The World Beyond The Door

Riddles That Confuse

Emz shivered next to me, so I said to her, as I moved to go inside.

"Lets go inside, it's getting colder out here," I let her go in first and followed silently afterwards letting the door sway closed behind me. Once inside we stood amazed at the furniture the cave like home had. The wall had a shelf going along the top with many items kept along it, including spare blankets and wood. The lantern that Will had been holding was laying down by the entrance the light out. That was when I noticed that we could see a lot better in here, there were fires in little piles going into the cave. They were set out in little sections with rocks surrounding. It was resourceful and definately impressive. There was no flooring but I suppose it was a cave and so I shouldn't have been so expectant. There was a long seating area along the same wall as the shelf only along the floor.

"Would you like to come in?" Will said, making me jump because I hadn't heard him approaching, when I looked at his feet they were bare. No wonder I hadn't heard him coming, there was just his feet hitting the ground. Emz followed Will into the caves whilst I put a few of my things down on the chair based rock. I wandered into the cave and found two openings, which to go down? Emz called for me and I followed her voice.

"Where did you get to?" She asked me. As I caught them up, Will looked over his shoulder at me and then at Emz. His expression I couldn't read.

"I was just putting some of our stuff down. I didn't put it down quick enough cause I didn't know where you had gone once I'd got into here." She sighed at me. Letting out a small smile as she did so. Will carried on walking and took us deep into the caves. His stride was long but timed.

"So Will why are these caves so big?" He glanced at me again with an expression I couldn't read.

"These caves were built long small so that in winter the further in you are the hotter it would be. Before the desert had expanded as much as it has, this place used to be quite cold in winter but now however it is not. So we use the deepest cave for food and other items that need to be kept cold and fresh." Will then slowed down a little and I noticed the high roof start to decline and the walls narrow. Once we'd carried on like this for a while, I asked.

"You said that this place is kept the warmest, yet is it not summer? So why are you down far down here?" Will nodded at me as though that was logical thinking.

"Well, my father was taken ill last winter and has not recovered since, I keep him in the deepest caves to keep him warmer." Then we went through a gap and into a large room. Where the ceiling had heightened dramatically, and the width tripled in size. I watched Will go straight over to the other side where I could see blankets and other warm appliances on the bed. I guessed his father was over there. Will was whispering and then when his father gave him an answer he bowed his head before rising. He then came to address me and Emz.

"My father says you are welcome in our home, he will not pass judgment on you for now, but anything you do can be considered a threat. He does not mean this in spite or unkindness but many people on the road these days are spy's, or traitors. You cannot be too careful." I looked at him puzzled. They considered us a threat? I can't hurt a fly, well I can but that's not the point, I am not a violent person. I nodded in agreement and Emz noticing my answer followed suit.

"Now that that is settled, let us put some of your things, in the bedrooms before reconvening by the fire." Will said as though we would understand. Emz spoke up rather bravely,

"Will, where are the bedrooms?" He cocked his eyebrow up as though we were nutters, when he saw we were really confused he replied.

"Follow me," And took us round into the other cave where we walked along and found smaller caves separating off. The first room, Will informed us, was the bathroom. The second was his bedroom, the third was a girls room and the fourth, he said, I could use. Once I had successfully put all of my belongings into my assigned bedroom (Including the ones I had put by the entrance,), I joined Will by the fire. Emz was still sorting things out in her room.

"If you know not the handshake nor the manners, then may I ask you, Jake, where you are from?" Will sat by the fire staring into the embers, he looked entranced by the light dancing in the circle. I ponder his question for a moment. Do we really stick out like a sore thumb?

"That Will, is a difficult question, and one too precise to answer. For I do not know where I am and so cannot answer." Why was I talking in riddles? I hadn't even put the words into my mind, let alone thought to speak them, but hence they came forth through my mouth.

"Good answer." Will said, " I have not heard that one before, my father will be impressed, if not amused." Then Will looked up, he quickly stood and walked round the fire until he stood by Emz. She looked at him funny but took his hand when he offered it to her. He helped her sit down, bowed and then re-took his place where he had sat before. "I know I am prying and that I shouldn't, but truthfully now, Jake, where do you come from?" Emz looked at me, I looked at her, how could we explain something we didn't understand?
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Whatcha think...
I had sudden inspiration
and the next chapter mapped out!! haha :D woot
