Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Twenty Three

I opened the door to Suki’s room slowly and there she was in the position we had left her. Tucker ran to her side and started to demand me to tell him exactly what happened. My mouth was dry from the tension, I sat down on the chair by Suki’s desk. Then I started to explain about everything… How much Suki and her two siblings had been through… David and me helping her… I left out the bit about her love life he didn’t need to know about that… I told him about Nicole being pregnant from Suki’s father and then went on to explain what happened last night and why Suki had tried to bunk school on Friday, even though she had come back into lesson thanks to my brother finding her.

It took me ten whole minutes to explain everything and then Tucker started asking questions…

“What do I have to do to help her… I mean you said you had an idea at what could wake her up… So what is it? So is Suki’s dad going to Jail? What did the police say?” I then went on to answer his questions the best as I could…

“You have to talk to her, see if you can get through to her subconscious and bring her back from the place her mind has gone. Suki’s dad will be going to Jail when the police find him as he is currently, we think, trying to get out of the country with Nicole’s mum. The police said that they would do there best to find him and lock him away. So anyway I have a few things to do so I need to go… Basically Tucker all I want you to do is sit here and talk to her. Can you do that with out causing trouble?” I asked him… Now that I had explained everything Tucker had apologised more than once about his behaviour earlier, he could see now that everyone here was here to help Suki and that he had been wrong to get them aggravated.

“I can do that Abi. You can go. Wait. Does Sophie or Tom know about Suki?” He asked concern lacing his features. I thought to be honest to him and so told him the truth…

“No, they haven’t been allowed in here since she went into her stress attack. I thought it was wise not to scare them.” I explained when he looked appalled at me.

“They need to be told, they have been through worse than this Abi, like their mum in a coma, their dad beating or raping them. They need to know the effects of worrying too much.” He said speaking sense to me. He kept looking at Suki and rubbing her hand. He wasn’t a too bad friend; he had always been there for Suki. It was just the problem that she felt like she was protecting him by keeping him in the dark, well all she was doing was making him worry all the more about her.

“Is it alright if I explain it to them while you are out?” He asked. Who ever said I was leaving I just had a few things to do…

“I’m not going out exactly I’ll still be in this house I just won’t be here with you… Okay?” I asked nodding to the question he had been originally asking.

“That’s fine…” He answered. I went down the stairs to clench my hunger and thirst in the kitchen.


Tucker’s P.O.V…

When Abi left the room, I kissed Suki’s hand and left the room for a few minutes to talk to Sophie and Tom. I found them both in Sophie’s room talking about something but when I entered they both immediately stopped talking like they were hiding something from me.

“I’ve come to talk to you too about your sister’s condition. As I am sure you have noticed that something is going on in Suki’s room so if you’ll follow me then I shall explain what little I know about her situation to you.” I said. Sophie looked at me and then at Tom.

“Did you read our minds in knowing what we wanted to find out?” She asked me like I was a god or some sort of magician.

“No.. I just thought it was best that you two knew seeing as you are her family and all. But you need to act grown up at what I am going to tell you.” I turned and walked back into Suki’s room, I could hear the gentle pad of there feet so they were following me back into the room. They walked over to there sister and Tom tried to wake her up by shaking her. When she didn’t move, he turned to me…

“Why isn’t she waking up?” Sophie opened Suki’s eyes looking for some sort of reaction I think but none came.

“What happened Tucker?” Sophie then asked. I told them to sit comfortably and then I started to explain the little I knew about the situation.

“So she will wake up then?” Tom questioned but had a small smile on his face.

“She should do as long as you have faith and keep talking to her.” I answered… I literally was telling them what Abi had told me. They were taking it well as far as could see. Tom was talking to Suki, telling her about his day and basically asking her to wake up but after ten minutes of talking he ran out of stuff to say and I watched him leave the room. Sophie then started to talk to her older sister… Not quite as up beat as Tom had been but still about normal things… When she had finished she left me to talk alone with Suki…

An hour passed then another and surprisingly I actually knew what to talk about but still no-reaction happened so when Abi came back up-stairs to check on us… I told her that I had better go back home and that I thought it was for the best. She didn’t argue or try to stop me so I walked home thinking about when Suki would wake up? I had noticed whilst I was talking to her that she sometimes found it hard to breathe so was she slowly slipping from this world? Who could wake her up? How long does she have left to live?
