Give 'Em Hell Kid

Sleeping Till 2pm...Not

“Thanks for coming with me Mikey, I really appreciate it.” I whisper as I carry Gracelyn into her room.

“No prob, you’d probably do the same for me… Anyways it’s really freakin late so I gotta go. I’ll call tomorrow, you get some rest.”

“Alright bye.” I mumble, lying Grace down.

I should probably change her into her PJ’s… let’s see what she’s got… Hello Kitty…Barbie- that’s goin’ in the trash-…Little Mermaid-


Crap she woke up.

“Yea Gracie?”

“I gotta change in my jamies.”

“I know, I’m picking them out.”

“I want Hello Kitty.” She yawns, coming to stand next to me.

“Then Hello Kitty it is… Raise your arms.” I say before helping her get undressed.

“Daddy, I haf to potty.” She says as I pull the night gown down over her head.

Crap I forgot her ‘potty seat’ in the car. She needs this like booster seat thingy cause she’s small and she falls into the toilet if she doesn’t have one. But I really don’t feel like going out to the car so I’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t fall in.

“Alright c’mon.” I take her to the bathroom and set her on top of the toilet.”…Uhm, are you done yet?”


“Okay well just tell me when-“

“I done!” she says hopping off and pulling up her night-time pull-ups. Cause y’know kids have accidents sometimes.

She flushes the toilet, then tries to climb up on the sink counter to wash her hands.

“Here.” I chuckle as I pick her up and hold her so she can get to the sink.

“Tank you Daddy.” She yawns, giving me a hug.

This little girl is gonna make me a softie.

Anyways, after putting her in her PJ’s and tucking her in, I go into my room and colaspe on my bed.

Its been a busy day. I’m physically and emotionally drained. Still not sure if I can handle being a father. And on top of that I’m nervous about recording.

Basically, I need to sleep in till about 2 p.m. tomorrow.

…Yea fat chance…

…10 a.m… I can’t believe I woke up at 10 a.m. I thought I would sleep till atleast 11. But nope, my ‘Daddy instincts’ are probably kickin’ in. I’m pretty sure you want to be awake before the four year old.

So I get up, pull on some lounge pants and a shirt. Turn on the coffee and start looking for Gracelyn’s breakfast…Too bad we don’t have any food, I guess I forgot to go shopping.

Looks like we’re goin’ to IHOP!

“Hi Daddy.” Gracelyn yawns as she comes out of her room, dragging a ragady yellow? blanket.

“He munchkin, did you sleep good?” I ask, ruffling her hair as she clings to my leg.

“Uh-huh…I haf to potty.” She says running off to the bathroom.

“You need help?”

“No.”’s she gonna reach-



I run into the bathroom to see her halfway into the toilet. I’ve never seen anything more hilarious in my life, and I’m glad I’ve got a random camera under the sink [Please don’t ask me why, hell if I know] because I need to take a picture of this. I can show it to her prom date.

It’ll be fuckin’ hilarious.

“I fell in.” she frowns as I pull her out and set her in the bath tub; she needs a bath after that. Gross.

“We’ll get you a stool or something.” I laugh as I help her out of her PJ’s, then turn on the tub.

“Cold, cold, cold!” she yelps, trying to get away from the water.

“Sorry…here better?” I ask, checking the water.

She nods, sitting down. “Can I haf bubbles?”


So y’know we do the whole bath thing. Wash up, rinse off. Wash the hair, try not to get I in her eyes. Splash fight, silently curse cause guess who’s gonna have to clean that up later…yes me. Rinse hair, pull plug, dry off.

Now the hard part; what’s she gonna wear today?

I dunno, it looks pretty nice outside, kinda warm. Not shorts warm but warm enough.

Okay jeans…now a shirt.

I like the black and white stripped one, so we’ll go with that… socks, shoes…and we’re done.

Now…what about her hair…
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