Sequel: Oops You're Dead

Stort Stories of a Random Nature

The Treatment

“Hmmm,” the doctor bent over my face squinting, her prescription glasses turning her eyes small a beady. “Seems something went wrong.”

“Wrong?” I heard myself echo. My fists bunched, nails digging into my palms. “It’s the size of a freaking watermelon!”

“Now, now, dear--”

Excuse me, did I hear that right? Dear? Did she think I was in pre-school? I cut her off before she could go on. “Don’t dear me, this is your fault! Yesterday Katie Holmes gave me a wedgy so high that I could’ve been hung from the washing line by my knickers!”

“I’m sure that had nothing to do with your face, Matilda.” She gave a small cough. “You’ve clearly had a bad reaction.”

“If I wanted to look like a transsexual I would have asked!” My fingers worked over the bristles on my cheek. Heads were going to start rolling if this wasn’t fixed in the next forty-eight hours. “I wanted acne treatment, not a beard!”

“Well, your acne has gotten better.”

My face looked like a pincushion that a cat had had a go at – that was hardly what I would call improvement. I struggled for a suitable comeback, then decided a glowering silence might just serve me best.

The doctor gave another cough, one of those ‘ahem-hems’ in the back of her throat that sounded like she was choking on phlegm. Silently, I hoped she was.

“We’ll adjust your medication.”

My shoulders squared. “No. I don’t want anymore of your confounded meds.” Our verbal spats were turning into a game of tennis – or perhaps ping-pong since the ball didn’t land where it was supposed to. “I just want this beard gone!”

The doctor studied me for a moment. Her fingers probing the edge of her chin in thought.

Was she mocking me?

“I have something that might just do the trick.” She said after a minute.

“What?” I demanded.

The doctor swiveled on her seat, reaching for a desk drawer and rummaging. With a thump the drawer shut and those beady little eyes turned back to me. I waited, wondering what she could possibly give me.

She handed me a razor.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written for a daily short story competition in Second Life. The group running it is called INKsters, who provide a daily theme for a short 500 word story.

Today's was: The Treatment. What treatments have you had recently? What embarrassing things is it finally time to share with your peers?

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