Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Twenty Two


Abi’s P.O.V… (Still)

When I arrived at Suki’s house I rang the door bell and David opened the door. He looked tired and by the expression on his face there had been no change. I walked in and straight up the stairs. I didn’t say a word to David as I didn’t think I had to, and I wasn’t going to tell him about the true love thing because that could break his heart if he can’t get her to wake up. I went over to Suki’s bed and took her hand. How would I manage school if my best friend ended up not waking up? I can’t see myself getting through Suki dying. Don’t talk like that, or rather, don’t think like that. She will be fine. I just need to get a boy to come and spend time with her. Every boy in the country would be a safe bet I guess. I am so stupid. Leave me alone.

Now I am telling myself to leave me alone and that I’m stupid, I’m such a nice person aren’t I?

“Please wake up Suki. I need you, you’re my best friend and said you’d always be here. What about the gig? You promised you would take me, what will happen to the tickets if you can’t go? You have to wake up! You must!” I wasn’t aware of the tears on my cheeks until I felt the salty liquid slowly slide into my mouth. I squeezed her hand and turned to David who was behind me standing in the doorway.

“How are you doing? Was there any change in anything while I was away?” I asked nervously.

“I’m alright, tired I guess. There was. Her breathing became shallow, almost like she was… you know.” He seemed scared and really worried. “But it stabilized again after.”

“You mean she wasn’t breathing properly?” I asked shocked. This was bad and through every second that we were standing here doing nothing it was getting worse. If Suki doesn’t wake up soon she could potentially stop breathing. Shit!

Suki’s P.O.V…

How long have I been in this black room?
Oh look there’s me.
No I’m me.
No your not I am.
How about we are all me?
Fine by me.
Good, then what are you up to?
I’m standing in nothing talking to you.
But I’m me.
You can’t be me you are you.
I am ME!
Then who’s that?
I can be she.
She, me, and you… I suppose that’s alright.
But I wanted to be me.
I am me.
No me!
What about you she… Are you me?
I am.
How many me’s are there?
Then why can I see a hundred or more me’s?
Maybe your hallucinating?
That would mean you are too.
But I am me.
Am I the only one that can see that light?
What light?
That light?
Yeah you are.
I can see it.
Then why don’t you marry it?
What light?... Where?
Why should I marry a light?
I dunno because you’re not bright?
Should I go to it?
I can see someone there.. can you?
I am me not you… Stupid.
I see a field and flowers and wild life.
Are we dead?
If I was dead then I’d tell you.
How would you know?
I am me not you.
I am me!
Shut up! We are all me! And that is one bright light.
Shall we walk towards it?
Might as well there is nothing else to do.
All right then…

Abi’s P.O.V…

As I spoke to David I listened to the gentle breaths that Suki was taking until I heard them soften.

“Shit!” I said turning round and hurrying to Suki’s side. She wasn’t going to last if I didn’t start to act now! “David, I’m sorry but can you stay looking after Suki as I have something that I can do which might help her wake up.” He nodded at me and sat beack down at Suki’s side. I am so worried, what if Suki dies? What if I can’t save her? When will she wake up? Should we ring an Ambulance? “Do you know where Suki’s mobile is?” I asked him.

“Behind you on her draws,” He answered. “Come on Suki.” He started muttering to her so I left the room holding Suki’s mobile in my left hand. I dialled Tuckers number as soon as I was in a place where I couldn’t be disturbed. The phone started ringing…


“Hey, Tucker.” I asked…. It should be I rang his mobile.

“Who is this?”


“Oh hey, Abi, what can I do for you?”

“Could you come round to Suki’s house?”


“She needs you Tucker and I need you to do something for me.”

“Does she really need me?” He seemed hesitant.

“Yes.” I answered.

“Okay I’ll be there in five minutes.”

“Okay, cheers bye.”

We both hung up on the phone.


An hour later…

It took Tucker thirty five minutes to get to Suki’s house so when the doorbell sounded I answered the door and then told him to sit down on the sofa whilst I went up-stairs to… Well check on the circumstances. David was still holding Suki’s hand and as I walked into the bedroom.

“David, you don’t need to be here any more. Umm. Why don’t you take Nicole out for a walk or go home to rest?” I suggested.

“I think a shower and a sleep is all I need. Is there a reason for taking Nicole for a walk?”

“She’ll be more out of the way, so I can get on with… Well do what I have to do… But if you-”

“I never said I couldn’t. I’ll take Nicole. I should be back in around two to three hours but if not then I will be back by ten tonight.”

“Cheers, David.” I didn’t know how long I would need or if in fact this would work. David needs to get out of the house with our Tucker seeing him, how am I going to do this? I watched David kiss Suki’s hand and then turn to walk out the door.

“Why don’t you go out the back door? It’s more convenient…. For …” It was a bad excuse anyway.

“Why? Is there something you’re hiding?” David asked looking at me interestedly. He had stood so he was directly facing me.

“No. Of course not.” I definitely sounded like I was being throttled. He knows!

“Abi.” He asked getting annoyed.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just doing all I can to help wake Suki up. I don’t even know if it will work.” I quickly responded.

“So you want me and Nicole to go out the back because?” I sighed.

“Don’t worry about it.” I walked out of the room first and straight down the stairs.
Tucker got up and walked over to me.

“Abi, I demand to know where Suki is and what is going on!” He said then he looked up behind me at David and Nicole coming down the stairs. “You!” He shouted. “Get the Fuck out of Suki’s house!”

“Tucker! Calm down.” I paused. “He’s just leaving.”

“No. I want to know why the fuck he is in this house! Why the hell is she here! Everyone hates her!” Tucker started shouting again.

“Tucker… WILL YOU BE QUIET!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. Then I grabbed on to the banister as my throat now felt sore. I used one hand to rub my throat as I noticed everyone looking at me. Yeah, so I’m small it doesn’t mean that I can’t shout. I took a few deep breaths. “David get out of here….” I managed to whisper. I signalled towards the door and David walked past me and Tucker over to the door followed closely by Nicole.

“But… Suki’s my best friend and he’s scum… He is Scum and you’re letting him see her! You are worthless, Abi! Where is Suki I want to talk to her!” Tucker said storming towards the stairs at which I was standing on. He tried to push me out of the way. “Get out of the way!”

“Tucker! Stop pushing people around!” David said loudly from in front of me this made Tucker turn around to face David, he was fuming, I could tell.

“Why don’t you stop bloody getting in the way when it comes to my friends!” Tucker said spitting in David’s face. “She would have been far better if you had kept the fuck out of her life! So would I!”

“If I hadn’t bloody come along then she could have committed suicide that was how bad it had gotten round here. You call your self her friend, then where were you when-” David said shouting bad at Tucker.

“David!” I bellowed. “Suki wanted to keep the facts to the facts not let anyone not necessary get hold of the information! So hold your tongue and go!” I said just above a whisper. He looked at me and then turned to walk out the door with fists clenched.

“Yeah, walk away with your BITCH of a girlfriend.” Tucker muttered but we all still heard him. That was the last straw for David who then fired a punch at Tuckers head!

“She is not a Bitch! You fucking arse hole. I can’t believe that Suki is friends with such a bastard.” David said. I watched as the punch connected with Tuckers head and then Tucker started fighting back.

“I can’t believe that she was stupid enough to fall for you! You are the worst possible person she could have got her self entangled with!” Tucker said. He kicked David who went to punch Tucker again.

Right things are getting out of hand…

“David! Tucker! Will you two stop fighting!” The two boys didn’t even look at me they continued fighting. So verbal wasn’t going to work well then time they met the angry Abi…

I walked down the rest of the stairs and because David had just thrown Tucker to the floor, I grabbed hold of David’s ear and when he tried to stop me I pulled it so it hurt him.

“Stop fighting!” I said through clenched teeth. Tucker got up to punch David again. So I kicked him straight in the stomach which made him fall to the floor I then pulled David quickly by the ear and sat on Tucker. “Stop fighting, both of you, do you understand?!” I said just above a whisper.

“Yes. Abi.” They both said. Tucker was trying to get up but couldn’t as I had put him in a lock.

“David. With out so much as a mean word please leave now with Nicole thank you.” I said letting go of his ear. He rubbed it and then walked to the door and I heard the lock click in the door telling me they had gone. “Tucker. If you so much as insult another person I shall physically kick you out of this house. I only invited you round here to help Suki not make matters worse. So you shall do as I say and sit where I tell you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do Abi.”

“Good!” I got up and went up stairs and he followed me. Sophie came out of her room and then went straight back in it. “It’s okay Sophie. We are sorry that we were shouting.”
She came out again.

“So it’s alright if I move then.” I looked at her puzzled.

“Of course it is.” I answered.

I went to Suki’s door. If I opened this door and let Tucker see Suki that would mean that I would have to explain everything which would mean that…. He would know everything.
Am I really ready to let him in on something that Suki couldn’t? I don’t know…
