Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Sixteen

Abi’s P.O.V…

I got into my History class just in time of the bell ringing in the corridor. Phew. I wasn’t late. Suki was sitting at the back like always so I sat near by. The fact that we had to sit boy, girl, boy, girl didn’t help. Why was Mrs Britain so mean in seating us in places we don’t want to be?

When Miss finally finished telling us what we had to be doing, the noise level started to rise and everybody’s pen connected with their paper. I wrote Suki a quick note to ask her what she was doing after school.

Hey Suki.
What’s up? What are you doing after school? If nothing why not come round my house. I need some help with my maths homework and you could help me. My parents are out so we can put loud music on. Yay!
x Abi x

I got up to get a text book from the front of the room on Tom’s table and made a little detour to Suki on the way. I dropped her the note, weaved through the tables and grabbed a text book before going straight back to my seat.

I watched as she read the note and started writing a reply. Once I saw her fold it, I eagerly waited for her to come over but instead she raised her hand and called miss over. Miss examined the work that she’d done and then they spoke to each other. Miss went to another Student no longer interested in Suki’s work whilst Suki wandered straight over to me.

“She thinks I came over for colouring pencils.” Suki said quietly she gently put the note into my hand and I bent down and picked my pencil case out of my bag in one swift motion. Suki took the pencil case opened it and ended up taking the blue and green pencil. I think she drew the world in her book to colour.

“Cheers.” Then she walked away leaving me looking probably suspicious with a note in my lap underneath the table. I waited five minutes for a time where it was noisier to read the note. In the Five minutes I had continued my work so I was on schedule to finish just before the next bell. Suki came back a number of times to get different colouring pencils and kept asking my whether I’d read it but I hadn’t so she moved away again.

Finally I decided it was time to open the note and so opened it slowly underneath the table. It read…

Hey Abi.
Nope I’m doing nothing after school and I would love to come over to help you with your maths. Maths is easy. So your parents are out… Where?
X Suki X

I sent her a reply straight back and then we continued our work.


Suki’s P.O.V…

At the end of school, Abi and I walked home from school to her house. When we got in I asked her if I could ring my mum using her home phone to tell her where I was and that it was alright that I stayed round Abi’s. I dialled the usual number for home and waited for my mum to pick up.

“Hello.” She mumbled and I immediately noticed the sniffs and sobbing sounds coming through the phone. She was crying.

“Mum? Are you alright?” I clutched the phone tighter a worried reaction to mums sobbing. Obviously something had happened. I only just remembered that dad had come round this morning to see mum. What could he have done to up-set her? Hit her? Told her about the blonde bimbo?

“Oh, Suki. Fine, fine.” She said trying to cover up the fact that she was up-set.

“I was going to ask if I could stay at Abi’s for an hour or two but I think its best that I come home now.”

“No. You stay at Abi’s, have a nice time and come home later. I’m being stupid. Okay I’m fine.” Mum sounded normal again and so I gave in to her and decided that I would stay at Abi’s but I wouldn’t stay long as I wanted to know what was wrong and why she was up-set?

“Alright then, I’ll be home soon, bye mum.” My grip on the phone loosened as I got ready to put the phone down.

“Bye Suki.” A silent pause. “Love you.” She added on the end. She really made me feel guilty adding that on the end, in the sense of I hadn’t said I love you mum for a long time. I do love my mum but I feel that she hasn’t done enough for us. I don’t know what I’m saying anymore god damn it I’ve confused my-self. Never mind.
I put the phone down in a shocked silence then turned to face Abi who immediately said.

“Is everything alright at home?” She looked worried probably because she had heard part of the conversation and wondered why I had said that I should go home.

“I don’t know. Anyway I better help you with your maths and go. So what are you stuck on?” I started walking behind Abi and gently up the steep stair case.

“Mostly fractions, I suppose.” Abi answered, we walked into her room.

I noticed that she had done the same as her brother had done with the posters in his room. All the bands we both liked were glued to the walls. I went and touched everyone by turn and stood admiring them. They were gorgeous (The men obviously not the girls!) the girls were still cool though.

“Suki, We have maths to do.” Abi made me jump as I wasn’t expecting her to talk it was a peace-full moment to be shared by the posters and me.

I turned round to see her behind me but my eyes shot passed her to the tall tanned boy leaning to one side of the door-way with his legs crossed.

“Hello Harry.” I said plainly.

“Hello you must be the legendary Suki.” Oliver said. This really flattered me. Did Abi really talk about me that much? I hope I’m not blushing.

“Yes, Oli, that’s Suki. Now bog off I have homework I need help with here.” Abi said trying to shove her brother out the door but was failing terribly. You could tell that he always won the fights between them as he was a lot stronger than her.

“I’ll help if you want? And Abigail don’t call me Oli it’s Harry remember?” Harry was annoying Abi and then he walked into the room.

“You can help me with my homework and then can you bog off please?” I stood there giggling well smiling.

“You two enjoy fighting don’t you?” I watched Harry’s eyes stare deep inside my soul.

“No not really it annoys me when we fight. Abi get your homework and I’ll help you.” Harry said. His eyes never left and I looked down scared that I had let him see me too soon after our last encounter.

“Damn it my maths book and exercise books are both down the stairs in the living room. I’ll be back in a minute.” Abi was doing the worst thing possible leaving me and Harry alone.

“How are you?” Harry said coming over and sitting on Abi’s bed he then patted the space next to him for me to sit there. I moved and sat crossed legged facing him as I was too scared of sitting next to him. Good thing I wasn’t wearing my school skirt.

“I’m feeling alright at the moment Harry.” I answered.

“Cool, cool, you don’t need any help with your homework do you?” He asked me.

“I’m fine thanks.” I may not have been very engaging conversational wise but I was nervous after the first time I met him.

“So this is the second time I’ve met you and I don’t have my t-shirt on again.” I smiled and couldn’t help but glance down at his brown tanned skin.

“Caught you,” He said. I quickly looked anywhere but him. “Nah, I don’t mind. You can stare all you like.”

“I didn’t. I wouldn’t. I…” I sighed. “It just happened.” I was so embarrassed.

“If you’re embarrassed at this then guess how I felt coming out of my shower into my room to find a girl there. I’m never going to forget the look on your face as you turned around and looked at me.” We both burst out laughing and just at that moment Abi walked in.

“Glad to see you two getting along, at least you like one of my friends Harry.” I looked at Abi confused. Harry must have noticed because the next voice I heard was his explaining.

“I’ve never had any reasons to like them but Suki’s cool and funny and appears in places she shouldn’t be.” Harry said. If I had known he was going to have been here I wouldn’t have come. I think I get what they are on about now. Aww… they think I’m cool that’s good.

“So where’s this maths Abi?” She produced a small orange book and a pen then her work book. “So what are you stuck on?” She pointed. I looked at the page and saw that it was extremely easy and I knew how to help Abi. I noticed Harry becoming closer and closer to me. His eyes were burning a whole right through me.

“Well if you flip that one and then times the numerator by the numerator then you are half way there and then do the same for the bottom. Got it?” I asked Abi.

“Yes.” I then spent the next ten minutes checking the work she’d done. It was all correct.

“Abi.” I said. “Your maths is fine what is the real reason to why you asked me round here?” I asked puzzled.

“Alright then you noticed.” Abi put all her homework stuff away.

“Kind of hard not to.” I added.

“So what’s going on Abi?” Harry piped up.

“No. No. You’re not staying. You out!” Abi said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. I then realised how close he had been to putting his hand on mine. What was going on with the world?


Harry’s P.O.V…

I patted the bed for her to come and sit down on. She got up but sat facing me crossed legged. Obviously she didn’t want nothing to happen.

“I’m feeling alright at the moment Harry.” Suki said directly to me. Well things between us could of had a little more flow but maybe not considering the things she’d seen. I was over joy-ed that she called me Harry and not Oli like my little sister. I still can’t believe that she was in my room when I came out of the shower. She had looked like an angel standing there before becoming a frightened fairy and flying away.

“Cool. Cool. You don’t need any help with your homework do you?” I was trying to be polite to keep the conversation going. I knew that over wise we would sit in a dreadfully quiet room in silence.

“I’m fine thanks.” She said almost shyly.

“So this is the second time I’ve met you and I don’t have a t-shirt on again.” This is becoming a regular occurrence for her. Maybe she likes it? I watched her smile and then was amazed when her gaze drifted down to my chest. I liked the fact that I could soak up that she liked what she saw. “Caught you,” Was all I said but it was enough to make her immediately remove her eyes from looking anywhere near me for the next few minutes. “Nah, I don’t mind. You can stare all you like.” I added trying to make her feel a little less embarrassed. I just hope that that didn’t sound too bad like I’m desperate or something because I’m not. I enjoy little things not great bit mistakes.

“I didn’t, I wouldn’t. I…” She sighed at me. “It just happened.” A lot of things happen and I’m glad that that was one of them. She sat there looking at me definitely embarrassed. I knew I had to make her feel welcome so I thought of something funny.

“If you’re embarrassed at this then guess how I felt coming out of my bathroom into my room to find a girl there. I’m never going to forget the way you looked at me when you turned round and saw me.” I said. Then we both burst out laughing it was at that moment that Abi came in. Spoiling the wonderful moments before where I had had Suki all to myself.

“Glad to see you two getting along,” She said looking at both of us. “At least you like one of my friends Harry.” I glanced at Suki, who was looking a bit confused so I decided to explain it before Abi could make some absolute gibberish up about me.

“I’ve never had any reasons to like your friends but Suki, she’s funny and she appears in places that she shouldn’t be.” I said it to be friendly and to tell my little sister that this was the right sort of person to be friends with. Plus her friends had never been around long enough to get to know. They seemed to jack my little sister which I didn’t really like them doing. So if they weren’t going to be nice then neither would I. Abi would never say a bad word about them she’s so good natured and all. Though recently she’s taken to liking my music which is annoying because it’s my music and she should like her own.

“So where’s this Maths Abi?” Suki asked. I then watched her as she showed my little sister what to do. Yet I could see that Abi knew exactly what to do because she had done the exact same piece of homework the night before. Suki checked through all the answers still sitting in the same position she had been earlier in.

“Abi,” She spoke softly. “Your maths is fine, what’s the real reason you asked me here?” She asked questioningly. This suddenly hit me. Suki was right, my sister always had a reason for something so that either meant that my sister had let her guard down or Suki was extremely smart.

“Alright then you noticed.”

“Kind of hard not to,” Suki summarized.

“So what’s going on?” I questioned my little sister.

“No. No. You’re not staying, you out!” Abi said grabbing my hand that had been inches away from touching Suki’s. Abi yanked me towards the door. My one chance at touching Suki and I missed it.

“But Abi,” I said pleading with her to let me back into her room, I could have won this by force but I wanted Suki to like me. Abi shut her door in my face and so I sat leaning against it listening to their conversation.

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If you comment i would be happy thank you
