch I had ever seen....

...well, she did kidnap Kairi..... I guess that's a small plus...

I looked over to Riku, and got the expression I expected from him. A glare. Happy me.. but why was he glaring at me?.. Looking back to Maleficent, I guessed he's thinking I have something to do with this... great.

"Now, what did I say about such anger?" The witch said, floating closer to us. I saw Riku step back out of the corner of my eye. Me, on the other hand, stayed still. I knew what she wanted from us, so why bother trying to run? But, then again, Riku took notice of my non-running, and glared at me again. He suspected something of me. Something about by loss of fear towards the scary looking woman in front of us..... Damn, I was just digging deeper into a hole.

I had to think fast. On the rate I was going, Riku already thinks I'm some sort of spy.

"W-..Who are you?!" I asked, stuttering on half-purpose. Maleficent chuckled, and looked down at me.

"Why ask that when you already know who I am?" she asked. I cussed mentally, and stepped back. Stupid witch...

"What does she mean?" Riku said, looking at me. "You know her?!" There was anger in his voice, and something inside me felt cold once the words hit me. He really did think I was some sort of spy..

I searched for words, but nothing could really come out. Somehow, Maleficent knew of me, and more of so, she knew of Emmy as well... But most of all, I knew of Maleficent herself! If I felt like it, I could blurt out everything about her! What movie she is from, how old she is, what she wants out of Kingdom Hearts. Even how long it took me and Emmy to beat her in her Dragon form!! So what was I supposed to do?! Lie, and be caught by Maleficent, and dig deeper into a hole. Or somehow explain to Riku how I know everything about him, Sora, Kairi, and everyone else on that damned island, and pretty much every single world here?!........ yea, i think I'll go with the lying.

"I...I have never even seen her in my life!!" I said, hoping Malli wouldn't speak up. Luckily she didn't, but Riku's glare didn't soften either.

"And what if your lying?! Your probably one of her lackeys!"

I growled. "I am NOT ANYONES LACKY!" I said, gripping my hands. His glare got harder, and I glared right back.

"HOW do I know that!? You could easily be lying to me!!"

"I would NEVER-"

"Never lie to me?! We just met 10 minutes ago on a floating platform in the middle of NOwhere!!"



"ENOUGH!" Malli said, banging that staff of hers on the floor, making both me and Riku jump. "I will not stand here and listen to you two bicker at each other. There are a lot of things to be done!" I heard Riku scoff.

"What does your business have to do with us?" He asked. My stomach calmed down a bit when he said us and not just me. At least part of him believes I'm not a spy.

Malli smirked, and waved her hand. "Because.... if you help me, I can give you back what you truly desire". In front of us came a small glowing platform type thing. And on the platform was no other then a image of a 'sleeping' Kairi.

Something inside me twisted when I saw her. Call it my fan-girl rage, but I had the sudden urge to pounce on the sleeping bitch, tear out her throat with my teeth, and laugh at her bleeding and squirming body........... yea, moving on.

I looked over to Riku, only to seem him looking wide-eyed at the image in front of him. "Wh..What have you done to her?! Where is she?!?!" he asked, now glaring at Malli. she just smirked, and made the image go away.

"I know where she is, and if you help me, I can give her to you. Its a simple trade.. I just need some help with... collecting some things.." she said, folding her hands together. Riku looked to the spot in the floor where Kairi had been seconds ago. His hands clenched, and he looked back up at Malli.

"All you need.. is help collecting things?" he asked.

"That's all!" She said. He looked back down for only a second, and looked back up.

".......Fine" He said, "But only 'cause you know where Kairi is"

"Ahhh... a battle for none but love?" Malli asked, and chuckled. I felt my stomach clench tighter again. I knew I had a problem with jealousy, but my stomach hasn't felt this sick in a long time. I glared at one of the stone floating platforms to the side of me, trying not to let either Riku nor Malli see my jealousy and anger.

"and you?..." I heard someone say. I looked over to see Malli staring at me.

"...what about me?!" I growled, probably sounding a bit more bitchy then I should have. But she just smirked at me.

"Emmy..." was all she said, and my eyes went wide. Of course! She DID know about everything.. I looked down, and tried to think. She has the power to show up and kill Emmy in seconds.. I don't know what she want's from me.. but whatever it was, I'm sure she is going to get it.. I sighed, and looked back up at her.

"..fine..." I said, sounding a lot like Riku from before. She smiled, and walked over to us both, and sat her hands upon our shoulders. Her grasp was strong, yet so cold.

"Then we should be going, yes?" She said, and a swirling black circle opened in front of us. The feeling of her grasp on my shoulder increased, and I realized she was pushing both me and Riku into the swirling darkness in front of us. Not know entirely where the black cloud would lead us, I put my arms in front of my head, getting ready for any kind of impact that might come.
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Do you notice how bad the grammar is? This is mostly because it is coming from the mouth of a teenager, so forgive Eris for her lack of skills.