Nick and Me

Our First Fight

"Are you feeling better?" , Caitlyn said hugging me

"Yeah I'm fine" , I said annoyed

"So whats wrong with you? Why did you faint?" , Caitlyn said having a confused look on her face

As I was just about to answer the question , Nick answered it before I could.

"Well the reason why she fainted was because she hasn't been eating anything. Which is also anorexia." , Nick says looking at me very upset

"Okay Nick I had it with your shitty attitude. Just because I didn't tell you I wasn't eating!!! I mean I was with you at dinner and you didn't see me eat!!! So get over it!!! I am having medical help now and I am still alive!!!" , I say about to strangle him

"Yeah you promise you would tell me things. You didn't tell me that. Your not keeping your promises and not being a good girlfriend!!!" , He says wishing he never said that.

"Well if you feel that way than why don't you just leave!!!" , I say holding my tears.

"I will" , He says slamming the door as he leaves

Nicks point of view

I should go back and say sorry to Serena I didn't mean to be that mad at her.

"No, you have ever right to be mad at her. I mean she promised to tell you all her secrets and be honest with you."

" Whose there." , I say a little scared

"It's your conscience Nicolas Jerry Jonas." , He says giggling

"My conscience. Why are you talking to me now?" , I say confused

" I come when you need advice and right now you need it."

"Well your not helping me>"

"I think I am you just don't want to admit because I am right. Serena made a promise and she blew it."

"So what should I do?" , I say asking for help

"Just don't talk to her for awhile. Make her jealous , maybe flirt with other girls."

"That would hurt her!!" , I say angry

"No it won't it will make her fall into your arms again."

"Are you sure" , I say

"Positive, now this how we are going to do it." , He says as I am walking to the car

Serena's Point of view

I couldn't believe that just happened. Our first fight. I didn't like the feeling I was hurt , sad , depressed. It made me want to kill myself.

"Are you okay?" , Cailtlyn said and Krystina

No what do you think. I just had a big fight with the man I love.

"Yeah I'm okay , can I just be alone right now."

" Sure will be here tomorrow. Kevin and Katelyn too!!" , Joe says smiling trying to make me feel better.

"Oh thats good I haven't seen them in awhile."

"Yeah it will be fun. See you tomorrow Serena." , Caitlyn says shutting the door lightly
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Yeah another chapter. So sorry for the long wait I have a lot of homework!!! Don't you just hat school!!!
I am begging

Thanks ,