

"Always Belle, you're everything."

The beautiful girl at my feet smiled radiantly.

"Always Jonah, always..."

"Please Jonah, stop it."

"Oh come on Belle, I'm not hurting anyone."

"You'll hurt yourself..."

I smirked at her worried face, she was always so cute when she worried.

"For me Jonah, for me..."

I sighed and jumped down from the scaffolding, "For you? For everything? A little demanding arn't we?"

Her giggling was like a dozen bells, and once again her smile cut straight to my heart.

She was sitting upside down on the bench, her skinny clad legs on the seat and her head touching the ground.

"You know if you do that long enough, the blood will rush to your head and you'll become delerious."

She smiled. "You're pretty..."

"That hurt Belle." I said, thinking she was joking. "Could you PLEASE sit up?"

"No seriously, you're pretty."

I scoffed, like a big guy like me could ever be "pretty"

"Like that song. Pretty Handsome Awkward. You remind me of Bert Mckracken."

"Bert who?"

She frowned at me, her beautiful red hair shining around her face. "He's only AWESOME."

"Oh... One of those band guys. Can you sit up?"


"You'll hurt yourself... For me?"

"For everything?"

"No Belle, you're everything."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and sat up.

I sat on the lunch bench, just remembering.
Everyone looked at me strangely as they walked into the quad. I guess it was because I was sitting at the bench. I hadn't sat at the bench since Belle died. It was my fault. We fought, it was over the stupidest thing, but it lasted for months. We were both depressed, all our friends were worried. I began to contemplate suicide, but I guess Belle just got in first. I found her. I found her lying on the ground in a pool of blood with a note that only said "You're everything". All I can remember is how the blood matched the colour of her hair, how her pale, porceline skin was somehow even whiter, how I cried for three nights, without sleep, without food, without water.

I havn't sat here for a month. This was our place. I remember how she'd lay on the table, golden in the summer, and like a diamond in the winter, always beautiful, always everything. Jason stood behind me, and silently put his hand on my shoulder. I realised I was crying.

I was saying goodbye to her. I think Jason realised it.

"There's nothing I can do, is there?"

"No JAson, she was it mate."

"Everything right? That's what you used to call her."

"Yeh, Everything."

"I remember that day. I remember how everyone at school was so freaked out. She was here, on this table, covered in blood with only a little white note. She called Christina, she called Jess. I remember Christina calling me about it. We went to her house, the three of us, and she wasn't there. We were worried. So I called you, and you had already found her. "

"I can't live anymore. There's nothing."

"Jonah, you can, remember how you told me we were going to change the world? You can do it. Start a band, you said, keep her alive in music."


The raw of the croud brought me back to Earth.
I got up from behind my drum set.

"Guys. There's a few words I'd like to say before we start the show for you tonight. I'd just like to tell you why we're here. We're here to remember. To remember..." I swallowed and looked around at the crowd. "To remember Belle, for me, it's to remember the love of my life, who was everything. For you guys it's to remember that you can live, but you can only live once, to remember that when you love something, love it for all it's worth. That will be all you need, they will be everything."

I smiled awkwardly with one lonely tear in my eye.
"Thankyou. Enjoy... Everything."
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hope you like it guys.