The Best Of Both Worlds

Ch. 30 'Everyone hates me'


I'm not sure what day it is or what time it is. I'm not sure of anything really. What month is it? I was sitting in the cafeteria. My mom made me lunch. It was a sandwich. It was just how me and Mason would make our sandwiches. A bread on top, a bread on bottom and a bread in the middle with meat, cheese and lettuce in between the bread. Yogurt, what Miley and I always ate after we exercised. Water ,like the water gun fight we had this summer. Tears threatened in my eyes. I felt something on the back of my head. I turned slowly.

"Oops, did that hit you?"

I felt whatever it was sliding down my back now. It hit the floor and I looked down. A pudding cup. Someone walked over to me. It was a girl. A model. Ever guy's dream. She was new, I could tell. They accepted her though. She was popular. "I hear you're friends with Metro Station, ha how funny," she said. Everyone who crowded her laughed.

I said nothing. I saw nothing. I hear nothing. "I'm talking to you, look at me when I speak to you!" she had my face in her hands. Her fake nails digging into my cheeks. My eyes looked at her, but I saw nothing. She let go of me and I felt the blood sliding down my cheek. "I bet they were glad to go on tour. To get rid of you." Tears threatened my eyes again. "Oh look, the baby packed her lunch," she said grabbing the paper bag and dumping the stuff inside the bag on the floor. I looked up at her and saw a plastic face. Like a Barbie doll. She slapped me. I don't know why. I looked away from her. She wants me to look at her when she's talking to me, but slaps me when I do.

I stood up grabbing my backpack. "Where is the baby going?" she asked. I ignored her and walked passed her. "How unattractive. Wearing baggy clothes." Tears rolled like a waterfall down my cheeks. I left the cafeteria and hid in the girls restroom the rest of the day. I told my mom nothing when she picked me up that afternoon.

So that went on and on. The Barbie doll would torture me everyday for no reason, but to make a scene. Always leaving scratches on my face, always causing tears in my eyes. I'd always hide in the restroom for the rest of the day. My mom asked about the scratches, but I never said anything. I learned to never go back to the cafeteria. I hid in the restroom. That didn't work for long. Girls came in the bathroom often torturing me.

I was walking the halls. It was my study hall. Then I felt arms around my waist. "Where are you heading to?" a voice whispered in my ears. I turned around to see a boy with shaggy blonde hair. It wasn't the same blonde from before. He was different. I tried to escape, but he grabbed me again. He covered my mouth and dragged me into the boys locker room. He threw me against the lockers. My head started to pound. He forced his lips on mine. This was nothing like Mason's kisses at all. He put his hand up my shirt. I was shocked. I was afraid. I couldn't do anything. I was defenseless.

He tore my shirt off. He dug his nails into my back. He was unfastening my bra when the bell rung. He threw me to the ground and left me in the boy's locker room. Alone. I heard voices. They were muffled, but they were voices. Male voices. "What the hell?"

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, shaking me. "Hey, are you okay?"

What a stupid question. I opened my watery eyes and barely saw the blonde boy. He was the nice one. I sat up and grabbed my shirt. I quickly put it on and left the locker room. "Wait!" he shouted but I was gone. Tears spilling from my eyes. I was shaking the whole way to the exit. I didn't go out the front exit. I went out the back. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to escape the pain. The loneliness.
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