Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter ten

David’s - P. O. V

I stared at the screen on my laptop. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! It hurt, hurt a lot actually. She didn’t want to see me ever! I hated her slightly, for making me like her that much and then tossing me aside. I hated her for making me feel this way, it was a weird feeling, and one I’ve never had before.

I reread the email that she had sent me last night. I just had to find her, she hadn’t been talking to me at all during the week, at least not since we had agreed to meet at the park.

You don’t reckon something’s happened to her or her family?

I wish I could find her but I only know her first name… Suki... She’s the only person that I can really talk to about anything. I would tell her about my mum, drinking, leaving me on my own to go to parties that she would turn around and tell me were work situations. Now a days I don’t actually believe my mum has a job, she never talks to me or tells me anything that’s why my Nan likes to look after me. She treats me like I’m still three.

I suppose I have to wait until tomorrow to find out what I have to do to find her! Oh and I must find her no matter what. She is all that is keeping me going, the thought of her not being ok, that’s like death it’s self is against me finding happiness. Well I suppose they are I mean I get a girlfriend and she turns out to be the biggest bitch you can ever meet and yet I’m still going out with her because we are told we suit! I still don’t believe that.

Anyway it’s half nine at night and I’m a walking Zombie… Not literally… I just feel that way. So I’m heading for the pig sty. Night Suki where ever you live. Sweet dreams…


Beep. Beep. Beep.

That fucking alarm clock, It goes off every day at half six and it bloody annoys me, as it wakes up the whole world, it’s so noisy! Though if I didn’t have it then I would never get up.

I scrambled out of bed and got my uniform ready before having my routine daily morning shower. When I came out I put my uniform on, I felt refreshed and finally awake, so I went down the stairs and had toast for breakfast. Grabbed my bag and headed for my new car. My Nan had got me a car and though it may help to make me popular and everyone think I’m rich I am truly not.

As I pulled into a car parking space with my so called mates, Mat and Jake, I noticed Nicole coming towards me, she was smiling, and obviously I put on a show for her. I gave her the biggest false smile a guy could give a girl and yet she still didn’t take any notice. She grabbed my hand and we went walking up to the school doors and Nicole made me stand right in front of it to block people from going in. I swear she’s here to make everyone’s life hell.

Then I saw her, the chick with the Long black hair, I’ve spoken to her more than once and she’s even told Nicole what was what. I really love her for doing that. As always she was walking towards the school doors with her best mate… Abi, I think it was. Abi’s hair is a dark brown and she has an emo fringe, I think they’re cool but if I was to admit that in front of Nicole… She’d kill me! Her eyes are green totally different to the black haired chick … I don’t even know her name. She has blue eyes, beautiful blue eyes if I may say so.

As she walked past me, she smiled, it was almost like she knew something I didn’t. She then told me and Nicole to budge well she directed her actual words to Nicole but I moved out the way and watched the Fight. I knew I’d pay for it later but it was so worth it.

When the bell went I went inside and saw Mr Benton, one of the main It teachers in the school, so I asked him…

“Sir, can I talk to you?”

“Yes. Hurry up though David.”

“Well sir is there any way that I can look a girl up that goes to our school by typing in her name?”

“Yes there is. Click on the search button and type the girls name in. She’ll come up and you can find her. Why do you want to know David?” He asked me.

“Umm. I have a science project to do with this girl and I don’t know what she looks like to find her as she wasn’t I lesson when we were given partners.” I quickly covered up. Not bad was it. At least I knew I could find her now.

At lunch Suki, I’m finding you and talking to you…

David’s P. O. V…

So I trudged through maths, geography, English and science before being able to go up to the It suit to get away from Nicole and that lot.

To my disappointment the girl with the long black hair, wasn’t there, maybe there’s a way to find her just by looking at pictures? What do you think?

I signed on the computer and went onto the school’s intranet, (This weird web-site thing set up for the school.) at what ever other time I had gone on this site the search bar at the bottom of the page hadn’t been noticeable and yet today it was the only other thing occupying my thoughts.

I typed in Suki’s name and then thought and thought about whether it would work, so I just put her name in and her year and clicked search. I mean how many Suki’s in year ten can there be?

The computer loaded the page and I went down the page to find fifteen people with the name Suki. Including the girl with the long black hair, her name was Suki.

What if she was the one I talked to on e-mail?
What if she wasn’t?

Then I would be making an utter fool of my-self going up to one complete stranger and seeing whether they are the same person that I talk to…

I looked at all the faces on the page planning to go up to all of them and ask them questions. I had been waiting far to long to meet Suki to put this off for a day or two it was today or I would kill my-self later.

God I hope this is a good idea!

I wrote down all of their names and surnames. Then I logged off of the main frame and went to find my Suki…