Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Twenty Five

Abi’s P.O.V…

I heard the doorbell go as I was half asleep on the couch, it wasn’t like I was actually going to sleep I was too nervous at what was happening around me and so was extremely paranoid. I glanced at the clock on the video machine. It was going on for ten pm so did that mean that David was back? I dragged my feet out of the extremely uncomfortable position on the sofa before making my way towards the door.

It was dark outside, it looked like the whole of the world had been engulfed by total darkness it was cool but scary at the same time. I felt hyped up as well as slow and peaceful… Like I was on the verge of actual sleep so when I pried the door open I was in shock when David walked in and hugged me asking if everything was okay. No not everything was okay… As far as I was concerned he needed a good arse kicking for earlier. He shouldn’t have been fighting Tucker in the first place but having to have me interrupt the two of them by making them stop fighting that was just those two really pissing me off! I pushed him off of me and stepped back.

“You have a lot to answer for mister. You have to explain to me why you thought it was necessary to fight Tucker over nothing. I suppose Tucker didn’t know the full extend of the damage that he was inflicting but none the less you did. Suki wouldn’t have wanted this if she had woken up to see two of the people she cares most about hurting each other I’m pretty sure she would freak out of something. I am quite appalled at the two of you, myself but all is right in the world.” I sighed I was being sarcastic for the last part of the sentence. David looked at me oddly and then looked at the stairs. I knew immediately that he was thinking that no-one was up-stairs with Suki. How was I to tell him that his best mate was up-stairs trying to get Suki to wake up because he couldn’t. “Suki’s fine. Not in the sense that she’s awake in the sense that someone is with her, David, so why don’t you come in and relax for a while?” I asked knowing that even my best efforts couldn’t stop him from over powering me and walking up those stairs to see Suki.

“Who’s with her?” He asked. I didn’t say anything and so he went to go up the stairs. I slammed the front door shut as soon as I could before legging after David grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the stairs. “Abi, who the fuck is with her?!” David shouted at me. I knew David probably wouldn’t understand and lots of friendships break when this sort of stuff is involved some how I knew I wouldn’t be able to answer his question. I didn’t know how he would react… He could be mad, furious or up-set that we couldn’t be truthful or honest. “What the Fuck is wrong with you let me go!” He shouted. I didn’t let him go but I heard a door up-stairs open and close. My brother was at the top of the stairs.

“David!” He shouted. “Let my sister go!” He said a little more calmly. Considering David had been pulling at my hands to let him go, he stopped trying when he heard my brothers voice. I took my hands away anyway. The two boys looked at each other both of them in shock at seeing the other one in the same house. “Abi. Go and lay down on the couch or do what ever. This is going to take a while.” My brother said. I did as I was told and walked back into the living room where I sat and daydreamed. I could still feel the tension in the air from all the way in here but there seemed like there was nothing I could do.

Harry’s P.O.V…

I stared at David in front of me whilst I watched my sister leave the room in the corner of my eye.

“Do you want to go up-stairs to talk?” I asked my best mate as he stood looking coldly at me. I didn’t like the way this situation was going but I suppose that there is nothing that I can really do as I drove myself into this hole. David didn’t show any sign that he agreed apart from moving slowly up the stairs and so we walked into Suki’s room and shut the door behind us.

“It was you that Suki was talking about who had asked her to the gig wasn’t it David.” I said as it all seemed to click. It was David that Suki was always thinking about not me.

“I asked her around a month ago and she’s taking your sister it seems to the gig.” David said bluntly it seemed that he was extremely annoyed.

“Are you going out with Suki then?” I asked him absolutely dreading the answer, I know she said that she wasn’t but what if she was only trying to spare my feelings. What if she hates me.

“That’s a need to know basis.” He answered, not much of an answer if you ask me.

“Do you love her?” If Suki wanted to be with David then that was fine with me but only as long as he treats her right and actually loves her.

“I’m not telling you, seeing as you go behind my back to take her away from me.” He answered. I have done nothing of the sort. I love her that’s the only reason why I came, the only reason why I would come at any time to see her beautiful face. I don’t want to see her get hurt.

“Do you love her?” I shouted at him. This time I think I got his attention and he answered me.

“I do love her.” He said. I felt like my heart had ripped in two if she loved him then there definitely wasn’t any point of me hanging in the picture.

“You won’t hurt her will you?” I asked my voice shaking.

“I would never dream of hurting her.” David said, he looked hurt at the thought of me suggesting something like that. “You wont try and … You know… Will you Harry?” He asked me and in that minute I realised that he thought that I was going to try and get Suki to be mine. So he had doubts too.

“I won’t try unless she doesn’t love you back and/ or doesn’t want to be with you.” I answered. He gulped.

“Harry, I don’t want you to see Suki again.” He said slowly. I almost stopped breathing, if this was what I was going to have to do then could I at least have a picture of her before not being able to see her again?

“What about the gig?” I asked.

“You can still go to the gig with me seeing as you’re the only other person I know who actually like My Chemical Romance other than me.” He answered. So at least I shall be able to take a picture of her at the gig. So I’m not totally saying goodbye yet.

“I will never see her again after the gig David. If that’s what you want?” Suki would never want someone like me anyway so why was I trying to kid myself any longer?
“Can I say goodbye to her though?”

“Sure.” He answered. He didn’t move out of the room but stayed where he was.

So I moved over to where Suki was and whispered in her ear the three words that I had always meant to say to her…

“I love you…”

Then I left the room… It was too much for me and I didn’t want to have a break down in front of David so I went out of the room and leant against the wall. Then I heard some thing from the room that I thought I wouldn’t hear for a long time… It was the sound of Suki’s voice but it was in the form of someone’s name that I didn’t want to hear!

David’s P.O.V…

I watched Harry leave the room before making my way over to Suki and taking her hand and just like that her hand twitched I thought that maybe was making this sensation up? Maybe I was loosing my head! Then she opened her eyes and focused on me.

“David?” She said. That was all I needed to make my heart soar she said my name first not anyone else’s…

Suki’s P.O.V…

I was fighting to come back and it was hard. I could feel my body more but it wasn’t like I was apart of it… It was like I was battling to become part of it. After hours it seemed I heard a voice come through the heavens telling me something that I never thought I would hear…

“I love you…”

That was what brought me back to life but when I regained all of my limbs I felt so weak and tired to took me a good two minutes to open my eyes. When I did I found someone who I wasn’t expecting but maybe I was…


Harry’s P.O.V…

I stood frozen on the spot but then I swear I heard my heart break in two. The tears sprang to my eyes and I ran down the stairs before anyone could see me. The salty liquid stained my face as I ran. I just wanted to be alone so when I found myself in my room I slammed my door shut. Jumped onto my bed and jammed my index finger on the play button of my stereo. My Chemical Romance blasted through my speakers singing I’m not okay (I promise). I sang along whilst punching my pillows but thoughts rang through my brain.

Why would she want you?
You’re so dumb she wouldn’t need you.
How could anyone like her need anyone like you?
Your so depressing, boring and blank no-one will ever want you.

“No. No. No.” I shouted as I felt myself listening to the nagging sound of my conscience talking. I went and banged my head on the wall but kept banging because the voices wouldn’t leave me alone.

“Leave me alone!” I shouted. I know I sound crazy but I haven’t been this bad for years. I didn’t stop hitting my head on the wall until I knew that I couldn’t see properly. Then I stopped and fell to my knees leaning up against the wall whilst the tears fell slowly down my pale and stained face.

Suki’s P.O.V…

“David?”… My voice came out slow and rusty like. I know I hadn’t used it for a while but I was surprised when it came out as feeble like that. David’s face looked so happy when I said his name he looked like he was about to burst.

“You’re awake. I’m so happy. I thought I’d lost you.” He said spilling tears of happiness it seemed down his cheeks. He looked extremely tired. So how long have I been out of it? I closed my eyes feeling the tug of the sleep that I seem to of not had… That is strange I have been out of it for ages and I’m suddenly feeling tired. It doesn’t make sense to me.
I prised my eyes open again, keeping them open for the moment was my mission and it looked like I was failing miserably.

“I’ll get Abi, She will be so thrilled you wont imagine. She and I have been so stressed with out you. We were heartbroken when you almost didn’t make it. I love you Suki.” His words cut deep into me. Did he just say he loved me?

“Abi!” He shouted thundering out of the room.

He can’t. How could he? I thought he loved Nicole? Where is she? How could he love me? I was just getting over him as well…. I can’t believe he said this to me now!....