The World Beyond The Door

The Diary

The hour glass chimed, the time was spoken and the girl was lost in the world, beyond the door. There was no coming back however hard she tried.

Dear diary, Wednesday November, 5th 2006
I am alone and friendless, the only thing I can think of doing is turning myself into stone but would that help? No one even knows about the world beyond the door, in my bedroom. And no one will do for a very long time.

I hope I write in you again but my mind is made up, I shall sleep in a stone statue till a person can free me. This world scares me as there are many things I do not know. The leaves on the trees make no sound when I stand on them or even when the wind blows on them. The beach further down the bay is silent and ghostly. The waves crash against the sand and I can hear it but the sound isn't soothing it's scary and eerie. The desert to the west is secretive but I feel no pleasure to find the other side. It brings coldness, my heart can't take, the loneliness that calls my heart to feel. But my heart only wants to sleep in peace. The river in the wood I can hear but not the way I want to, it is strange, it beckons. The place is not cold but I shiver. The animals are wild but tame at the same time.

I am not even happy that tomorrow is my birthday as I seem to be trapped in this desolate world. Yes my birthday is the day after bonfire night and no I am not celebrating because my father is a jerk going off with out my mother to tell you the truth he murdered her. He took me so they would never know that the girl (my mother) had been pregnant.

I grew up slowly thinking that my mother had died in child birth (that was what he told me). My father went away for days, leaving me on my own; I never knew then that he was going to kill me. No-one did.

You're probably wondering how I managed to find this world because I said I found it in my bedroom and through the door. It was an accident really. I found this place when I was little about 4 years old, my father had told me that he had to go to a business trip and would be back in a week. He did that often. I know it's against the law, but at the time I didn't.

Anyway my father had locked me in the house, with food and the taps worked so I had water,
I had no guardian, but I was used to it as he had done this many times before.

I had been walking into my bedroom when the next thing I knew a door appeared out of nowhere on my wall. I walked over to it and I opened it, fascinated that something like that could appear in my room. I stepped through the threshold and into the beyond. Only I found that I was in a total different world to mine and once I had looked around I found that the door had shut itself neatly on my reality causing me to be stranded in a place I new nothing about. The only way I got back home to Earth was the fact that my father when he got back seemed to think that I was here. It didn’t even occur to me at the time that he knew about this place. Anyway he took me back to reality. Then he made sure that I never forgot to never go through there again.

When I wrote that I never knew he was going to kill me, that’s because that’s the last thing he tried to do before I came to this world for the second time. That happened about Yesterday though and I can't get back home to my reality because it’s a one way passage if you stumble through the door and don’t know the password to get back through. Oh and to mention the fact that the door is invisible should be a key fact as unless you want to be saying passwords in every direction until the end of time you need to mark where the entrance is…

My father will be in my reality laughing and thinking that he’ll never see me again. Well he’s wrong if I ever get out of here in his life time then I will track him down and kill him just like he tried to do to me. He had got a knife out of the kitchen and had come up behind me to put it round my neck, when I turned round I screamed and immediately started running up the stairs and into my room. I knocked loudly on the door in my room three times and stumbled through it quickly. Where I landed head down in the sand of the deserted island I’m on here.
Seems like its getting colder. By the way diary, ever since I entered this lost world, I have noticed the change in me. I have these weird powers they happen in out bursts, like I’m full of energy that’s why my mind is telling me the best option is to turn my self into stone.
I may just do that…

Good bye diary … or mystery person who can’t wake me up. Good luck in what ever you’re doing and I hope you find the way out…

Yours truly
Amy Eldest