Story of a hilariously Awkward life

A new sidekick (literally) and Cat Attacks

OK, so in the last Chapter I left you hanging bout Jr and school. Like he isn't already a prankster enough...but before I move on, I'd like you to meet Mikael.

Meet Mikael, or as we call him Mika. Mika happens to be the same age as dearest Shay. He went to the same class as her, but sadly we never really discovered him until late November. When I say discovered, I meant LITERALLY.
Mika was a shy timid boy, big framed glasses, and in constant need of a pack of tissues. He was always put to the back of the class and was easily overlooked. Me and Shay thought he was a stalker at first, as he would constantly follow us around; everywhere we turn we bump into him...again, literally, and he will always be on the ground readjusting his glasses. We first discovered him when Shay fell in love. Yes, even warrior woman falls in love. She confessed her love to the boy with a song by The Pretenders- 'I'll stand by you' sadly the guy didn't want anyone standing by him and expressed it with a punch to her face. Kindergarten..pssh. I honestly wanted to get the guy, but Mika stood up and tripped him on purpose. Bad move. The guy turned out to be a bully, the baddest guy in kindergarten, turns out Shay had to save Mika and our friendship was formed.

In Mika, I saw me, myself and I. We had alot in common and turn out he was really intelligent for his age. His clear blue eyes was always deep but lights up like Christmas lights when he laughs or when he is really happy. The world beyond our doorstep was huge, but it was an amazing discovery that Mika, just live 5 mins away from us. That way our day never ended with just school. Not to mention the fact his father was a cop, slightly intimidating but none the less really awesome for us. Summer heat never did well with Mika, as he gets migraines often, earning him the name 'Crouching tiger, Hidden Mika'...Shay gave him that on a fluke by the way.
As my kindergarten year was slowly ending, I was sad moving to the 1st grade, no more being with Shay. I was glad that Mika was a good friend and I knew that he would keep an eye out for my sister. It was then I realized, Jr was to be enrolled, and I wept for Mika's inexperience in handling Jr and I wept for his free innocent mind.

Jr's first day at kindergarten was exciting for him. The poor teachers didn't even get a fair warning, neither did Mika. They didn't know that hurricane William was to be set out on a loose. My mom was dead worried, but somewhat relieved dropping off to school.
Unlike most kids, timid on the first day, Jr was the total opposite. He was grinning like a clown and can't wait for mom to leave the building. His eyes danced around excitedly at the toys and crayons and not to mention the juice carton. That was the last I saw Jr that day, because mom had to drop me off at my new grade one really knows what happen that day, except the teacher called mom up and beg her to take her son home for the day. By the time mom came to pick him up, most of the kids were afraid, the teacher had runny eyeliner and her hair was slightly a mess, not to mention the fact she aged 5 yrs older in just 4 hours!
After his first day at school, the teachers were more prepared for his coming, you actually see it in their stance. Their legs will be firmer to the ground, slightly apart, their lips pursed as they take a deep breath before closing the classroom door for the day. Soon they started taking opera lessons for Jr's coronation, ringing name. Most of his stunts and pranks though, was planned out by Shay. Jr has an idea, tell it to her in break time and by the time the next bell rings out, the teacher will be screaming his name out like a siren. Where was Mika in all of this? 2 places, either shivering in the closet of the classroom in fear, or bribed into look out. Sadly when I left, I forgot to count in dear old Mika's weakness for chocolate and cookies. Till this very day, he still goes weak for them.

Now, binging in a butt load of trouble means you got to build up a defense. You see, after the joy and glory of the pranking, you still have to face one major person in not the teacher, we face them's our mom. Yeah she was too a prankster of her time. She sometimes supported us, but she never supported disruption of society. She wanted us to have an education and not playing hooky...which Shay, Jr and a bribed, cookie eating Mika was an expert on. So what did they do? all 3 of them came up with the same excuse - Cat Attack. If they climb a tree, when they know they shouldn't be climbing and scraped their hand it was a cat attack. Missing classes was also due to cat attack...they had to run for their lives in the opposite direction. If their uniforms was attack. So in the end they left our mothers worried for vicious wild cats around the area, and also confused as to how well the other children survive without being attacked.
Yeah it was when our worried mothers went to the kindergarten to find out what actually happened. Did the 3 of them find out they were in deep shit? Heck no! I do believe I mentioned our mom was a prankster in her day. As usual they met up at my house after school. Honest to God, I was a witness to this... anyways, they were dirty and scraped and they begin the usual cat attack story. I seriously swore that I saw my mom trying to keep a straight face, honestly, their story was to ridiculous to be true. So what form of attack did our mom use? Easy, play along and sneakily outsmart them. This is how it when:

Shay : And then we had to run for our lives, and Mika tripped..

Mika:*nodding furiously* Yes! the cat was vicious and huuuuuuuge!

Mom:(fake gasp) Really?!?! How huge???

Jr: Giant huge, with stripes and all!!!

Mika: *nodding enthusiastically* Yep really Huge!!!!

Mom:(fake worry) Was it a stray cat???

Shay: YES! I didn't see a collar

Mom: What did you guys do to make the cat attack so viciously???

Shay: Nothing! honest!

Mom: so...the cat just attacked you?(keeping a straight face, with the help of lighting up a cigarette)

Mika: Uh huh!

Mom: Well then we must not take any chances then...get in the car 3 of you, I am driving you to see your mom in the hospital Mika.

Mika:*gulps* Why are we gonna see my mom?

Mom: well because you are under my care for now, and she is a nurse, the attack may caused an infection and we need to get the 3 of you to the hospital to get injections

At the word injections, the 3 of them froze up and when pale. Mom noticed it, and I must give them kudos for playing brave.

Mom: Well, what are we waiting for? The longer we wait the more the infection will spread and we may have to cut out your arms! (quickly gathering her things in hurry and fake worry)

I swore they were about to burst into tears of fear. One by one they sullenly walked to the car. After that, never again did we hear stories of cat attack in the same sentence with school....