Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

The End

Abi's P.O.V...

I sat crying in the Taxi next to my brother. I love him so much and I hope, he knows that, yeah I know I've been a bitch but I was looking out for him. He knows that right? That all the moaning about him not eating was because I don't want to see him bceome secluded and frail. Oh, Harry, you moron, I wish that you could just see that we say it because we care.

The journey home was silent and unbearable, this was made worse by Claire who was all over my brother in the taxi. I sat in the corner, opposite them, I felt so alone. She was leaning on his shoulder and smileing gayly up at him. I hadn't known her a day and she annoyed me, why couldn't my brother just get Suki to go out with him? I can see thats what they both want. Oh god Suki, she will feel terrible that im going home with out her. I hope she has a good time. It's going on for half ten and Claire is falling asleep on my brother's shoulder and he's put his arm round her.

"Why do you put upn with her throwing herself at you?" I said glaring at Harry evily. He shrugged at me strangely.

"Because I like her." He said, I could tell by his tone of voice that he wanted for me to leave it there but i could see through his act, he didn't like her at all. Well not that badly at least. She wasn't his type but what if I'm wrong? I mean I never dreamed that he would want to move out. I had to make sure just to clarify it with my-self.

"But you don't like her Harry." He shot me a dirty look, did that mean that I was right? I didn't know anymore?

"I do like her, don't talk to me about stuff that you don't know about." He argued. If he was getting so stressed with me then it meant that I was winning. He turned his body so that he was closed to any more conversations with me, his gaze was someone out of the window, I think that he was thinking about someone. The jouney was silent after that. When we eventually got in from the long drive, I stormed up to my room and slammed the door shut. I was by now thinking that I didn't want a brother. This was only because Harry woke Claire up and decided that he would take her home. He got out of the Taxi and walked her up to her door. He then stood snogging her face off while I sat getting angrier by the second. I was half in my right mind to tell the driver to drive me home but i realised quickly after that i didn't have any money and so that was a stupid thing to do. He got back in the Taxi and we didn't speak for the rest of the journey. When we got home I got straight out and went straight to my bedroom as I said.

So this is what I have been reduced to, crying behind a wall because I don't have enough guts to get up and talk to the person I'm up-set with. He won't fucking listen anyway, I mean that he hasn't listened to anything else that i've got to say. So i'll cry my self to sleep and hopefully wake up in a world where Harry is a normal person living at home.

Harry's P.O.V...

I stood outside Claire's house after walking up to her door. I wanted to ask her out seeing as I knew what David's plans were tonight. I'm thinking that i can be happy whilst Suki's happy. I mean i deserve that chance don't I? o whilst standing in front of Claire in the slightly chilly air i asked her out of the blue...

"Would you go out with me Claire." I looked at her face, it reminded me so much of Suki but i was glad in a way. She smiled a tender warm smile before replying.

"I wondered if you were ever going to ask." I then felt so over joyed i leaned in and kissed her. I stayed that way for a good ten minutes before letting her go inside her house. As soon as the door was shut i half danced half skipped down the pavement to the Taxi But my heart still felt like i was cheating on Suki. I sound like a nut case i know...

Suki's P.O.V... *

The guys left in the Taxi and I stood getting colder by the second as we watched it drive away.

"So what did you have in mind for tonight then?" I asked pulling the jumper closer to me. David wrapped himself around me and I snuggled up to his body warmth.

"I have a special dinner planned for you and so I think it's best that we get going." He said taking my hand in his, he directed his way to the stage. We headed back stage and stopped outside the door to the lounge room (Where we had been earlier).

"David, they left, we saw them drive away in their tour bus." I siad seeing no reason what so ever what we were doing here.

"You'll see." He answered opening the door and walking into the room. He took me with him to be greeted by My Chemical Romance who were to my suprise still there.

"But... But... But I thought you'd left!" I said stuttering. They looked at each other and smiled. They turned back to me and laughed.

"So you think that the diversion worked then, that the fans were fooled." Frank smiled in a hyper stance and I looked at them cautiously.

"Well yh, they all screamed at you getting on the bus and then they all tried running after it afterwards." I summerized. David pulled me into the room and straight onto a couch before wraping his arms around me again. Is it just be or does he like holding on to me every second that he can, it's like he doesn't trust me to stay sitting with him.

"That was a diversion where five people dressed up to look like us and jumped on the bus while we stayed here." Bob said proud of himself. I looked at him and smiled, he was just glad that a simple plan had worked that i suppose would need celebrating if you were a well known rock band.

Gerard called a security guy over and whispered something in his ear when I looked up at David behind me, I noticed that he had a sneaky evil smile plastered on his features. He was planning something. The guy didn't return for at least half an hour and during that time My Chemical Romance had taken a very big interest in me, by asking loads of questions like:
What's your favourite colour?
What's your favourite song that's not ours?
What's your favourite meal for dinner?

Etc, etc, etc but I just answered them and then asked them back. I think that it was a very interesting conversation and they did make me laugh alot. It wasn't until a guy appeared behind me saying... "It's ready sir." Did I start to become very confused. Gerard looked at me.

"My lady would you like me to escort you to your seat?" I looked up at him slightly puzzled but took his han anyway. David got up behind me and quikly darted out the door before me but before Gerard could escort me through the door David was back with a box in his hands this time.

"Suki i would like you to wear this please." He gave me the box and then disapperated after saying a few brief words to Gerard.I wandered into the toilets and shut the door gently before I settled the box on the sink. I was so scared you would. David was being so nice to be you would not believe it, I couldn't imagine it. My fingers brushed the top of the box lightly at a small attempt to gain the confidence to open it. My hands clapsed the side of the box lifting it off of the suprise underneath. I gasped at the sight of a black dress which I immediately took out of the box to look at. Was it possible for such a dress be for me to wear? I suppose.So once I had changed my clothes I looked down at the beautiful dress I had on and spun round in a circle. I loved it.

I walked out of the toilet and into the other room where five men stood staring speechless at me. Gerard stepped forward quickly closing his mouth and handed me a shawl to put on. It was beautiful, as it was black with white stars on.

"May I escort your ladyship outside?" Gerard asked bowing before me, I giggled but took his arm once he stood up.

"Of course you can kind sir." I answered playing along. Bob opened the door for Gerard and me to walk out of, he also bowed as we walked past which made me giggle again. I noticed that Gerard was leading me towards the stage which was odd but I think that I shouldn't think that anything is weird today. He tookme up onto the stage where I took in the most wonderful sight. The was a romantic candle light dinner made for two in the middle of the stage. There was a black table cloth but white china for the plates and bowls which made it look perfect. The stars were shining over head and it was going to be a beautiful evening i
I could see that. I walked to my seat which Gerard pulled back for me and then sat down as he pushed fowards for me. Then David came onto the stage by the other end with a proper tux on which amazed me. I knew then that this was a night to remember.

My date came and sat in front of me, he looked straight into my eyes and told me I was beautiful, I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I lloked down from his gaze blushing before whispering slightly, 'Thank you.' . He reached his hand over and pulled my chin up gently.

"You have nothing to be embarassed about, so why don't we have a wonderful meal and enjoy every minute of it." He asked. I nodded dumbly but it did the trick, Gerard had disappeared when I turned around and so I was disappointed to say the least. I glanced at David who had nodded to some one off of the stage to bring something. A man dressed as a waiter came on with two dinners. It was then that i realised why Gerard and the gang had been asking me so many questions... They had wanted to make my favourite dinner. I smiled over at David, who nodded a toast to me with his glass, I blushed again. We ate our dinner silently but whilst swimming in the pleasure of being in the others company. It was truly romantic. I put my knife and fork together at the end of my main course and said Thank you to the waiter that came to take it away. Then I directed my attention back to David who was watching me intently.

"What have you got planned now?" I asked. He leaned forward in his chair and answered...

"Desert and then another suprise." He whispered so that only I could hear. Like that would have made any difference. So we sat talking about the night sky and how clear it was for a winter sky. It was truly magnificent. The desert came and I was astonished by was treacle cake with cream. It had steam gently rising into the air as i sat looking at it. I was blown away with how yummy it looked, I would have just sat and admired it if it didn't look so delicious. I took a small bite out of it before feeling like I was in heaven. It tasted out of this world. David looked over at me and said..

"I hope your not too full I have something else for the two of us too do." I smiled at him and finished my desert. David wiped his mouth on a serviet, so I did the same, he rose from his chair and came round the the table to bend down on one knee. What was he doing? Oh god if he proposes then he must know that I havent known him long enough to answer. His hand stroked my hand and his eyes rested on my hand as he did so. He was making this harder by dragging it out. Seconds felt like years right now. I was about to speak when he looked up at me, I couldn't say anything and I had run out of time to say I noticed.

"Suki, will you dance with me?" He asked making me sigh in relief but I tried not to make it a too big an action so as to not hurt his feelings. I looked at him puzzled. Then I glanced around.

"I would, but where's the music?" He smiled at me whilst getting up and he then pulled my chair back before helping me rise from the chair. He laughed.

"Do you trust me Suki?" He asked. He looked so cute standing there.

"I do." I answered. Maybe this is turning into a wedding after all. He took my hand in his and walked over into a space at the front of the stage. He placed both hands on my thighs. I placed my arms around his waist. It felt weird I must say. Then he started swaying slightly to no music....
"David.... This doesn't feel right..." Just then My Chemical Romance came out of nowhere showing themselves with guitars and bases and of course Gerard with his microphone. I was even amazed to find Bob was at his drums and then my favourite song started playing and i couldn't believe my day. All I Want For Christmas Is You is the best song ever. I put my head on David's chest humming along to the wonderful lyrics. We sayed rocking there for five minutes, until the end of the song. That was when David took a step away from me.

"Suki, I want to ask you something, will you... Go out with me?" He stared at his feet briefly going red in the face before I reached up and made him look at me. I don't know why it was such an easy decision maybe it was because Harry was ignoring me or because he felt he could do without me but i was compelled to say...

"Yes, David, i will." I don't know how it happened but i felt a snow flake on my nose, when i looked up the sky had managed to gather some clouds above our heads. I think this is what you would call destiny and if it wasn't it sure hell looked like it. David looked at me and i looked back at him before we leaned in to share a wonderful romantic first couple kiss. It sent shivers down my spine as i felt the passion.

This is my happy ending so Far. Thank you so much for reading my life and how i met my man over Habbo hotel. After all this was what this story was all about. If you have any concerns with the instruments being out in the snow then dont worry, me and David stood admiring the snow whilst the MCR boys ran round frantic panicking about it getting wet. Especially Frank with his Pansy. Oh and i just want to add that i got the guys to write their veiws which is why we all swapped views. Maybe i'll read this sometime when i've got time. Hmm doesn't that sound strange you've read it before the character whose made the story has. *Laughs*

I don't know how long until i share with you the next part of my life but i thought i'd say i have loved every minute of it and you should of to. Suki x.

The End.
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Okay hey everyone i decided to finish stalling and put all of the chapters of desolate love up because then I can buckle down and do other stories of mine. Ermm, yes the second story has a plot and everything so far but i havent started it because I want to finish at least one of my other ones on mibba first most likely The Girls Lover or The World Beyond the Door. I personally like them more but hey ho... You can check them out ...

But anyway when I do start the sequel I shall put part of the first chapter on this story as a taster and it will signify the start of the new story which will be posted separately. I havent got a name for it yet but when I do you shall know.

So wait for the next chapter which will be the beginning of the second book.
