Fated Stars

Chapter Twenty-Eight

With Ville out of the shower, and securely covered in a towel, the two of you were now faced with the difficult task of getting dressed. Up to this point, you figured taking a shower would be the hardest part of having a cuff buddy.

"Um...how are we gonna get dressed?" You questioned. Now in the bedroom.

"Yeah . . . uh, maybe we should start with our underwear" He said, thinking out loud.

"Alright, but don't look. In fact, turn around" You ordered.

Just as you said, Ville turned around and put on his boxers. Luckily, you only needed one hand to pull on a clean pair of boy shorts underneath your towel. It may have not been the prettiest sight, but you were proud of your accomplishment. Especially with your limited mobility.

The movement of your hand, let you know, Ville had turned back around and was, again, facing you.

"Now what?" You asked.

"Now we have to put the rest of our clothes on" Ville replied, as if he was instructing a four year old.

"I know that, idiot, but how?" You snapped, while shooting him a vile look. This was not a good time for his patronizing teasing.

"Well, first, you take either a skirt or a pair of pants, whatever you choose, I prefer pants. Then you put one leg through--"

"Shut up" You laughed, "I mean how am I supposed to get dressed without dropping the towel?"

"Do you want me to turn around again?" He asked.

"Please do, and close your eyes" You replied. Your tone now at ease.

Granting your request, he turned back around and snapped his eyes shut.

"Yeah, it's probably best. I wouldn't want to see your horrid body anyway" He joked.

"If my body's so horrid, why were you staring at it with such amusement, earlier?" You asked, while pulling on your jeans. You tried to button them, but found yourself in need of your other hand.

"I was just in shock, on how much you've let yourself go"

You just rolled your eyes and dropped your towel. You didn't notice, but when he heard the towel hit the floor Ville’s own brand of spidey-sense kicked in. Like most men, this was a twisted tune of music to his ears.

Leaving your jeans unbuttoned, for the time being, you scrambled to put your top on. A great feeling of stupidity ran through your veins when you that realized this too required your other hand.

"Shit" You whispered.

"What's wrong now?" Questioned Ville. His eyes still tightly shut.

"I can't get my top on" You answered.

"First you can't get it off, now you can't get it on? Really, I'm surprised you don't go about topless" He said, while laughing.

"I need my other hand" You replied, while holding the top to your chest.

"Is it safe to turn around?" He asked.

"I guess" You responded. A sour, and embarrassed, expression upon your face.

He turned around and took note of the predicament, you were in. Letting out a small laugh, before giving you some slack and letting you use your other hand. He couldn't help, but spot the crimson undergarments peeking out from the top of your unbuttoned jeans. His smile faded, when he felt his right hand moving about.

"Well, this isn't going to work" You said.

"What isn't?"

"I can't hold up my top and tie it at the same time" You stated. Your cheeks blushing in shame.

"Here" Ville said, with a small sigh.

Keeping the top in place with your free hand, you turned away from Ville. There was no need for him to explain his forthcoming actions. You already knew what he had in mind. It would be no less embarrassing, but you needed help. Though you were too proud to ask for any.

Manipulating the many ties, Ville began the process of lacing up your delicate top. During this, you could feel his cold fingertips grazed your smooth, pale, back.

After he finished tying the back up, he moved his hands up to the last tie, which fastened behind your neck. His breath cascaded down your shoulders and onto the plain of your shoulder blades.

The feeling of it all, took you back to the night in the park. The way these two combined made you feel immortal. But at the same time, your heart started breaking, all over, again.

Letting go of all shameful emotions, you bit your bottom lip in disgust. It was the only thing that kept you from lashing out at him for no logical reason.

"Done" He triumphantly announced.

"Thanks" You said, with a weak smile, while you turned back around.

"Nice tattoo, by the way" He complimented.

"I know" You replied, in a cocky manner.

Looking down at your unfastened jeans, you were about to ask for use of your captive hand. However, Ville noticed what you were staring at and, without warning, didn’t hesitate to button them up for you.

“Let me know if you need any help getting them off” He smirked.

“I can get that off by myself” You bit.

While you were in super serious mode, Ville couldn’t help himself. Though he had tried his best to be a gentleman, a slip up like that was too hard not to laugh at.

“I’m sure you can, darling” He chuckled.

“My pants, you dirty old man!”

“Karis, your sexuality is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s a natural thing. A frustrating thing, when you’re not getting any”

“Who says I’m not getting any?” You questioned.


“Since when is Bam my keeper?” You spat, “He doesn’t know all the details of my private life”

“Sweetheart, with Bam there is no such thing as privacy” He truthfully stated.

“Why don’t you let him set you up on a date?” He suggested, while dropping his towel.

You were ready to cover your eyes, but Ville was in a kind mood and had made sure to conceal his nudity in his boxers first.

“Because I haven’t lost my sanity or my soul yet” You replied.

He chuckled at the prospects Bam would come up with and under what rocks they would crawl out from under.

Pulling his velour pants out of a dresser drawer, he proceeded to slip them on.

“I can set you up with some nice guys”

“Nice guys as in guys like you?” You questioned, not giving him a chance to button up his own pants.

With wide eyes and his mouth agape, Ville stared down at your busy hands, which were repeating his previous actions.

“Turnabout’s fair play” You said, with a wink, before tugging at the waistband of his pants in a teasing manner.

“I’m nice” Ville grumbled, trying to shake off the boldness of your actions.

“You can be” You replied in all honesty.

“I know a couple of guys who would be interested in a date”

“With you? Yeah, I know a couple of guys who would be interested too. Bam would be at the top of that list. In fact, I bet he would like to be on top all the time” You laughed.

“That’s the twisted little girl I know” He chuckled, almost sorry he was unable to see his friend’s reaction at such a sharp remark. “A date with you. I know a couple of guys who would be interested in you”

“Is Jyrki one of those guys?” You said without thinking much.

“Jyrki?! Isn’t he a little old for you?” Ville questioned. Mentally choking on your words.

“I believe that you were the one who said that you’re not an old man if you can still get your dick up without the assistance of modern medicine”

“True, but Jyrki? What do you see in him?”

“He’s tall. Like a bull or a Clydesdale. I want to mount him and ride off into the sunset” You answered, with a dazed grin.

“Why did I just get a disgusting mental picture of a cowboy hat flying across his livingroom?” He asked, with a shudder.

“Ville, please” You hissed, in an offended manner, “I’d keep the cowboy hat on”

Knowing you had the upper hand, you stuck your tongue out at Ville, who returned to his wide eyed expression of shock.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore” He mumbled, snatching his red, button down, shirt out of a dresser drawer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally! An update.

Thanks to everyone for sticking it out and waiting for this chapter. I'm gonna get to work on the next one. The story line is going to be picking up very soon. Hope you enjoy!