Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Twenty Nine

Suki’s P.O.V… Still

I think David realised that I wasn’t listening to him when I didn’t respond to something he said. I suppose I wasn’t listening anyway.

“Where’s Harry?” I said quietly, suddenly someone ran on the stage and spoke to Gerard. Then they ran off again and Gerard turned too the others to talk to them about something. When he eventually spoke into the microphone he told us that they would do seven more songs before the end of the gig.

“Who’s asking for me?” Harry said from behind me. I turned and jumped on him giving him the biggest hug I could. Though how skinny he was, was eating away at me from the inside. He fell backwards a bit from how hard I jumped on him. With out some fat on him I don’t think he could take too much bashing around and hold his balance. Oh, Harry what have you done too yourself? “Whoa are you alright Suki?” He asked me. “Did you hit your head or something?” I could tell that he was scowling at David but I couldn’t figure why I mean I was hugging him right.

“No, silly I just got… Scared… You left me.” I whispered the last bit. I had my arms clinging to his waist. He was so skinny I was so scared, almost anorexic… That’s how bad he felt and looked.

“Really Suki.” He answered taking my hands with his and unfastening them. I could see the hurt on his face as he did it which really puzzled me, was I hurting him? “Go to David, Suki.” He said, I looked at him oddly… Was he serious I knew he hated David so why tell me to go to him? I didn’t get it.

“Why?” I whispered. Was I driving him away? God I’m shitting myself I swear!

“ God damn it Suki leave me alone.” With that sudden outburst of anger from Harry I lost all respect for him. I went straight back to David who wrapped his arms round me and made me feel a little better before he began twirling my hair in between his fingers. Gerard started to sing into the microphone… I’m not okay … (I promise)!! I screamed. I love this song WOOT! When I turned back to Harry he was laughing and joking around with Claire not taking a blind notice of what I was doing. It was like he didn’t care. I leant my back against David. For the rest of the gig I stood with David thinking about the rest of my life and who I wanted to spend it with. The order of songs were incredible as I liked every single one of them. The End, Dead! Helena, Teenagers, Black parade, House of wolves (because disenchanted has been and also im not okay I promise … woot woot!)

At the end of the gig, Harry decided that he wanted to talk to Abi. So while we all stood where we were Harry said out straight… “I want a private word with Abi please.” So David, Claire and me moved away and whilst we stood, getting colder by the minute may I say, David hummed into my ear…

“We’re not going home straight away I want to take you somewhere special. Just you and me, the two of us.” I smile at him, not sure what I should think.

“Cool.” I whispered. I watched Abi’s expression as Harry spoke to her. I stood scared when I saw the tears freshly fall down her cheeks. This was horrible what were they talking about? She looked pissed at him not quite forgiving him for what he said. Harry hugged her but she stood unloving back to him. I cracked as I stood their I had to comfort her, so I unwrapped David’s warm hands from around my waist and walked quickly over to Abi. She turned from Harry and cried directly into my shoulder. What was going on?

Claire had rung a taxi and it was waiting five blocks away. She came over and told them that. I stood knowing that I wouldn’t be going with them but why wasn’t I? I mean obviously Abi needed me. David came over behind me and snuck his hands around me making Abi let go.

“Come on baby, we’re going.” David said smiling but I was still reluctant too go I mean I couldn’t just leave my best mate.

“But Abi… She needs me David.”

“What?!” Abi said cutting in sobbing. “ Are you going somewhere Suki?” She stood with tears trailing down her face giving me the most crushing look ever… One of desertion.

“I’m taking her somewhere where we can be alone.” David was only just realising that the atmosphere was becoming unbearable. Claire obviously didn’t want to be apart of this and Harry couldn’t care less but he had by now grabbed Claire’s hand and stood there stroking it.

“David I don’t think that we should…” I began saying but I felt him tense up and so didn’t answer and I didn’t say anymore. I was quite surprised that Harry spoke to us because it was obvious that he didn’t want too.

“I think it would be good that you too got too spend time together.” He said and he took Claire’s hand and pulled her towards the exit of the gig.

“Suki…” Abi said looking directly the tears streaming down her face.

“Stop it Abi. You should just deal with it. Let Suki have a good time and lets go home.” Harry said harshly as he spun round at Abi’s words.

“Harry.. Don’t be…-”

“Suki stay out of this just go.” He was commanding me too go with David who only seemed to happy to whisk me away. I looked at Abi as David pulled me away. She saw my desperation but just nodded at me too go and then silently followed her brother who turned back to Claire and cracked some jokes to make he laugh. Abi was crying hard as she left the gig I just wanted too know what Harry had said to make her cry that hard and why I had let her go with out me. David wrapped his arms round me breathing in his scent. He smelled weird but I watched the rest of the gang disappear into the night.

“Shall we go?” He whispered slowly into my ear making me shiver and took my hand while we made our way towards the stage.
