Sequel: Resurecting Love

Desolate Love

Chapter Eight

Then I heard a door open and dad shout my name. I never realised that dad was home. He yelled again.

“Coming,” I bellowed. My throat hurt for a bit after that odd out burst.

I got up slowly, still in my black school uniform. If you think that I wear school skirts then you are seriously mistaken, only chav’s and prepp’s wear skirts, usually when they want to show their arses off.

I went into dad’s room. I froze. There was a lady with blonde hair and blue eyes looking me.

Dad came out of his bathroom and dropped his stuff on his bed.

“Who’s she and what the hell is going on?” I ordered.

“You should teach your children manners, Max.” The lady at the window had turned her glare up a notch.

“Who, Suki? She’s not mine. The other two are.” Dad ecstatically said. It was something about the way he said it that gave it away.

“Where are you going dad?”

“I’m leaving like you always wanted!” He shouted back.

Then I noticed the suitcase…. Dad’s leaving! Moving out!

“What about mum she needs the money and we need to be fed!”

“You should have thought about that before you told me I couldn’t see my wife!” He retaliated.

“So what did he tell you?” I asked the Lady, standing there. “That he’s some family man? Never done a thing wrong in his life? If so you are seriously mistaken.” I said giving dad the evils and the Lady a look of disgust. “He’s not wonder man and he never will be!” I shouted.

“The last time I checked no body’s perfect.” She smugly answered, she was giving me the most despised glance I’ve ever had and that always comes from Nicole.

“The last time I checked, dad’s weren’t suppose to-”

“Suki,” Dad thundered. “Karen, baby, can you go out side and wait by the car a second. I won’t be two minutes. I’m going to teach this raga-muffin some manners.” He smiled sweetly at her and she left the room.

“What do you reckon you’re playing at?” Dad said loudly.

“Telling her the truth, isn’t that good enough for you?” I told him.

“You are a snot nosed brat!” He shouted.

“So she’s your new found girlfriend then. Well, not newly found, as she’s the same person you slept with a while back.” I reminded him.

“You shouldn’t know about that.” He mumbled.

“Your love life really is disgusting, if it isn’t dismal already then why you had to sleep with me, I don’t know. You’re a sick, bald, old man that needs to sort himself out.” I summed up on the spot. It really isn’t easy to comment on this kind of thing with out sounding mental. I know I am mental but there’s no need to rub it in.

“You’ve gone too far.” He went to strike me with his fist.

“Well if you had signed the divorce papers like she asked then you wouldn’t be in this mess!”

“So everything’s my fault!” He argued. “Never any one else’s always mine. I suppose that’s because I’m the one that gets drunk and doesn’t know what he’s doing!” He went mental. Saying how Hitler nearly defeated us in the Second World War was his fault, to me; none of what he was saying made sense! So why he said it I don’t know!

“Yes. It is.” I snarled. I didn’t; do it like a dog, I suppose I just gritted it through my teeth I was so angry. “Not the part about the Second World War and the other nonsense you just said but the stuff about our lives is!”

“You’re a cow!” He Stormed.

“I’m the cow? I’m not the one that lied about who I was, Stephen, unless of course you haven’t told anyone your real name?” I concluded.

“I told her a new name to give me a chance to have a fresh start. A new life away from you and worries,” I glared at him and he stared at me.

“Alright I’ll give you a fresh start but in return I want you to do three things for me that is all, Otherwise I will call the police.”

“Ok so what do you want?” He asked.

“If you’re serious about this fresh start then this should be easy. Number one I want you to never drink again. That means no alcohol, ever! I want you never to rape a girl again, or a man for that matter. Most importantly though is I want you to get everything you have and leave and never come back. Don’t call, don’t write and don’t look for us. Even when you’re an old man and want to say sorry which I doubt you will ever do.” I finished.

“It’s a done deal if you never tell Karen anything about me.” He answered.

“Done,” I happily said as I shook his hand, I then helped him pack and watched him drive away in her car. I slammed the front door shut.

I best be looking for a job…