Story of a hilariously Awkward life

Bedtime Stories and Sleepover from hell

Ok, Ok,
So we covered my sister's wedding, but believe me, more of that fun to come.
Heading back home to Mika was more exciting then ever. We had our best friend back, and it was that summer, we decided to make our family better, yes we took Mika in as a brother.

Now this has both good and bad in it and the really bad part is, he'd get in trouble like our brother...although he wasn't thinking about that part till later, when he realised too late: *Damn I'm stuck with THOSE Kids!* >.<

God bless Mika's soul for sticking out with us, there were many times when he got soo pissed off with our antics, that we thought we might have lost him, but he always returned. And we make nice again, before troubled started. As kids, our (minus Mika) bedtime stories were ghost stories, probably not a good idea when it came for Jr, because ghost stories had the opposite effect on him. Instead of scaring him, it inspired him to scare the crap out of anyone vulnerable, open and close enough to him. And the most common victims were me and Mika. Mika only got hit with the scaring prank whenever he sleeps over, and after the fourth time, he was practically holding on to his mother's leg in fear whenever she metioned that both her and his father had the graveyard shift, and that my mom agreed to the sleep over...

Once later on in life, when Jr moved out for high school, Mika confessed to me, that ever since he knew us; the only time he actually slept well was when we were visiting Singapore, the trips he made to Finland to visit family or when Jr had to go to camp...but that depended on Shays mood. I shook my head in grief, I knew what he meant, I was their blood sister and didn't sleep in peace until I left for high school! on with the story...

I remember it was the ending of Summer, we now knew Mika for a little over a year, and it was time to coronate him with his 5th sleep over. We have missed him too much, seeing as he left us for Finland the week before. We were bored off our minds and mama was watching us like a hawk. She didn't allow us to go to farmer Pete's river, because she was afraid of Jr drowning someone in the process of fun, besides we didn't want to shadow near farmer Pete's River, not after what happened with Mika. She did not let us go near the forest, because she had no time to run out and stop a skunk chasing us and she needed the house to be clean for Dad's arrival from the sea.

Jr, decided that Mika should pay for bailing out of house cleaning, seeing as he was now part of the family and started planning already how best to get his revenge. Shay declined to help Jr out at first, but when she had to help mom wash the toilet she quickly agreed with Jr's scheme. I was already praying for Mika's soul and decided to be his angel and warn him before hand but my plan of warning failed utterly. On the evening prior to Mika's arrival, I was already on a look out, tried to be sneaky, but wasn't sneaky enough for ever watching Shay. She practically haunted my every footstep. When she figured out what I was doing, I was doomed to be victim nr. 2.

Somewhere before dinner, Shay and Jr dissappeared, never a good sign...and unfortunately, I had no chance to sneak out and see what they were up too, seeing as mom needed the help she could get setting table. Mom yelled dinner was ready and hey presto! out of nowhere, in came Shay and Jr, with halos blinding everyone in sight and wings spreaded out. During dinner, the 'saints' were unusually polite and quiet at the dinner table, and once again, unlike any mothers who would be happy- mother dearest became tensed and started her well practiced roll of an interigator and our dinning room, became a make shift interigation room. She was bad cop, I played innocent cop instigating her roll due to the fear of what might come for me and Mika. Somehow those sneaky....lets just say they got away.

Dinner was over, my mother's nerves was almost shot, trying to figure what Shay and Jr was up too...when the doorbell rang along with Jr's scurrying to the door. Before my mom could even say 'Jack Robinsons I've figured it out!' the door was open and Shay's straight forwardness echoed the house that often made my mom see red, and the 'OH SHIT!' look on my mom's face... it went as so...

Jr: "HELLO MIKA!!!! HELLO ANITA!!! hey! where's Mika?"

Shay: "Mika why are you hiding behind your mother? Aren't you happy to see us?? Are you sick as usual?"

And just like that, my plans to warn him before hand failed. I still had hope, but those sneaky devils, offered to take his bags in and put it in his room, and with a blink of an eye, they dissapeared...again...along with Mika's bags. My mom didn't even get the chance to threaten them about not pulling another prank on the poor kid. I approached the door to see an unwilling Mika walk through it, sceptical and alert , half expecting for someone to jump and scare him. Smiling I lead him in and before I got to say 'How are you?'... everyone say the magic words with me! ready? 'HEY PRESTO!'...out pops Jr and Mika's face literally went white, quickly standing beside his mother...

Jr: "hello Anita, nice to see you, sorry to interupt, I think the 'cat' got in mama and disrupted the firewood, it's all over the place. Just wanted you to know."

At this point, Mika's eyes popped out in fear, scooting closer to his mother, while my mom looked at Jr in suspicion, but not wanting to be impolite to the guest, she said the words that make me go 'OOOOH SHIIIT!'..she said:

Mom: "Sonija, could you go out and tend to the firewood please?" ( with a stern look that say I won't take no for an answer)

I got up, slightly pissed off at scandinavia for it's cold weather and it's dependency on firewood. As I was about to head out of the door, I saw a devilish grin plastered on Jr's face, and with a split second, back to his angelic innocence and NO I Wasn't imagining it. Abandoning, mission: Saving Private Mika, I started to fear for myself as the garage was dark and night has fallen...

Now, being a chicken shit, I was naturally scared of the dark, it was the only time I could do things twice it's normal speed and run like the wind, from my overactive imagination and mom's stories. So the trip to the garage was a short one, but getting out of there was hell, seeing as Shay thought it was fun to steal my flashlight and slam the garage door shut before running of and entering the house by the back door. In short, my mom had to juggle soothing a freaked out, crying me, coaxing Mika; telling him that it was ok staying over ( I wasn't helping much at that point) and punish the devils, who became experts of duck, run, cover and use Mika as shield. After the loud chaos was gone, Anita long gone and bidded goodbye, my mom worned out, decided it was time everyone prepared for bed.

Preparing for bed was a chaos on it's own. Brushing teeth meant being overly senstive or overly curious about each other's teeth, which often resulted to sticking a thumb up the faucet and splasing everyone with water, which led to a long never ending nag from mom while we wiped the mirror dry and blaming each other or giggling under our breath. Changing into pyjamas meant, swinging the long pants above the head, Jr's time to shine as Tarzan, Shay, tripping Mika on purpose, he pushing her back making her loose a balance and fall on her bed and it always ended the same, someone gets hurt or pissed...another long nag from mom. Then it's time to get the beddings out. The person who got hurt usually is still pissed off, and start up a whole new chaos, by impolitely asking someone to pass him/her a pillow. And that someone wouldn't like the tone being used, throws the pillow and next thing you know, a pillow fight breaks out. Now the pillow fight always leads to the final outcome of the night. If it ended in tears, meant mom's blood pressure running high and the windows tremble out the echos of her scream and lights out...if it ended in laughter, meant mom's blood pressure's still running high, but we got each other backs and it was time for stories. The only time where we did our nightly duties fast and orderly and saint like, was went there was a really good late night movie on tv. That's when we dragged our materesses down to the hall and camp there for a night.

On this night there was no good movie, and mom was pissed, so the chaos was the usual, and the pillow fight ended in tears and my mom still pissed from previous events, turned the lights off and left us to sleep. Rolling over I fell asleep fast, afraid of the dark, when it happened. At around 2 am I heard Mika's screams, Jr's ringing laughter, Shay's giggles and a hard thud on the floor. Mika was soon in tears, mom came in the room like Jason from hell, minus chain saw and hockey ask. At that point Jussi 69 had NOTHING on her hair! It was sticking out in all directions with eyes wild with rage. Her sudden appearence in the room, earned a gasp from Jr, before he burst out laughing and pointing at her appereance, uncle Charles advice flew from his brain. Shay pretended to sleep but couldn't silence the giggle of Jr's stupidity and on the floor, a crying Mika. The light in the room was turned on, making Mika screamed one more time, and I didn't realise why until I heard a loud 'QUACK!' , there on his bed was a huge duck and for the second time, a flap of wings, which I thought I heard in a dream an woke me up in the first place.

And soon another chaos broke out, that lead me protecting Mika, jumping from bed to bed, Shay's ringing laughter, mom's blood pressure rising..again, trying to chase the duck and cornering Jr at the same time, scaring the duck in the process. Not to mention the swear words coming from her in 7 different languages. Finally she caught hold of the duck, and Jr's collar, she stiffled Shay for good, by snarling the two words she feared most in that tone :' YOU'RE NEXT!' before walking out. Jr's face was already white from the fate that awaited him, Shay's face turned whiter, as mom dragged my brother off to his fate. Duck half flew, half thrown out to the garden, Jr got locked up in the basement she came back for Shay, marched her off to the attic. Came back with a good hot cup of cocoa and a box of tissues for Mika, while I helped to get ready a new set of bedding for him and I in a new room, and my mom calmed and soothe him down, her hair still sticking out in places, which didn't help Mika's fears much...
As for Shay and Jr, they got the punishment that was coming for them, clean out duck poo from the bedroom, get rid of the duck and grounded for a month. If they so much planned revenge, she'd drive them up to the moutains like Hansel and Gretel and leave them there to face the music...aka ghost ad spirits of the forest and a wicked witch thrown in there somewhere , much like the duck... Mika and I were saved...but only for a short while, but you'll just have to wait for the next chapter! ;)