The Best Of Both Worlds

Ch. 36 'Slumber Party!'

I rung the doorbell as planned. "Oh gasp, it's Lumiere!" Miley said excitedly. "and Mitchel," she added quickly. "I missed you so Lumiere!" she hugged me and I hugged her back. I met Trace's eyes and he smirked at me. Oh, that smirk. How it made me melt.

"Lumi!" Mason ran over to me and hugged me as tight as his brother had. "I missed you more!"

I hugged him back. My eyes were on Trace again. He wasn't smirking anymore or even looking at me. I pulled away from Mason. "Trace!" I said happily running over to him. He looked my way. He pushed Erica away and got up spreading his arms out. I jumped on him nearly knocking him down. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too," he said. I was on my feet now . "So, I have to go pee," I said walking up the stairs. Miley followed. That was code for: " I need to talk to you in private dude." We stopped in the hallway. "Miley, I need to see your cell phone."


"I don't have mine and I need to text Trace who doesn't have his with him," I said trailing off. "Oh well, he'll check it later, but I want to text him now because I have to tell him something and when will I ever get a moment alone with him with Erica around?" She nodded and I followed her to her room. She shut the door behind us. "So you were sleeping with Trace. Not like that, but yeah."

I giggled. "I'm so dumb, I forgot how I got there, but I remembered so I'm sort of smart too." Miley shook her head and handed me her cell phone. I went to the messages, found Trace's name and started to type. I closed the phone and gave it back to Miley.

We walked back down the stairs and into the living room. Blake was gone and Emily was leaving and Mitchel left with her. It was just me, Miley, Trace, Mason and Erica. I really wanted to spend today alone with Trace. Miley sat next to me on the floor. "Let's watch a scary movie," Miley suggested. "Totally," I agreed. She put in some movie and I sat on the floor. Mason made popcorn and Miley sat next to me again. Mason sat the bowl of popcorn on the couch and sat in one of the chairs.

I don't have any idea what Miley put in, but it was creepy. It showed every little detail. I almost puked. "Oh dear God," I put my hands over my eyes. "Scared Lumi?" Mason asked. I looked at him and he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and then covered them again. "Are you trying to give me nightmares Miley?"

"No, maybe, ok yes!"


"Just kidding!"

Erica left and I fell asleep on the floor next to Miley. Next thing I knew I was being lifted. I was going up something. The stairs I guess. And then I was lying on something comfortable. The door shut and I opened my eyes. I was lying on Trace's bed. There was some close lying on the bed. Sleepers. Oh. I shrugged and stripped out of my clothes. The doorknob turned and I just sat there in my bra and underwear looking at it as I grabbed for the shirt. The door opened and Trace was standing there, he was already in his pajamas. His eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were-"

I giggled. "It's okay, I thought you were your dad or Miley." He shut the door behind him and walked over to the bed. I put the shirt on and then the pants. "So..." I started as I crawled next to him. "are we having a slumber party?" He smirked at me.
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comment=more Trace Cyrus &&a bit of Mason Musso. [[: