Courage to Continue

Chapter 25

Gerard’s P.O.V:

I slowly woke up Sunday morning, not bothering to open my eyes just yet. Any minute now Mikey would come in and open the curtains wide, blinding me with the natural light. I had a throbbing headache and a massive hangover. How much did I drink? Obviously way too much yet again. It had to be late in the morning because Minty had already gone home. Still no sign of Mikey. I wonder if he’s okay…he always wakes me up. As I was wondering where Mikey was, I heard the front door close. What the? My parents were gone for the week so that had to be Mikey. Is he coming or going I wonder? I got up and grabbed the bin beside my bed…just in case. After sitting up for a few minutes my head had stopped spinning, so I decided to get out of bed and see where Mikey was. I received a huge shock as I stood up and realised I wasn’t wearing any pants...or underwear! What the fuck!? I grabbed some clean boxers and slipped them on. I checked the house for Mikey, unable to find him anywhere. He must be at the shops or something…oh well. Whilst walking to the kitchen to get a coffee, I noticed an envelope on the table addressed to me. I immediately opened it and found a letter in Mikey’s handwriting:

I’m writing this down because I couldn’t bear to say it to your face…I’d probably try to hurt you. Why!? You selfish pig! Do you have any idea how much you hurt Minty last night!? I’ve gone over to her house to see if she’s okay…I doubt it. Gerard…you disgust me.’

What!? I hurt Minty!? Shit! What did I do to her!? I would never hit her, would I? I love her way too much to do that. I thought hard about the events of last night. “Fuck!” I yelled to nobody, remembering my awful actions. What have I done!? Oh no…Minty…I betrayed her. I’ve wrecked everything there ever was between us! Tears formed in my eyes, some running down my cheeks as I imagined Minty’s scared face last night. I slammed my fist on the table, breaking down and crying more. Sobs and whimpers escaped my lips, echoing through the empty house. My legs turned to jelly and gave way, causing me to fall to the floor. I sat against the wall and pulled my knees up to my face, hiding it from the world. What have I done!? I only wanted Minty to love me! I’m such an idiot! I pulled on my tangled black hair in anger and distress, screaming at the top of my lungs. I was such a mess. My whole life…ruined by my own stupidity.

A/N: Sorry for the shortness...