"If i do ever get married, it won't be to a girl.

Beyond Divine Intervention.

-Omar's POV-
I slipped off the bed and knelt down besides Billy.
“Are you sure you want this?” I asked him.
“Yes…please, Omar.”
I bent my head towards his face and whispered “Okay.” Then I kissed him gently on the lips, stood up, and began to take off my jeans. Shivering, I could tell Billy was staring at me. Turning back towards the bed, I could see him chewing at his lip again. Another trail of blood flowed down his chin. Once I was fully naked, I stood there for a moment, letting him gaze longingly at me. I didn’t need him to tell me I looked hot. The word “lust” was written across his face in big, bold letters.

-Billy’s POV-

Ohmigod. If he doesn’t stop teasing me soon, I’ll be done before we start. He sauntered over to where I lay, still with my painfully obvious and obviously painful erection. Omar straddled me again and began to inch my jeans and boxers down my hips. Gasping at the friction, I tried to grab his wrists. But he just shook his head and kissed me to silence my protests. Little by little, my pants crept down until they were lying on the floor. He broke away from our kiss and covered my mouth with his hand.
“You know this is gonna hurt, right?” he asked, running a finger in small circles up and down the inside of my thigh.
I whimpered as best I could through his hand and nodded. Let’s just get this over with I thought as his finger trialed closer to my boner. I moaned, wanting it to end and go on forever at the same time. Call me a wuss, but I think I liked it better when we just kissed. One look at his pale face and I could tell he was close.
“Okay, you wait, babe.” he said. “I’m gonna go find the lube.” With some difficulty, he climbed off me and padded over to the dresser, where he began opening drawers.
Wait…what does he mean, he already has lube? I mean, I know I’m not his first, but does he have to make it so painfully obvious? I could feel my stomach clenching and thought I might be sick. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
All too soon, he was back, clutching a small bottle. Magically, I was lying on my stomach, with him behind me. I could hear him whispering to me that he’s sorry this is going to hurt but it’ll be really good in the end. None of it seemed real to me- it was too sudden. It felt like I could pinch myself and everything, the bed, the clothes on the floor, would be gone. Then Omar whispered to me to brace myself, and I knew it wasn’t a dream.
I felt push into me and felt my body spasm. The pain caused tiny stars to appear in front of me, blurring my vision. I let out an involuntary whimper. IT HURT! The sharp feeling stopped for a moment, then was back again, worse than before. In and out he went, until the pain dulled to a throb. Omar started to thrust faster, so I grabbed at the sheets and began praying. With a lurch, I remembered that churches say God frowns on this sorta thing. Knowing that I was beyond any cosmic help, I shut my eyes and hoped I would still be able to walk when this was over.
I felt him pull all the way out and knew this was the end. He pushed himself into me harder than before and – a wave of pleasure swept over so *cough cough* orgasmic that it made me moan louder than would normally be expected