Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Thirteen

David’s P.O.V…

… Three hours ago …

I got in from school at four o’clock after having the chore of dropping Nicole off home.

I shoved my bag on the floor in my room as I jumped onto the chair in front of my desk and laptop.

I went on the Kerrang’s web site and checked when there next gig was… one month. Good thing my Nan bought me two tickets three months ago for it. I came off the website ready to think about how I could change to get Suki.

Wouldn’t I change if I didn’t hang around with Nicole? How much does she want me to change? Friends? Me? Oh and when I say me I mean appearance, personality… Stuff like that.

What kind of stuff is she into? I know she likes evanescence and greenday, oh what else was on her bag?

Should I ask her? She doesn’t want to talk to me so how would that be possible? Well sending her a message won’t hurt. It’s the reply that could. How do I know that? I don’t just do it.

I’m talking to my-self God help me!

So I started to type my first draft to her.

Three hours later, I was on my seventieth draft, I just could seem to put down what I wanted to say to her. What I eventually came up with was…

Dear Suki,
I know you probably hate me but I just wanted to say that I really, really like you.
I am truly sorry if I’ve ever insulted you in anyway. I apologise most sincerely. I hope that in any ways in which I have offended you I could ask for your forgiveness. Even if you never want to see me again at least I’d be sitting somewhere knowing I have your forgiveness.
I’m Sorry for my rude behaviour.
Love David.

I then spent around half an hour reading and rereading my email to her, checking punctuation and spelling. I don’t know why I put different words in it but I suppose that’s because my English teacher has been drumming stuff like that into my head.

I sat wondering whether I should send it. Wondering…

Would I get a reply?
Will she forgive me?
Does she hate me?
Would I ever be good enough for her?

Before I eventually managed to bring my-self to send it.


Suki’s P.O.V…

I manoeuvred the mouse button until I was hovering above the e-mail, either to destroy it forever or to read it and love him.

I clicked it.

Okay, so it was just a little tiny weenie crush I had on him that compelled me to open it. Who am I kidding … No-one… I have the biggest of the biggest crush on him and one other person. I’m not telling you who that is.

Once I’d read the letter/e-mail I deleted it after having sent him a reply.

I didn’t want to tell him why I sent it.

I definitely didn’t want him going off of me but I bet myself he would.

Maybe I should write a different reply, one that’s less harsh?

I am a harsh, evil and un-thought full person I bet I hurt his feelings.

I waited to see the reply if I got one and while waiting I did my homework.


David’s P.O.V…

I almost fell off my chair when I received my reply almost immediately after sending my first e-mail to her today.

I clicked eagerly on the e-mail and watched as it immediately came up on the screen. I felt my face as I read the only word on the page.


Did she really mean it?

This made my plan more urgent to hatch.

I logged off the computer and went down to see my Nan.

“Hey Nan,” I said. She looked up from cooking.

“You alright David,” She asked me sensing something was up.

“I need two more tickets for the gig please Nan.” I thought she’d moan at me for asking for money but I was going to get a job to pay her back… Eventually.

“Sure. Do you want ordinary’s or backstage?” She asked.

“Umm backstage please I will pay you back Nan. Thankyou.”

“Who’s it for?” She asked. “A girl?”


“Your Business sorry.”

“Yes it is. I think I love her.”

“That’s a bit strong isn’t it. How long have you known her?”

“Going on for three months.”

“Love at first sight let me guess.”

“You nailed it.”

I didn’t want to be harassed all evening and so went into my room and got my plans for tomorrow ready.


I dodged down the corridor at school after doing a dangerous task. My bait is set lets hope the fish are biting.

I went out the front doors and met Nicole standing there her arms folded, foot taping, she knew something was up.

“And what have you been up to?” She said.