Healing Her Scars


I yelled, screamed, shouted yet no one heard me. My life was ending but nobody was around to help. What was wrong, why did they hate me so much. I fall weeping miserably unto the ground. I watched through my blurred vision as my tears mingled with my blood tricking down unto the earth. I could still hear his harsh laughter, could still hear his taunting laughter. What had I ever done to him? Maybe it was meant to be all along. I sank down unto the ground exhaustion taking me.

I wake up panting, sweat dripping from my brows. Dana's arms were around me, bringing me in.

"Chantel are you okay?" Her arms were comforting, real, something for me to cling on to.

"I'm fine, really I am." I lie, Dana looks doubtful she knew me too well. My mind drifts, I hadn't had that dream in such a long time, since I started taking my meds. It was disturbing though, why was it coning back now of all times.

"Chantel…" Her voice is faint, I can barley grasp unto it.

I lower my eye lids trying to force out the painful memories, why weren’t they working!

"Chantel! I'm really scared okay; tell me what's wrong with you!"

My eye lids flick open as she hugs me tighter. Dana hovers over me her eyes filling with concern.

I feel guilty but I lie I had to," I'm okay Dana, I told you…Why are you still here anyway?" I feel bad not telling her the truth, I couldn't bear to see her face, it hurt too much inside.

"There's something you aren't telling me and when I-"

I push her away frustration bubbling within me she was getting to close, "I said I'm alright, I'm a big girl you can leave me alone."

"Chantel, you aren't going to work today, this isn't you. I don't care what you say I will not watch you work yourself to death. I just can't." Her eyes glimmer with incoming tears, her voice quivers with emotion making my eyes water also.

I feel deathly shameful of myself, making her worry so much about me. I was old enough to take care of myself. "I'll stay home, okay. I'll rest just be happy again." Relief fills me like an ocean as her face clears up.

"You are like a sister to me, I just can't bear to loose you."

I comfort her wrapping my arms around her. It hurt me that she was so concerning about me. What was she to do when I left to get a new home, but I would not tell her now it'd be too much for her.

"Thank you so much Chantel, without you well…I don't want to think about it." She places a warm hand on my cheek. "You're a life saver, a very sweet one too."

I smile happy to have her back to her old self, "You and your corny jokes Dana, I never get sick of them."

"As I never get sick of you too." I smile sadly.

She stands up and stretches, "We are going to have a girl day out, you me and the whole mall."

I smile, she loves shopping more than anything…except for of course Brain. "I'll get dressed see you in a few minutes."

She walks out toward the bathroom, "Nope, I going to bathe first. You are going to wait like a good little child you are."

"I'm only a month younger!"

"That’s all it takes child, a little month crossing over a year leaves you out the running. I'm a year older than you." She smirks happily.

"Oldie." I mutter under my breath as she slams the bathroom door.

"I heard that squirt!" I laugh she was so good at hearing things.

I collect my cloths from my drawer and place them neatly on the bed. It was my usual attire I had acquired from my youth, tank top, hoody, jeans. I just don't wear them to work…
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Okay I wrote very fast to type this so please comment or something like that. (Please!) If you do I'll type up some more!