Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Twenty Four

Abi’s P.O.V…

I let Tucker leave behind me and noticed Suki’s breathing becoming shallow, she’s slipping from this world, there’s nothing any of the doctors can do but just the love of one person. It makes the hospital look useless. I suppose there’s no other person to call other than Harry, he is the only other person I know who could even possibly wake her up… Please can he save her.

I walked out of her room and called for Sophie. After a few minutes she came out of her bedroom.

“Can I help at all Abi?” She asked me.

“Could you watch your sister and ring my mobile if her breathing stops or something thanks.” I answered as she nodded her head at me.

I ran out of her house and down the road to my house. I threw open the door and called for Harry. He came out of the living room with out a t-shirt on.

“Harry. Put a t-shirt on we need to go!” I said hurriedly pushing him up the stairs. Five minutes later we were out the door sprinting back to the house that Suki was slowly dying in.

“What is going on with you? Why are we running?” Harry asked confused.

“Suki’s dying Harry from a stress attack and I don’t know what else to do. I have already tried all the boys that I can think of that could have had her heart but you’re the last one I can think of.”

“Why the bloody hell didn’t you tell me?” He asked really worried now. I opened the door to Suki’s house and ran up the stairs. Today is one of those days where I wish the running could be at the minimum. Harry followed close on my heels. “What the hell do you want me to do?” He asked as we stood panting in Suki’s room. Sophie got up and left but after saying…

“She’s not got any worse or better since you left, Abi.”

“Just do what you can, even if it’s just talking to her. I’ll leave you some privacy if you want?” I asked knowing that that was exactly what he wanted. I would just go down the stairs and watch TV maybe even manage to fall asleep.

“If you wouldn’t mind Abi.” It wasn’t really a question but a statement but I still let them be… There is nothing else that I can think to do so if this fails then I will have to ring the hospital even though I know that Suki will kill me when she wakes up. I shut the door to her room behind me and then walk slowly down the stairs… David will be coming back in two hours… Will that be enough for Suki to wake up?

Harry’s P.O.V…

When my sister came barging through the front door I got up immediately seeing as she was shouting for me. She hadn’t been in for two minutes and she started pushing me up the stairs to get a t-shirt but I did as she asked and then followed her to Suki’s house on the way Abi explained what was happening and why she needed me…

“What’s going on with you? Why are we running?” I asked so confused at why she was asking me to come… She hadn’t told me anything really about what was going on but I thought something was wrong with her or something because the last time I ignored her plea for help she got hurt and then we had to move totally so now I was being the nice brother that I should have been in the first place! Meh, I can be evil.

“Suki’s dying Harry from a stress attack and I don’t know what else to do. I have already tried all the boys that I can think of that could have had her heart but you’re the last one I can think of.” Abi desperately said to me whilst running my breath almost went from my throat as I heard the fist sentence. She was dying… Why the fuck hadn’t Abi told me? What am I going to do if she dies? I have spent all my spare time thinking about her... Nothing but her sweet smile, her hair that hangs over her face when she’s up-set, and her beautiful blue eyes that sparkle when I look at her. To me she was perfect but I had never had the chance to tell her that. She always seemed to have some other person on her mind that would keep her focused on some other target. Well my target is to try and wake her up.

“Why the bloody hell didn’t you tell me?” I asked so angry and up-set that I forgot that if she hadn’t of told me I wouldn’t be on my way now to see Suki. My running sped up a bit as I ran. I couldn’t be too late… Not when I had so much to say to her.

Abi opened the front door to Suki’s house and ran straight up the stairs and into Suki’s room I was close on her heels…

“What the hell do you want me to do?” I asked as I stared down at my beautiful friend lying on her bed near me. She looked so lost and broken I just wanted to grab her in my arms and hold her forever.

“She’s not got any worse or better since you left, Abi.” Some girl left the room saying this and it really unnerved me… My Suki had been like this for some time… That was scary.

“Just do what you can, even if it’s just talking to her. I’ll leave you some privacy if you want?” Abi said frustrated she was obviously at a loss for what next to do if this fails. Am I Suki’s last hope for living? She can’t die I wont let her. I watched her go to the door ready to close it at my reaction.

“If you wouldn’t mind Abi.” I was a bit harsh in the way I said it but I was in a state of shock… This wasn’t a good thing to be in the middle of. I heard the click of the door closing. I don’t know what Abi will do for the time being but I don’t care all my efforts are centred on Suki waking up!

I sat down next to Suki’s bed and grabbed her hand it was cold; I didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say nothing at all. I massaged her fingers with my other hand as I looked at my poor sleeping beauty… How could I bring her back from such a lifeless place?

Suki’s P.O.V….

There’s that light it’s getting brighter if I walk a little further I can …
Whoa is someone touching me?
Someone’s touching my hand?
No they are not stop confusing your self and walk towards that light.
I swear someone’s touching me.
Walk towards the light.
Oh it’s getting bright!

Harry’s P.O.V…

I then heard her breath slow even more if she didn’t breath properly soon she was going. I didn’t know what to do… I panicked. Before I realised what I had done I kissed her on the lips a soft passionate kiss. I don’t know whether that will work but it’s at least worth a try.

“Come on Suki. Don’t die on me, you can’t give up the fight now. Not after you have been through so much and you have so much to live for. Please, Suki for me, wake up.” I whispered pulling away from her slightly the tears streaming slowly down my face I had been in here for a good hour and a half.

Suki’s P.O.V…

Jesus, did you feel that?
Yes I felt that.
Forget the light turn around!
Go back Suki go back…

Harry’s P.O.V…

Her breathing became more regular than it had been in a while and then I heard the front door slam and shouting down the stairs something was happening and I was in the middle of it….