The World Beyond The Door

The Lady Isn't Joking

"Who are you?" I asked as a boy of around sixteen came out of the tree's towards me. He was holding a lamp which was how I managed to see his face. He had brown eyes and hair like mine.

"The question is, Sir, who are you?" The boy spoke like the King of England, but he looked like a tramp off the streets, only maybe not quite so bad. He kept approaching until he was level with me, I noticed he was the same height as me.

"My name is Jake." I nodded at him. If this was another world like it seems, then I need to figure out where I am and who I could trust. I need my little sister, if something happens to her then god knows, I shall hurt someone. The boy infront of me, was seizing me up and down, he possibly thought I was some kind of threat.

"My name is Will." He poked out his hand in front of himself for me to shake. Thank God for something I know how to do. I took his hand and shook it but then he let go and swung his hand backwards so it hit my knuckles.

"Oww." My knucles went red. So maybe I shouldn't get so full of myself.

"Did I take you by suprise, sorry." Although the boy said sorry he showed no sign, that he was really actually sorry at all. He turned on his heels and headed in another direction. "Follow me. These woods are dangerous if you don't know where you're going." His light showed the way and I saw finally the roots that had infact been catching my feet for many hours.

"Will, wait." I said jogging up to him, he turned slowly and stopped walking. "My friend, Emz... Emma she's on the out skirts of the wood, could we find her?" He raised his eye brows but changed his course. This ime we headed south I think. He had a quick pace about him and he looked confident if he were to meet some kind of animal. I kept my mouth shut cause Will had said that they were many dangers in these woods so what were they? I stayed close to him, though I knew that he might not have liked that. We found the edge of the woods soon enough but no Emma. "Where is she?" I had worry lines running through my forehead like train tracks.

"That way by around two hundred yards." Wil said and he started walking instantly in that direction, we had turned left out of the woods. How did he know the direction by a mere stand still, there were lots of questions. When we reached the mini camp that me and Emz had made earlier there was no sign of her, but that didn't bother Wil, he stood there like all was well. Like she was here as right as rain. He didn't even bother to help pick some of the stuff up.

"Jake..." Came a shaky voice from somewhere.

"Emz, where are you?" I looked desperately around me, thinking that I had missed something or maybe I couldn't see her? I looked at Will, who effortlessly raised his hand to the tree above. I looked up and there was the worried face of Emz. "Thank God, now what are you doing in that tree?" I sighed, there was a wash of relief out of my mind that i didn't know I had felt before.

"I... I saw a ... A bear." Her voice wavered, as she shivered it was then I realised the clothes we were wearing compared to Will. He was padded with probably a few layers, whilst we had little more than t-shirts on.

"A bear, don't be ridiculous.-"

"The lady isn't joking, the bear lives not far from here, my friend called him Claws. That was before he died though." Just like that the conversation ended with Will giving us little insight into the ways of nature. Emma had to get Will to help her out of the tree whilst I searched though all we had, checking and rechecking that we had everything. Then once all feet were on the ground, Emma and me picked up our stuff and started the walk back with Will to where ever he was taking us.

"Where are we going?" Emma asked.

"Good woman, I am taking you to my shelter for tonight where we shall discuss what is at hand but for our protection. Please could you keep your voice low, as the bear has good hearing and shall head this way with a large empty stomach." The conversation went dead and we finished the journey in silence. We were met by a cave with a curtain of weeds or shrubs growing down covering the entrance. Will headed straight inside whilst me and Emz dithered outside looking at the beautiful landscape. Even if it was dark, it was still impressive!
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