Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Two

At lunch time I went up to the IT suit. David Tennant was in It again sitting in the exact same place as the day I had met Habbo David. So I sat in the same place that I sat in when I had first come to the It suit.

I emailed, well, went back on Habbo Hotel…

HannahOwens: David are you there?
HannahOwens: Hello?
HannahOwens: Fine then I might as well leave.

!!betroubled!! : Suki? Is that you?

HannahOwens: Well who else would it be? Your mother?

!!betroubled!! : I hope u’r being sarcastic?

HannahOwens: Well der! Sorry.

!!betroubled!! : I take it that means u’ve had a bad day.

HannahOwens: No the opposite. I mean mum got up and made us break fast and lunches.
HannahOwens: You know what it’s almost like she’s tryin to win us back by playing the mother card.
HannahOwens: well it ain’t exactly working!

!!betroubled!! : Woah, slow down maybe she was just being nice.

HannahOwens: No way. Are we talking about my mum? Something is up!

!!betroubled!! : well you don’t know that.

HannahOwens: Oh who cares let’s get off the subject of my mother!
HannahOwens: So where would you meet someone for the first time and why?

!!betroubled!! : Are you saying that you want to meet me?

HannahOwens: Maybe, maybe not.

!!betroubled!! : Tell me.

HannahOwens: answer my question...

!!betroubled!! : what the one that asks me where I would meet someone and why?

HannahOwens: what other one was there?

!!betroubled!! : lol, well, do I have to give more than one place?

HannahOwens: Yes. Humor me.

!!betroubled!! : Ok, well, no 1 place I would go would be the beach because… it’s the best place to find someone who….

HannahOwens: has big boobs?

!!betroubled!! : No! It’s the best place to find someone who has lots of fun with a lively personality.

HannahOwens: Jesus. I thought you were one of those boys that love to stare at girls.

!!betroubled!! : well yh most boys do but its better if you have permission to stare!

HannahOwens: oh look at you quite the gentleman lol so where else?

!!betroubled!! : finally a laugh out of you. Right next one ok umm…
!!betroubled!! : how about the park that’s a great place to meet people.

HannahOwens: so you can make out with them if they’re a girl?

!!betroubled!! : No. If it was a first date I would never do that, you need to know someone first.

HannahOwens: so you’re not a dirty little boy that does it with every girl he can get his hands on?

!!betroubled!! : Are you accusing me? I mean i wouldn’t do that that’s gross. But if I was to kiss you on our date (if we ever have one) then it’d be alright as I know you… really well.

HannahOwens: no, well, I was. But well you can’t blame me because you could have been using me.

!!betroubled!! : I wouldn’t do that especially as you’re the only person I can talk to about my mum.

HannahOwens: Oh, yh, so how are you coping with that?

!!betroubled!! : im alright have you told your mum that your dad slept with another woman?

HannahOwens: No I mean she loves him so I can’t exactly do much.

!!betroubled!! : but what about the fact that…

HannahOwens: David. Don’t worry about me and my family. I’ll be alright.

!!betroubled!! : I hope you will.

HannahOwens: are u saying something?

!!betroubled!! : no why?

HannahOwens: No reason. So have you told your friends about your mum?

!!betroubled!! : no way.

HannahOwens: how is home?
HannahOwens: I just mean whats it like living with your nan for a bit?

!!betroubled!! : im alright.
!!betroubled!! : though my nan wants to pick me up from school! That’s a nightmare!!

HannahOwens: I bet it is!
HannahOwens: so where are you in the school typing to me?

!!betroubled!! : that’s the bell, we better go, I’ll talk to you later!

HannahOwens: well ok then.
HannahOwens: bye.

I came off the computer to see everyone leaving the IT suit. You know David Tennant the popular guy in school well he looked at me, our eyes met. He continued walking and went straight into the door.

I laughed we never spoke. I don’t think we ever have. I want to find out what he sees in Bitch-face Nicole but how can I if I can’t ever talk to him.

I’ve just looked at my homework diary, great, I’ve got science last and I sit next to her the cow!

I go down to tutor the doors locked, as always, Mr. Sneebly is usually late. Tuckers walking over to me.

“Lyra comes back tomorrow from Spain!” He said.

“I know and I’ve got such a lot to talk about.” I replied.

If you’re wondering who Lyra is then she’s been my friend since preschool. We get on well, even though she’s into make-up, pinky things and such. Me on the other hand I wear girly things with gothic things and my second favorite color is black. In fact when I’m older I want black hair (which I already have) with punky pink streaks in it.

I saw this girl walking down the street the other day she had that hair and I loved it. In-fact she’s one of my friends out side school but I only see her occasionally. I don’t have many friends… If you count David (email) then I have 4 but that’s about it.

I couldn’t stand science today. We were dissecting Pig! Horrible. I started to feel sick not to mention the fact that, the innocent pig was being poked, prodded and pulled all over the place.


When I got home, mum was out and I found the house in a pig-sty.Dad was at work and I was to pick up my little brother and sister from school in ten minutes.

It was strange, I mean usually mum was at home watching T.V with liquor in her hand and the volume turned up high. So anyway I dropped my school stuff and went and got the little moaning miniatures and came back home.

Mum still wasn’t in.

I told Sophie and Tom to tidy up their rooms while I tidied up down the stairs and made dinner. There were so many thoughts rumaging around in my brain, as well as one person I couldn't stop thinking about... 'I wonder what David’s doing?'. He’s probably on the computer emailing me. Did he really mean that I’m the only person he can talk to? I hope he’s not some pervert old man that skulks around the internet for innocent children.

I can hear someone coming up the path to the house. Please be mum. I have homework to do. Please be mum! Mum came in the door, what a relief!

“Suki! Where are you?” She called.

“In the kitchen making dinner.” She came in holding some papers in her hand.

“What are those?” I asked.

“I’ll do the dinner. You go and get yourself packed. Oh and tell Sophie and Tom to pack too.”

“Mum, packed for what?”

“As though your going on holiday, pack clothes, bathroom stuff all you can. We’re not staying in this dump!” Mum said.

I was shocked, I gave her the spoon to the risotto and went upstairs. Our house really is a dump, when we first got it, the paint was peeling off the walls. The stairs had no carpet and you kept getting splinters. Well it’s exactly the same now. Thirteen years later!

As I packed my suitcase full of everything I had (It wasn’t really hard I mean I don’t have much!) I wondered what the papers had been that mum had had in her hand.
I checked what the other two were doing their bags were packed.

Mum then called us for dinner, I decided that I needed to talk to her, and went into the kitchen.

“So mum. What are the papers you got earlier?”

“It was going to be a surprise but me and dad, are well, getting a divorce!”

My dreams had come true but wait a minute mum had no job, no money and hardly any qualifications! Oh my god. We’re moving. What’s dad going to say? He’s still not home yet. I ate my risotto quietly still thinking. I didn’t interact with anyone. I was too scared of the reaction that dad would have when mum told him.

Or does he already know?

There’s a key in the lock to the front door. I’m running upstairs. It’s Dad. I can hear them shouting. He’s only been home ten seconds and there having a go at each other!


What was that?

Something’s happened!

I went down the stairs; Dad came storming out of the kitchen. He came straight at me screaming and shouting. He tried to strike me, I dodged, then ran into the kitchen. I heard him shouting behind me and then the sound of the door slamming shut. He was obviously going to the pub.

When I got into the kitchen, I went round the table and screamed. Mum was on the floor, she looked unconscious. I panicked and rang the emergency services immediately and asked for an ambulance.


I can’t go with mum. I have to stay home and look after Tom and Sophie. Mum would understand wouldn’t she?

I looked at the smashed vase around her, it looked very expensive, and I realized which one it was. It was mum’s favorite, her only vase. I didn’t understand how dad could do it. They had been arguing for years and years and yet when mum finally plucks up the courage for a divorce, he plays the heart-broken card.

The ambulance is here. Should I or should I not go with mum?

Oh I will though I’ll have to ask Tucker to look after the Sap’s. That’s our name for them, it means, small annoying people (other wise classed as little brothers and sisters in my case.). I rang Tucker he said he’d be right over. I got into the ambulance with mum. I was in a state of shock. When I was in the hospital, mum was taken away and then I was told to wait a while. I did. When they told me what room she was in I went straight there. I sat next to her bed, staring into space, I wanted her to wake up and tell me she was alright but the doctors said that she might not wake up for days.

I sat thinking of the homework, I hadn’t done yet, and was never going to get round to doing. My mind wandered and started to think about what I would say if one of the nurses wanted to know what had happened.

What about if mum doesn’t wake up for months. Then dad would have to. No! He’d have to look after us. I knew it then, I had to get dad out of the house but how and when?

The nurse came up to me. She had been watching me for ten minutes.

“Are you alright love?” She asked. “I think you should go home, have you got anyone who can look after you or take you home?” She asked me.This really annoyed me people thinking I was a little kid, a snotty little child, that couldn’t take care of herself. Well no I wasn’t I was the one that had looked after mum for years as well as Sophie and Tom.

“I want to stay with my mum and my Dads at home looking after my little brother and sister. And I’m old enough to look after them myself. I’m fifteen!” I had lied about dad but he’s never home. She wouldn’t have let me go if I’d have told her it was just Mum, Soph, Tom and me. We would have had to of gone into care. No thanks! The nurse looked at me.

“Is there anything I can do then?” She asked.

“You don’t have a computer, or a laptop, I could use to do my homework on? Do you?” I asked pulling a I’ll be good if you let me use it face. “It’s just I need to do my coursework.” I carried on.

I wasn’t really going to do coursework.

I just needed someone to talk to.

♠ ♠ ♠
I know i need to do more changes to this but it will be slow and done properly

Oh and yes I need to update all my stories ....
libby ... sorry for the wait..