Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Twenty One

Abi’s P.O.V…

When the police left after the long discussion, I went back up-stairs to check on Suki, who had seemed to pass out seconds before the officers were here. She was still laid out in the same position that David had put her down on the bed in. He still sat at the side of her bed, his hand on hers.

“No change then?” I asked. He looked up at me with a sad expression on his face.

“We should get her to a hospital.” Nicole said from behind me.

“No.” David and I said at the same time. “I know she wouldn’t like that.” I added. We wouldn’t let Sophie or Tom in because if they were to see her in this state they may break down or something. You know how some people will think that someone is dead when they are still alive well yeah that.

“With Suki in this state maybe I should sleep at someone else’s house?” Nicole said in a happy but sad tone. I could tell she was hinting to David to let her stay with him… She can be a cow.

“No need. You can sleep in Sophie’s room and it will be quite cosy but good enough.” I said, I couldn’t care less if she doesn’t like Sophie or would die from not being near David, she needs to keep away from Suki’s decision. I mean I know she likes him, and he definitely likes her so I have to make sure that they get to have some time alone and with out Nicole butting in. She didn’t reply and obviously was thinking of some strange reply to stop her having to sleep in a thirteen year-olds room.

“No objections good.” I quickly said and she couldn’t say anything to change that out come. “Nicole I think you should go and tell Tom and Sophie to get ready for bed and then do the same your-self… Okay?” By the sound of things I’m acting like my mother. Scary!

“Alright.” She gave in with no hassle or fight at all, maybe I was a good mum then… I seriously should stop thinking!

“Maybe you should head home too David? I’ll watch her, don’t worry, I reckon it was a stress attack. She had a mild one by the looks of it but she could still be out for days.” David looked at me puzzled.

“How do you know so much about stress attacks?”

“My grandmother went through loads when she was alive because my mum just kept worrying her.” I answered. I hadn’t really thought about it but it was true, I must have a good sub-conscious if it can talk for me.

“I’m staying by her side tonight Abi, just tonight, tomorrow I’ll go home get some rest and have a shower then I’ll come back.” He was firm about what he said so I didn’t argue with him. I just left the room and had a glass of water. When I returned to the room, I picked up my jacket and coat and turned to David.

“I’ll be back tomorrow at around nine in the morning okay. I’m just going home for tonight. So anyway, ring me if she wakes up won’t you.” He nodded and I walked out the room.


“Harry, I’m home!” I shouted up the stairs.

“Why have you been gone so long?” He said coming down the stairs with his top off again.

“Harry, put a top on, it’s not like Suki is here…” I suddenly felt guilty that I had said her name as she wasn’t exactly walking at the moment.

“You alright sis?” Harry asked. He obviously noticed my quietness. I took off my coat and put it on the hall stand. Then my jacket and slung it over the stairs banister before going into the living room to sit on the couch.

“I’m alright.” I said.

“But…” He waited for me to continue…

How can he read my mind? I just don’t know whether I should ask him… Should I?

“Harry when grandma got stressed and had her attacks, how did she wake up? I just want to make sure that I have the right answer in my head.” I told him… He looked at me confused.

“Granddad sat by her side and told her to get better and usually the power of a lovers words can bring back anyone from the depths of there troubled minds. It’s a soothing thought I suppose.” He answered but he still left me with questions and he still looked confused.

“Does that mean that only the true love of someone can actually wake them up?” I asked suddenly happy. If I could find a boy to wake up Suki that would mean they were soul mates and then well she wouldn’t have to bother with any hard feelings for people but I don’t know whether it would be true or not. Am I just being stupid?

“I think so… What’s with all the sudden questions? Is Suki okay?”

“Fine.” I lied and quickly went up-stairs to my room and got ready for bed. If Harry is right, then if David hasn’t woken Suki up by morning then I don’t think that they are meant to be together. In which case what other boy should I get to come to Suki’s house to try and wake her up? Tucker? … Harry. Why does my brother have to have feelings for my friend? It’s just odd. My eyes closed and I fell into a rather disturbed sleep.

I opened my eyes to the sun shining gently through my window, I glanced peacefully at my alarm clock and found out it was eight am. I stretched and got up went to the toilet and then locked the bathroom door so that I could have a shower. Once I was up and dressed I had breakfast and went for the front door so that I could get over to Suki’s by the time I said.

“Where you going,” I heard my brother’s voice sound from behind me. I groaned.

“Harry, get off of my case, can’t you see that I’m busy! Why do you always want to know what I’m up to and why I’m doing it?” I asked annoyed. It’s almost like my parents have there own personal spy, so they don’t need to know where I am because all they need to do is ask him.

“Whoa, calm down. I’m just looking out for my little sister seeing as we had to move because of her problems.” He emphasized on my problems, okay so he had a good reason to be anxious but it wasn’t like I was ready to go and do that again. For the moment I’m happy being me.

“I’m just going round Suki’s house.” I answered honestly now. “If I need you, I’ll reing you okay?” I quickly said as he looked confused.

“Why are you going there?” He was being nosey now.

“I’m going ‘there’ because I said I would last night and you’re holding me back, I’m going to be late.” I argued turning to the front door again.

“When will you be back?” He asked. I looked at him and sighed.

“I honestly don’t know, I’ll ring you if I want you to come over.” I said. I had forgotten one simple thing.

“I don’t know where Suki lives so that would be hard.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry.” I had smiled at him and then when he looked at me like I was crazy I had quickly apologised. So I wrote the address out on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

“That’s not far from here.” Well, Der that’s why when you call me to come home I can get here in two minutes! God is he this thick? I didn’t say it to him, he probably would have hit me, anyway I had somewhere to go and at this rate I was going to be late. Stupid brother!

“Bye.” I said and quickly slammed the door behind me on the way to Suki’s but I couldn’t help but go through everything that he had said last night was going rapidly round my head. ‘Only your true love can possibly wake you up from a stress attack…’ Was it true? It could be but then you would never know who your soul mate was at the age of fifteen. This was turning into an impossible task… and it was going to get a whole lot worse!
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