The World Beyond The Door

The desert

My vision wouldn’t stop spinning as we came out of the door from my room, me and Emz stopped holding hands and because I was so dizzy I fell to my feet in the sand. Sand? This is strange; I squinted through my eyes as the sun reflected off of the sand making me blind. Then I felt the heat overwhelm me and I tried to see where Matt was but I couldn’t see him anywhere so how had he managed to vanish? I fumbled slowly burning my hands on the sand as I stood up and turned to face Emz. She was squinting at me from under the shade of her hand.

“Are you okay?” She asked before she bent down and picked up some of the things that I had dropped onto the floor. “Ouch.” She said as she burned her hand on the hot sand.

“I’m fine.” I answered shaking my head of the sudden nausea I felt devouring me.

“Where are we Jake?” She said softly but not angrily at all. I half admired her for being so brave about all of this. Anyone else probably would have screamed there head off and freaked out.

“I don’t actually know.” I answered her question and to tell you the truth I didn’t I mean I hadn’t exactly been given any answers in the little bit of Amy’s diary that I had read so I suppose there was loads to find out. I stood up slowly and looked around again. There were mountains in the distance and from what I can see we are surrounded by nothing. This is going to be interesting.

I helped pick up the rest of the items scattered all over the floor before standing up and asking Emz what direction she would like to head off in to try and find a place to make camp I suppose but we need water and food. What the hell are we going to do?