A Love Like This

Part I

I want to tell you a story, a true one at that. See it started in August of 2006. I was fifteen and he was seventeen, and I was white and he was black. He was tall and I was short, but we had a connection that was right. Now it was strange, and we didn't want to admit it yet we let it be known. Not from speaking it but, from just knowing. We met on a website, which most would find stupid, even we did. Yet we weren't looking for a relationship, we weren't looking for love. We just found it, it came to us. I couldn't deny him, his morals were just too good to pass up. He was handsome, adorable, humorous and not to mention loveable. He was a family man, a man that a woman would want in her future. How could I let that go just because of how we met? I couldn't.

Back then he stood around six foot, he had a fade cut. Pretty brown eyes, and a babyface. He tried to be tough (playfully) but inside he was a sweetheart. For him it was hard to open up to anyone, let alone a girl, let alone about his love. He'd been attracted to someone at his school for three years. Then along came this little 15 (almost 16) year old girl. She didn't have a clear picture of her face. He remembers it being one of the side of her face, and she was wearing a red baseball cap. With her brown hair slipped through the back, in a ponytail. From what he could tell, she was cute but it was her personality that won him over. She had such a loving heart, and her plans for the future were what he was looking for. She'd been hurt and he didn't like that. A girl so sweet, shouldn't be hurting. He was confused, lost, didn't know what he should do. Either pick this girl he just met or the girl he's cared about for years. So he continued to talk to her, but he didn't make any decisions yet.

The first time we talked, he had me interested. I mean from the first message he ever sent me, he had me smiling from ear to ear. Even though I had just broken up with my boyfriend two days before, who lied and cheated. I remember it like yesterday, August 6th, 2006. My whole life was about to change and I didn't even know it. We were so interested in eachother, I talked to him more than I talked to anyone else. Which was odd for me, seeing as I don't open up to others easily. Yet with him, it's as if we could talk about anything, and we did. Right from the start we asked questions trying to get to know one another. We went from, "What's your name?" to, "What's your favorite position?" in less than a month. Yet we didn't care about sex. For us, it was more about curiosity and mental attraction. He even told me from the very beginning that he was a Christian and wanted to wait until marriage, and I loved that. He was so different from every other guy that I had known. He had morals, he had his head on straight and he knew what he wanted in life. So of course it was only natural that a hopeless romantic girl like myself, would fall head over heels for him.

After a few weeks things were already getting complicated. An old friend of mine found me on MySpace and we started talking. See, I had feelings for him when we used to hang out. I forgot about them because we hadn't talked in so long. I told him that though just to get it out of the way, and he confessed feelings for me too. So of course, I was confused. I mean then, I knew him for a little over three years. It was hard to just push those feelings to the side now knowing he had them for me this whole time too. So, I did the only thing I could do, I told Korey (that's the man). He told me that I should give the other guy a chance. Because he's been in the situation where he had feelings for a girl, and some other guy got in his way, and it killed him inside. So, I was even more confused after that. I was hurt also, because I wanted him to stop me, I wanted him to say no. I wanted him to say that he wanted me. Yet he didn't. So I waited, and a day later I brought it up to him again, and he said, "Yeah speaking of that. Now that I think about it, I can't picture anyone touching that booty but me, haha." I swear, even though it may sound wrong to you. That was the best thing I had ever heard in my life. That's how he expressed himself, he couldn't be 100 percent serious. I knew he meant it though, we may had just met a month ago, but I knew him.

And nothing can surpass that September night when we were on AIM, and he was actually in a serious mood. One of the things he said was, "Well sometimes you have to put the bullshit aside and be serious." I love that about him, how he can be funny yet, serious when he truly needs to be. Though this was the first time I witnessed it. He told me he kept thinking about me, and a certain song his dad is always listening to. A jazz one, by a really good musician. His name's Kem, I don't know if you've ever heard of him. The song is called, "You Are" and he said he was picturing me up against a wall. With him against me, and his hands holding mine above my head. Then, slowly going in for a kiss. I felt my heart melt at that statement, he wanted exactly what I wanted. It was so hard being away from eachother, even though we just met. It was crazy. He said he was thinking about me, so I asked what kind of thoughts,

"Dates, kisses, foreplay, waking up and seeing you laying there."
"Do every find it weird how you think of these things, when we haven't even met?"
"That's the only part that confuses me. Why do you think we think of it already?"
"I never thought curiosity was that curious, this quick."
"But how could there be a desire yet?"
"If you take a pic of your ass and face, there's a desire right there! Even though its the wrong one, but I don't lust after you, I think about you a lot though."
"But why? That's the only question. How can two people think of one another so much, yet only speak online?"
"Make a movie out of this shit, haha"
"It happens."

The conversation went on from there. We went off topic, got a little silly just to cool things down a little, I guess. Get our heads straight, yet it started right back up. I'm glad too, because this is when it really all started. When things were out in the open and there was no holding back.

"I'm sitting here thinking right in front of my computer, looking at the screen. Damn, I'm a thinker." He said.
"Thinking about what?"
"Well what do you think about me caring for you?"
"That's perfect, but I keep thinking what if you're the one............."

And I know when he puts a lot of dots, that meant he was pausing. I swear, my heart fell yet felt like it was flying at that moment. And my head was spinning, all I could do was ask,

"and what if I am?"
"Then I'm meeting my future now, right now."

Which to a young lady like me, is the perfect answer. So I had to keep it going, I couldn't let this moment just pass me by. He was finally opening up, he was doing what I wanted. What I've always needed a man to say.

"and is that good or bad?"
"It can't be bad to fall in love...Can it?"
"Not if the other person loves you back, in this case...No, its not bad to fall in love."
"Silence has surrounded us."
"I think we're both just in deep thought right now."
"I don't know, but you're on my mind more than ever right now. I'm not thinking about anything else, JUST YOU. For real."
"That's what I do everynight before I go to sleep. Even when I wake up you're beginning to be the first thought I have."
"Man, I seem to have a big impact on you, but I didn't do anything except be myself."
"Exactly, maybe it's because you're being real, and just being you."
"Oh shit...My right eye just started watering up out of nowhere..."
"Like a tear."
"Awww, why?"
"I never cry though, except for thinking about losing my parents. I don't know, I'm just kind of sensitive like that. KIND OF! haha"
"There's nothing wrong with that."

And we just went on and on for hours. It was perfect, except for long nights alone, away from him.
♠ ♠ ♠
The beginning of a lifetime.