Healing Her Scars


Chapter One

“Chantel, these files, I need them by 4pm sharp.” Mrs. Doberman drops the files unto my desk making my fellow worker jump. “And remember you have an appointment with Mr. Drake at six-thirty.”

My head feels like a balloon ready to explode. Already I am neck high in paperwork. I glance at the other files lying on the ground waiting for me to attend to them. Tuesday defiantly is our busiest days. I let out a deep the day is already wearing me out. I open the first file on the pile and scan through it. From the corner of my vision I can see Mrs. Doberman frowning. She dislikes me, I know. If not for my college degree in Oxford I would not have gotten the job.

“One more thing, if you can, I have a few more files on my desk for you to register unto the computer. They’re not due till tomorrow but if you want to get a head start on it...”

“Okay, I got it.” I get to work typing out the information. If I didn’t hurry, I’d be staying longer than I intend to.


There were things my mother thought me. Long before she went mad...before she hurt herself. Those things held me up, all the lessons on cooking and sewing and braiding all helped me so much. All I mastered before they took her away, before she killed father. Of course she wasn’t my real mother to begin with. I had been adopted by her and her impotent husband.

My family, my real one, abandoned me. While my fake one fell apart. A family was not my thing. Bad things happen in families, only bad things. I learned that so long ago.