Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Fourteen


Suki's P.O.V...

No reply how rude. Well I can talk, I was rude myself, writing that.

I had something to eat, checked my bag for tomorrow and had a long luxurious bath before heading for my bed after locking my door.


I opened my eyes to see the light coming in through my window it was a beautiful sight but it was spoiled by the sound of banging on the front door.

Who would that be at half seven in the morning?

I quickly threw some clothes on and yanked my bedroom door open, sprinted downt the stairs and blasted the front door open with my hands. Dad was standing there.

"Well move!" He said trying to shove past me into the house.

"No. You said you wouldn't come back. I told you I'd call the police if you did-" I didn't shut up I was so angry at him for returning to this house... The house that so many people would remember as the torture place.

"Suki." He growled. "I'm here to see your mother."

"Oh well that makes everything alright then. But when you're finished would you mind clearing off for good!" I wasn't going to stand there I let him in and slammed the door behind him. I went straight into the kitchen and had breakfast. Grabbed my bag afterwards and rushed out the door to meet up with Abi half way down the road.


When we got to school we went straight to our locker's. First to Abi's and then mine. I walked up to my locker, punched in the locker code and felt the locker spring towards me off its hinges. As I opened the door two pieces of paper dropped to the floor. Abi picked them up and a huge smile spread across her face.

"What?" I said taking the pieces of paper.

"When were you going to tell me you had those?" Abi asked me.

I stood shocked at the tickets I held in my hand in front of my body. I definately hadn't got these my-self which means someone else got them for me. God I felt like the universe was gigantic and I was going to see gods!

Abi must have seen my shocked impression and read me like a book.

"You have a secret admirer." She chanted.

I shook my head wishing that I hadn't sent him that message. Had he done this just because I called him a loser or did he do it on his own initiative?

I went to get my books out of my locker when I noticed the envelope. I gently picked it up and turned it over. My name was weaved across the cover with lots of roses and vines creeping around and on the letters. It looked so gothical I loved it. It couldn't have been done by David he's not gothical or a good drawer.

"Well open it." Abi said excitedly. I hadn't noticed her figure next to me staring at the piece of paper. I had been left in my own bubble for so long that I always blanked people out. I opened the envelope carefuly as though it was the treasure of my heart. I took the small piece of folded paper out slowly and delicately. Just so that I didn't rip the paper.
I opened it and started to read it...

Dear Suki.
I know the girl who sent me that e-mail wants me to prove myself to her. So to prove to you this is the real me, i want you to see me outside school.
Starting with a date to see My Chemical Romance. You can take one of your friends. Preferedly Abi otherwise you may have people killing your other friends. Oh and i have planned a suprise for you at the gig so please come. If you haven't already noticed your tickets are backstage passes.
Please come.
Love David.

"How the fuck did he get back stage passes?" I thought out-loud looking up into the head teachers face.

"Miss Trent, i believe that, that note has powerfully made you senseless to the bell that went ten minutes ago. Now get to class. Break time detention too I think for swearing."

Then miss pushed us in the right direction after letting me slam my locker shut. As me and Abi walked to tutor we started talking about the situation.

"David truly loves you." Abi pressed into me.

"I don't understand why he can't just be him-self all the time. At least it proves who your real friends are."

"Who was the friend he was on about?"

"That was Lyra she wears too many bright coloured clothes and so would stand out like a balloon."

"Right ok. So you've been sending him e-mails tell me, tell me, tell me." Abi insisted.

" I'm not telling you what they say."


"They are private and he's said some really pretty nice stuff that i don't want you to hear."

"Is it lovey dovey stuff?"

"Sometimes." I answered.

"Sweet but not like you." She speculated.

"Not everything has to be about me you know? Hows your love life going?"

"Its going shit. Your love life is way more interesting, tell me."

Abi didn't stop pesturing so I quit talking and walked into tutor slowy. Sir saw me and immediately put down a late mark. When he saw Abi he put lateness down to being lost.

How typical.

Going to see My Chemical Romance is my dream. To have backstage passes is a miracle and I owe one person for this miracle, David. He has a girlfriend. Why if he likes me does he still go out with Nicole? I have no idea.

What will it be like at the gig?

What should I wear?

We have three weeks to wait what am I worrying for?


(Same day...)

At break I went to my detention room to find David Tennant doing the same. No matter how many times I see him I can't get over how gorgeous he is, Why Nicole is his girlfriend and how the hell he likes me? Phew, awful long sentence.

I walked into the room and quickly took a seat behind David so that he couldn't see me. I waited for five minutes but no other living soul came into the room. Not even the teacher. David started to turn around. Shit. Shit. Shit! I love his hair the way it hangs all over the place but looks stunning. He truly is a god. He makes the littlest things in life seem so important, even his own hair!

"Suki." He said surprised.

"Hello David." I said quietly, after all it was his fault that I was here.

“What did you get dragged here for?” He asked. “Who by?” He said probably thinking about it.

I looked straight up into his eyes, his lovely dark brown eyes, he is gorgeous.

“It was because of you but I don’t mind. I was caught reading the letter you left for me by our head teacher.” I explained quickly.

“Oh I’m sorry.” He said. I watched as he stared at his feet. He really was truly sorry. Well I suppose that’s a good thing. “So will you come to the gig? Please!” He begged me.

“Wait and see. But I thought you would know that I love My Chemical Romance.”

“So that’s a definite Yes?”

I didn’t tell him and I just sat in silence smirking. It was funny he really wanted me to go.

“Suki.” He whispered.

I knew not to reply it was like when you whisper a random thing to someone. But you need no reply you just…. Want them. Does that mean he wants me?

He has a girlfriend Suki!

And now I’m talking to myself again.

I watched as he raised his hand to my cheek. I felt his cold hand connect with my warm skin. I stared into his soul through his beautiful brown eyes. This was the perfect moment. I could feel my heart beat explode into a thousand footsteps. I smiled gently at him longing for this moment to last for a life time. He moved closer to me and I tilted my head slightly. There was definitely no Tucker to interrupt this time. He made it so that the gap between us was less than a few centimeters apart. I could feel his slow soft breathing on my skin. The moment was magic as our lips collided, it was a gentle but heavenly dreamt of kiss. It was slow and perfect and when we pulled apart I didn’t want to stop, I went to kiss him again and he lent forwards again but then something came crashing onto the table and we both looked up. Someone had been watching us and obviously didn’t like it.

“Sorry.” I said. It was almost an immediate action. I grabbed my bag and legged it out of the classroom. As I started to leave David called my name and tried to pull me back but once he knew I was not going to stop, he let me go. I saw out of the corner of my eye him picking up the screwed up piece of paper and reading it…

That was the last thing I saw whilst running to find Abi at the hide out.