Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Five

“You what?” He bellowed at me. “She’s my wife and I love her!”

“Yes, enough to almost kill her and make mine and everyone else’s life hell!” I shouted back. “Yeah, I can really see why you say you love her!”

“Don’t you talk to me like that unless you want to live on the streets?” He yelled.

“I think the streets are a better place, if you beat children with belts, when they live with you!” I answered.

“What?” He said.

“You’ve been hitting Tom with your belt for two years.” I said. “Or did the marks on his back appear out of thin air?” I questioned.

“Where’s Tom?” He asked.

“In bed probably, Why?”

“Because I want to see what I’ve been doing to my son while I’ve been drunk! Is that alright with you?”

“Yes. I’m coming with you though.” I said.

I followed dad up stairs. He went to Tom’s room and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Tom called sleepily.

“It’s dad!” Dad said loudly.

“Oh…ok…” We heard him say from inside his room. He sounded terrified.

“Let me go first!” I hissed quietly to dad.

“Why he’s my son.” Dad said.

“If you haven’t noticed already, he sounds scared to death, now why do you think that is? Oh yeah because the man that beats him with a belt is about to go into his room! As I said let me go in first.” I said.

Dad gulped.

“Alright.” He responded.

I knocked.

“Tom?” I said. “Tom? It’s Suki, I’m coming in.” I said.

“Suki.” I heard him say as I entered his room. He ran over to me and gave me a cuddle, then he must of noticed dad behind me as I felt his nails go digging into me.

"Whats he doing here?" Tom said slowly.

"Dad wants to see the marks that he's inflicted on you." I told him. Tom looked up at me. He stepped back and took off his shirt.

I gasped at the sight of it, i knew that Tom would be scarred for life.

"What have i done!" I heard dad say as i watched him fall to the floor in tears.

This was my chance to have a go at him.

"Dad you are from this day forward banned from coming in Tom's room or touching him.. with anything. If i catch you anywhere near him, doing something you shouldn't, i will hurt you like you've hurt us over the years. I won't hesitate to call the police, Dad, remember that." I said.

I'm on cloud nine!! I'm telling him off!!!

Then dad spoke.

"You will not order me about!" He stormed at me.

"You will stop hurting people in this family one way or another dad. Leave!" I said to him.

"Do not use that name for me. That word passes your lips like a curse!" Dad said.

I stood shocked in silence.

"When you get home tonight your grounded no matter what you say. You will stay in your hell hole of a room. And until your mother comes home i'm in charge and you will do as i say!"

I looked into his stone cold black eyes, my happy almost preppy spirit was gone. I had just been in heaven they now dragged me back to hell. It's almost like dad radiates waves of bad luck.

"Go to school." He shouted at me.

As I walked past him I heard him saying...

"No adopted daughter of mine will tell me i can't see my wife!"


I'm adopted!

My world came crumbling down. Maybe i was in heaven, i wasn't related to dad.

I looked at Tom as i passed his door. His eyes cut into me like sharp daggers that were only asking for help.

I continued walking.

Dad is sober, somehow he's different, a little more caring (not that much he still hates me!), though i think that that was the man that mum fell in love with.

Will he hurt Tom? How do i even know he's not drunk? Where's Sophie? Am i really adopted?

I went into my room and picked up my school bag. I loved the bands im-printed on it, greenday, My Chemical Romance and Iron maidon. They rock don't they.

So i went down the stairs and grabbed a piece of toast and headed for the door and went to school.