Not who you think

Chapter one...

"'Allegra, you have to know I'll alwyas Love you' well I don't love him! I HATE him!" I say to my best friend Chase as we walk out of the Diner and down the street to his house. Chase and I have been best friends since 9th grade.

"He was a jerk anyway. We could always prank call him, if you want. I'm sure we could dig up some dirt on him. I could always get someone to go up to him and be like "It's because your gay isn't it?" Chase is always playing jokes on people. Not that I mind, it makes for a more amusing day.

"But he was so nice! I mean really when do you meet someone that nice? Well not very often with my luck." We were nearing Chase's house.

"You only have bad luck with guys becuase you see what they are like when they aren't with you. That's the only reason. Most girls would kill to have that type of insight." This was our last day of summer vacation. I dated a boy named Duke. He was nice but then I found out he was cheating on me.

To make things simpler I'll explain my whole "situation" right upfront. Chase and I attend a boarding school. A boarding school for just guys. I enrolled myself in it when I was in 9th grade and my parents died in a carcrash. It was the only school that I had a chance at getting into. So I had to forge papers and all that crap stating I was a boy. I know it probably would've been simpler to just not go to school at all but, well, I enjoy a challenge.

Chase's family and Jon (my other bestfriend and roommate) are the only people in on my secret. I figured I'd have to tell them sooner or later, so I told them last summer. Jon was a little shocked, and was mad becuase he has to go back to England every summer, so he couldn't talk to me about any of this.

Chase's family was more then helpful. They helped pay my tuition and they let me stay with them in the summer and winter vacations. I am so greatful! Chase has 4 brothers. Matt is one year older then he is, Simon is two years plder, Sean is 3 years older, and Jesse is 7 years older. Yeah his parents are oblivious to the fact that there are such things as condoms. But I'm glad they are.

Jesse is my favorite brother. He's really shmexy, funny, smart, and really good at guitar! He went to the academy and is now teaching there. So I get to see him everyday in Math! We finally got to Chase's house and when I walked in Jesse told me some great news.

"I think you'll be very pleased to hear this Allegra. The school is debating on letting girls in." Jesse said turning down the volume on the T.V.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! That's awesome! Thanks Jesse!!!! You're the best!!!!!!" I ran over to him and gave him a hug. Chase walked upstairs to his room and I followed.

Chase shook his head when I closed the door behind me "Shut it, Chase. You know I have a huge crush on him. He's a really great person!" Chase laughed. I started to look through my bag of clothes. "Chase I don't have any more clean pants. Can I borrow a pair?"

"I don't see how you'll fit you're so damn skinny." Chase threw me a pair of skinny jeans and turned on his computer.

"I'm sorry I'm not the fattest person on the planet. Can I log onto aim andd see if Jon's on?" I asked pushing him off the computer.

"Oh yeah sure, let me get out of your way." He said sarcastically. I ignored his comment and went on my playlist, for my music. The I went onto aim and to my surprise Jon was on.

allthelies: Jon!!!!!!!!!!! school tomorrow! Excited?
I'mnothome: Yeah extactic.
allthelies: haha. So, are you in the states yet?
I'mnothome: Yes I got home really early this morning. I was thinking about coming into see you guys but then I figure we have the whole school year.
allthelies: oh I see. You should come, I miss you! It's been all summer since I've heard your British accent! Harry Potter just doesn't cut it foir me anymore. :[
I'mnothome: lol. I really wish I could talk longer but I have to unpack. I'm not sleeping on just a matress tonight.
allthelies: ok, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye! :]
I'mnothome has signed off.

I sighed and logged off of aim. "Chase, do you think I grew my hair to long?" I have thin Black hair. It's a little above my shoulders. I can make it into hair that a guy would have or hair for a girl.

"No I think it looks good." Chase said reading his book.

I unrolled my sleeping bag and set it on the floor. Chase and talked about teachers and school related things for a few hours. When the clocked striked 12 I told him we should get to bed. So, I rolled over an closed my eyes. Drifting into the nightmare I knewI would have.
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I know it's not great or anything but I was up all night punding my head for a story. And then it hit me. So I'm pretty proud I came up with this! :] lol
So tell me if I need to improve and what not.
Comments will make me update! :] lol