Cause I'm Five Minutes Older

Getting Better

I am beautiful. Nothing he did makes me ugly. I will find someone who loves me. With baggage and all. Maybe Kevin’s right. I can go right back to what I was doing before minus acting on that TV along side David. I couldn’t do that. I don’t get why everyone is scared of me. Do they think rape is contagious? Only one with a true reason is Nick and even then I didn’t know who he was. Who I was. I had problems okay? But I have worked them out. I am fine. I am strong. I am beautiful. I can not be ruined. I am the one who chooses when I am ruined.
I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I smiled remembering that a softer bead is in my future. I am going to be home soon. Or as close as I can get. Someone knocked and opened the door. One of the boys from the court room peeked there head in. He was the little one. He smiled and closed the door behind him.
“Hi, Abbi. I am your little brother, Frankie.” I have to admit I am freaking out a little.
“How did you get here?” I sat up on my bed.
“I took three busses.” He answered sitting in the chair at the foot of my bed.
“That would be dangerous for you right?”
“I was disguised.”
“I know I should call your mom and dad, but I don’t have a phone or know their number. I have a feeling you do, but won’t let me call.”
“Exactly. I thought you might want a visitor other than Kevin.”
“Danielle visits.”
“Same diff. I don’t think you are all that different then before. Mom and Dad are just worried about me. They don’t think they know you anymore. But you are the same old Abigail Brianne Jonas you always were.” I smiled at the kid and ruffled his hair. “See, you always do that.”

Frankie laughs and high fives me. A nurse abruptly walks into the room escorting Mom and Dad who look angry. Our laughter stops quickly. Frankie stands.
“I’m sorry. I needed to see her. She’s not a bad person you know. She is the same old Abbi. Only she doesn’t remember her childhood very much. She was just telling me how she keeps forgetting to check her blood sugar and her nurses come in every two hours and pester her. And they are all like ’You have diabetes missy. Poke your finger! Drink that juice!’” They looked at me.
“Another thing the scold me for is singing to loudly in the shower. My neighbor complains.” I speak and smile towards them. My mother is the first to break.
“Joe used to complain about you doing that. Of course he got very mad when you and Nick were very little and would sing in the bath together.”
“Mom!” An embarrassed voice came from the hall. Nick came in and the rest of the family left deciding we needed to talk. He shut the door and came over to me. “I know it was an accident. I have come to forgive and forget can you forgive me for treating you like this?” I smile.
“You are my twin brother. It’s not like I can get rid of you, we basically share a brain.” He grinned back at me and pulled me into a hug. “Kevin is still my favorite right now though.”
“Fair. He was the better brother.” I smirked Kevin said they'd come around eventually.
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<3 Kelsey