Not who you think

Chapter 2...

The next morning I woke up around 6:30. We had all week to get settled into our rooms but for some reason there was a rush to get to school. Before we left I had to change into my guy attire. Chase's skinny jeans and the school's soccer team hoodie. On the way to school Chase was quieter then usual. He was also avoiding eye contact. This couldn't be good.

"Chase, what's wrong love?" I asked trying not to sound like I was interrogating him. He hates it when people question him excessively.

“Jon called this morning.” He said. He kicked a rock on the street and almost tripped over his own two feet,

“What did the smarty have to say?” I asked holding his arm so he wouldn’t kill himself.

“We have a new roommate.” My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe what he just said; I wouldn’t believe what he just said.

“But…” Chase put his arm around me when I was unable to finish my sentence. His words were my hell. No whoever this new kid is was my hell.

“He won’t be here until later this afternoon. We’ll figure something out. No ones going to be found out.” Chase tried to reassure me. His attempts failed. No words at this point could comfort me. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

When we finally got to school we went straight to our dorm. Jon was lying on his bed with his ipod in. Jon was really into music. Pretty much why we’re friends, we can connect over anything. Whatever we’re doing we have to have music, even if it’s just in our heads.

“Jon HELP what do I do!??!” I said rushing over to give him a hug and then looking at him seriously.

“Just act like you do around all the other guys. Just make sure all your stuff is hidden. Don’t let on that you have this deep dark secret. Be kool and we‘ll do the same.” Jon said looking proud he came up with that on his own. As simple as it was.

“But now I can’t talk to you guys like I do now! I can’t complain about my womanly needs! I can’t talk about how much of a jackass Duke is!!!!” I said pouting my lips.

“Wait I thought you liked Duke? Wait, does this mean I get to hurt him? YES, PAYBACK TIME!!!!!!!” Jon didn’t know Duke broke up with me. He and Duke have had this rivalry since 9th grade when Duke kicked him “purposely” in soccer. We really have no way of knowing if kicking Jon was his actual intention, but Jon is convinced it was.

“No I broke up with him because he told Al, he was cheating on me.” Al is who I am as a guy. Duke and he were friends. So I got the inside scoop.

“I thought we were talking about the new guy. Focus you two! And I thought I was the one with ADD.” Chase said as he started unpacking his things. Jon and I can start talking about something and end up on a totally different topic entirely.

“Oh, right. Well look on the Brightside Allegra, we can always get him out of the room.” Jon said helping me unpack my things.

“Yeah but it won’t be the same. This was my haven, and now some random kid is going to steal it from me.” I exclaimed, giving up on not yelling.

“Well enjoy it while you can. Until 3:30 to be exact. We’ll do whatever we can to make you happy until then.” Jon said trying to sound eager.

“Let’s just chill and play video games. Want me to see what’s up with Lucy, Chase? Maybe we can all go out tonight. Without him” I said the word him darkly.

“If she’s on aim. But her phone’s not working so don’t bother to call.” Chase said turning on the computer.

He slid out of the chair before I had the chance to push him out. “Alrighty then.” I logged onto aim. She was on, and messaged me first.

Lucyprep19: Hey Allegra! What’s up with you?
allthelies: Nothing really I’m just hanging around at the library. You?

I know I lied about where I was, but Lucy gets mad when she finds out I’m with Chase without her. I know they are dating and everything, but possessive much?

Lucyprep19: Oh cool, I’m just at home.
allthelies: I see. I was wondering if you wanted to come out with Chase, Jon, and I tonight. We’ll probably just have dinner at the diner.
Lucyprep19: I would love to! But my parents are out of town for the week and I was actually thinking about having Chase come over.
allthelies: Oh, I’ll tell him that you want him to come over. Around 7:00? Don’t get too rowdy now, ok kids? Use protection!
Lucyprep19: haha yeah 7:00’s great. We will! Thanks! I guess I’ll be seeing you around?
allthelies: Yeah, have fun! Bye!

I logged off of aim, and filled Chase in on her plans for tonight. This seemed to get him excited. When we played video games he was really into it and won them all. Horny little Chase. He’ll jump at the chance to get Lucy’s clothes off. But any guy would. She’s a Blonde with a nice figure and big boobs. Chase says that’s just a bonus. Al’s the only guy that doesn’t drool all over her. And she resents that about him.

The clocked striked 3:30. Everyone froze. We all just sat there motionless. Until, there was a knock on the door and 3:39. Jon got up and answered the door. And in walked my hell. My new nightmare. The ever so possible end of all that I’ve worked for. And I hated him. I hated him with every bone in my body. So why couldn’t I stop myself from thinking of how much I wanted to kiss those soft lips?
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I know it's kind of fast. But I was in a hurry. I want to thank the people that read it and the person that subscribed to it! :]
That made me extactic so I was all "MUST UPDATE THE STORY!" But then I have to go to a party so it was written quicker then I intended, lol.